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Post at 16-8-2010 02:48  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #58 CunningLinguist's post

Spicing up reports for admiration purposes?  With pics or with harlequin novel type posting?

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CunningLinguist   16-8-2010 03:10  Acceptance  +1   There are many manifestations
hunter   16-8-2010 02:49  Acceptance  +1   Double Photoshop real WG pics.
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Post at 16-8-2010 02:57  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #61 bethpageblack's post

I love sinking. But you know me well for the past years, I am  80% most of the time category no. 8 - The cold heart bastard. and category no.9 - ManWhore!

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CunningLinguist   16-8-2010 03:10  Acceptance  +1   You're just confused most of the time!

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Post at 16-8-2010 04:08  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #52 akka's post

Good list, but I would like to propose another category...

Someone who...
  • is greedy as fuck and always wants to do all the hot girls, and wants to see them genuinely want him
  • is proud to show off his mojo in getting a great time with the girls
  • feels guilt in his obsessive punting, and who suspects himself (in full fucked-up yet self-aware irony) as looking for some form of evidence that he is actually not a bad person after all, by having the object of his guilt be really into him and think the world of him
  • is nihilistic enough to foresee crash-endings but goes through with them anyway, often to the heartbreak of WGs, and who then comforts himself in thinking that in some way he has done them some good in hardening them to the realities of men so they can continue with their careers better prepared
  • is in effect and by nature a cunning liar, to both himself and the girls
I'm sure you'll agree, this would be one fucked up SOB! But then, who are we to judge? All are different. Mongers vary, as do WGs.

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Post at 16-8-2010 06:32  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #63 CunningLinguist's post

Heh- not judging mate; just observing that most of your list fits into one of my realms. Are you telling me that treating the WG to dinner etc is not being the showboat? "look at me? Aren't I great my friends - this chick loves me and will stop whoring herself for me"?

I think that does fir nicely into the showboat category lol

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Post at 16-8-2010 08:02  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by bethpageblack at 15-8-2010 20:28
Firstly, please try to remember, I'm making generalizations - I'm not talking about individuals.

Lastly, I'd have to disagree completely with your statement above.  Young civi gals aren't exactly like stealing candy from a baby.  I'm not singling you out, but it's going to be undeniably harder for some than others.

no one is saying it's easy, I am simply saying it is possible.

we are talking about how we treat people? or we are talking about giving gifts to WG's as stated in an earlier post?

(1) Treat people well, why not.

(2) Give gifts if you want, don't if you don't want. If I meet a girl in a bar, I buy her drinks, food etc... perhaps somewhat "gift like"? but not to stroke my ego or make me think "this could be real". I do it because it's nice, I do it because I want her company, I do it because a satisfied WG is a happy one, and a happy one will blow me better...
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Post at 16-8-2010 08:27  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #64 akka's post

I'm not sure that taking a WG to dinner does necessarily qualify as a "showboat". Maybe I just don't understand the word "dinner".

The way is see it, people have to eat anyway. And many would rather share this moment with somebody (friends, relatives, workmates, girlfriends, wive etc...).
A monger could be alone (on holiday, business trip etc...) in a city and meet a WG willing to have dinner with him. As long as the WG seems  interesting (funny, intelligent etc...)  enough to share some little time out of the bed with her, why one should necessarily refrain from inviting her to dinner ?

Off course, some could argue that this person could try and chat up a civie to take her dinner instead of taking out a prostitute. But others could also say that this person should have chatted up a civie and have sex with them instead of going and pay a WG for sex.

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Post at 16-8-2010 08:44  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #52 akka's post


I would classify the bros who go beyond the call of Customer / service giver transactional relationship into a handful of categories. [...]

5) The genuine - This guy actually really does like the girl in an almost sinking ship type of way and will over look the fact that she can't walk straight due to 8 hrs of fucking that day with other dudes; for love. By attempting to take them out of their natural environment, he is testing the water to see how they fair when the clock is note ticking down at the rate of 13 bucks a minute. He fails to realise that it is all false though because he is a client. He has paid to violate her, and she will not seem him as a traditional guy. He is a whore mongerer and regardless of whether she is a whore or not, ask a 100 women in the street if she could settle down with a monger, over 80% if they were truthful would say no I guess.  [...]

