Originally posted by CanuckGuy at 21-10-2008 02:25
Example: if the HIV numbers (unprotected, single penetrating sex act with an HIV positive person) is 1 in 1000 in general, there are a ton of things that can change that number around, making it better or worse.( ...
Whatever the stated probability of catching AIDS from one encounter of unprotected sex with an HIV positive girl, and most experts say it is roughly 1/1000, those odds are calculated from observation of real infection rates among real people. And since that population of real people will manifest all of the complicating factors mentioned in the last few posts - possible cuts/abrasions on the penis, for instance - those factors have already been figured into that 1/1000 figure. Of course, if YOU are an individual with a cut on your dick, then yes, your chances of infection are higher. All the stats are saying is that the chances of having such a cut AND being unlucky enough to encounter an HIV positive girl who's shedding significant amounts of the virus are quite low.
That said, only a fool would consider the risk of catching Aids from one encounter of unprotected sex sufficiently low to justify going bareback. Always use a condom and the chances of infection are then sufficiently low that they can be safely ignored. We ignore very low probabilities of catastrophe in all of of our daily behaviors - like the chance of dying in a car accident - so it would be irrational to treat sex any differently. Thinking in terms of worst case scenarios can be a useful intellectual exercise; however, you'd never get out of bed in the morning if you tried to live your life as if those things would really happen to you.
Most of us in this forum ARE only having one encounter with these girls by the way.