Why do the girls accept the gifts and go on dinners?

4) Love. She mistakes his guilt for love.

Hey, wait a minute !

At first , it seems like the punter in the category 5 and the WG in the category 4 are good match. They could meet a have a happy end

But you seem to make it impossible for them to meet and live a happy life.

From your writing I understand that on one hand  the "GENUINE" likes the WG and take them out to test the water and see if they're fair.  But he could not see she can't love him back because he's a monger who paid to "violate" her and won't see him as a traditional guy. On the other hand  a WG could love their client. But she would mistake his guilt for love. Therefore a client can't love a WG. So I'm a bit lost !

[ Last edited by  conqueror77 at 16-8-2010 02:02 ]

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Post at 16-8-2010 11:50  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #64 akka's post

Yes, according to #2, that guy is prone to being proud!

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Post at 16-8-2010 12:54  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by bethpageblack at 15-8-2010 08:46
I'm guilty as charged - I have done it a couple times before.   ...

As I suspected, this thread and your question are entirely about you.  

It is YOUR perception that there is some unalienable right for a punter to treat a girl purely as a hole for his overinflated dick, and that any punter who does anything beyond the simple pay-for-play contract is somehow to be pitied.  

BTW I do agree that there are specific cases of guys being taken for a ride, overcompensating for their diminished egos, trying to deny the impact of their balding grey pates, etc. etc.  Akka's list is thought-provoking!  

But for you to say that

there's nothing truly special about these chicks that they deserve such nice behavior from you guys


It's really unnecessary to shower them with all that attention

so completely misses the point it's laughable.  And (the reason I'm writing this response) it's arrogant and condescending of you to put yourself in a position to judge and criticise the actions of a generous man.  


It's about the client (punter, john, mark, call him whatever you will).  
It's about the attitude HE brings to the relationship.  
It's about the feelings and rewards HE experiences flowing from his generosity.  

If a guy reading this thread is wondering how he should treat a girl he likes, IT IS UP TO HIM AND HIM ALONE.  
And ...
the fact that you want to incite others to stop being more generous than YOU think they should be - in spite of (or more likely because of) being "guilty as charged" - is your shit not theirs.

Bro, let them walk their path.  You're on yours, walk it the way you want to, but as you yourself say

... IMHO.  We can agree to disagree and that's cool.

And IMHO that's where you should have started this entire thread!!

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conqueror77   17-8-2010 03:29  Acceptance  +3   I wish I could give +20 Karmas ;)
barney.winkel   16-8-2010 23:10  Karma  +5   well said
akka   16-8-2010 22:38  Karma  +1   Exactly hehe
akka   16-8-2010 22:38  Acceptance  +10   Exactly hehe

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Post at 16-8-2010 14:28  Profile P.M. 
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Chinese Valentine's Day.

Today is Chinese Valentine Days, lunar calendar of 7th Month, Day 7.

Anybody of you buying flower and gifts for WGs?
Today is a good day to propose to your WG "Down on my bended knee, to my dearest, would you let me Privatise you?".
"I vow that I will feed you and bang the shit out of you, in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad. "

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Post at 16-8-2010 14:43  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #70 hunter's post

I believe the Chinese V day is on the 15th of the first lunar month !  ???
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Post at 16-8-2010 17:35  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #71 twiceAweek's post

It is today!!!

Because my FB called up and ask for her gift......
I forgot bout it....

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akka   16-8-2010 22:39  Acceptance  +10   Give her a good seeing to.

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Post at 16-8-2010 18:42  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #72 hunter's post

Yes, definitely something along the lines today... Got a few QQ messages come through about it. Best to ignore and pretend ignorance!

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Post at 16-8-2010 18:44  Profile P.M. 
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It is today.  I'm not sending any gifts, but I did text a couple of my regulars.
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Post at 16-8-2010 20:36  Profile P.M. 
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Would any bro who knows the lunar calander well please explain this ...

as far as I know today is the lunar day for girl/boy meeting up once a year (or something like that)
while the 15th day of the first month is the real V day ...

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CunningLinguist   16-8-2010 20:40  Acceptance  +1   correct
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Post at 16-8-2010 20:57  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #69 DArtagnan's post

Of course anyone can do whatever you want with these WGs, it's totally up to each person.  

I'm just pointing out that it's unnecessary.  That's all.   Don't read behind what I wrote for some other meaning or whatnot.

If these guys want to go buy swamp land in Florida or buy a bridge in Brooklyn, by all means, go right ahead.  If some guys want to save some bucks, they can.  If they want to continue to shower these gals with gifts, that's fine too.  No shit off my shoe.  

Lastly, I don't appreciate you calling me arrogant and condescending.  If you disagree with me, fine, but don't tell me what I can judge and write and cannot.
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Post at 16-8-2010 22:37  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by bethpageblack at 16-8-2010 20:57
Of course anyone can do whatever you want with these WGs, it's totally up to each person.   ...

bro, that's not the tone of your thread.  You set out from the outset to make a strong case that bros shouldn't be treating their whores as well as they say they do in their reports.  Read it again.  

Now don't get me wrong: I think it's great that you're sharing your experience across the border in China.  I think you're onto something, and wish you well in picking up the hotties you like.  Would love to hear more about your experiences, and any tips you can share.  

But for you to phrase it in terms that puts down those bros who are generous to the girls they meet in HK frankly makes my blood boil.  For you to imply that somehow guys SHOULDN'T be generous is something I take great exception to.  

How you treat your girls is your choice and your karma.  You don't have to put others down in order to build yourself up.  

I'm not picking on you personally, I don't know you from Adam.  

I'm taking a stand, and writing what I think is important in the context of a Forum that is read by thousands of guys around the world.

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Post at 16-8-2010 22:46  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #69 DArtagnan's post

You are escalating and accusing beth to be arrogant and condescending. He is just writing his opinion on why do we need to shower (over do it) WGs with so much goodies, treating them like a princess and why do we need to make a clear distinction between civi gal versus WG.    I kinda agreed most of the things he said.

But the real question is why are we doing it? Hoping for privitisation? FBs? Free sex?
I believe at this juncture, we have not seen too much bros coming forward with an answer.
I was expecting more bros from the HK Reports section to chip in.

The biasness towards WG is more prevalent when a bro punt in Chna. As mentioned earlier, Dime a D ozen.
For those who punt and lives in PRC, you learn how much puss there is and you be a sucka to treat a WG equally to a Civi gal. This is life and WG in PRC accept the fact that punter is always a punter!!
sometime I wish I was 50% as badass and cold blooded as the local PRC punter, drawing a line between a civi gal and a WG. But I was not brought up the chinese way, I love to sink and fell for fresh tight twat.

So we can't compare with other countries where supply of WG is limited. But PRC HGs in HK is not exempted from this discussion.

Bottom line, Who are we to judge how another punter treats a WG?
We are NOT TELLING nor INSTRUCTNG how you should treat a WG but we are only telling other bros what we THINK and our OPINION.

[ Last edited by  hunter at 16-8-2010 22:54 ]

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bethpageblack   17-8-2010 07:55  Karma  +1   you cold hearted bastard
bethpageblack   17-8-2010 07:55  Acceptance  +1   you cold hearted bastard

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Post at 17-8-2010 00:32  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by twiceAweek at 16-8-2010 20:36
Would any bro who knows the lunar calander well please explain this ...

as far as I know today is the lunar day for girl/boy meeting up once a year (or something like that)
while the 15th day of the  ...

I read that it is simply the 7th month and 7th day on the lunar calendar.
I guess that would fall on a different western calendar day each year.
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Post at 17-8-2010 00:51  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #78 hunter's post

Perhaps there are two VERY general groups of guys:

1) those who view it as simply a fun, stress-release, one-time thing. They don't feel the need for an emotional attachment with her. They are completely happy without it.

2) those who are looking for more GFE and all the feelings that go along with it. They like the sinking feeling. they want that deeper fantasy. In order to get that feeling, you gotta get to know her better, so you gotta do a bit extra - which means hanging out, meals, something that usually requires spending more money and time.

Neither is right or wrong, just how you enjoy the game.

So basically getting back to the original OP question, "is there a need to treat them so well?"..... it all depends on what results you are looking for.

Its sort of like the difference between true friends and acquaintances. Some people want to make friends out of everyone they meet, and others don't mind keeping certain people as acquaintances.

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conqueror77   17-8-2010 03:39  Acceptance  +1   Favorable

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