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Post at 24-4-2013 07:38  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #40 Oneaday's post

Good to see that you admit to lying in your report, albeit indirectly.   

I also disagree with naming and shaming without sufficient evidence, and i had a run in with a punter who did that recently when he pointed the finger at a wg who later proved to be clear of std. Since she asked you not to say anything, you did the honourable thing by keeping that to yourself. However,providing a glowing report with important omitted details on a girl who provided a dangerous service shows a total disregard for the interests of the forum community. Best to keep the encounter to yourself if you wish to honour a promise - this way you can honour your promise while not inaccurately reporting an encounter.
By the way, you say wanted to protect her but you did a piss poor job in doing that anyway!!! Heck, you wrote only one report before you said you thought you had std. You also provided various clues that it was her. Doesn't take a genius to figure that one out. You say you don't want to make accusations and play a part in losing business but you also state your willingness to pm her details to any guy willing to know

By the way, we are not mind readers - special service could be uniform, fingering (a lot of girls don't provide that so it could be sth reserved for particular customers)
DArtagnan (unofficial Mayor of the Forum)
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Post at 24-4-2013 10:10  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Oneaday at 23-4-2013 23:38
Ps. Are u telling me that every bro out there who made a report has not lied in the past about if they played it safe or not?  ...

you seem a bit confused about reporting standards

the best guidance for you to consider is "what sort of report do you want to read?"

Do YOU want to read an exaggerated report that is incomplete, which causes you to visit a girl you wouldn't want to visit if you were fully informed?
Or do you prefer to have accurate unbiased information that empowers you to find just exactly the girl you most want to fuck?  

We have no control over the integrity of people who write reports, and most of the time have no way of telling if a specific report is accurate or not.  But we notice patterns, that people who deliberately write inaccurate reports tend to do it often, and those people who write verifiably accurate reports tend to be consistently reliable.  

as a result, contributors have a reputation

those contributors who establish a good reputation are awarded the most Karma,
while those contributors who get caught out lying or exaggerating are (at least) challenged, and they may lose Karma or access privileges

all this should, of course, be obvious ... but since you brought it up as a doubt in your mind, I thought you might find it useful to have the obvious pointed out to you.

Yeah, some bros lie.  We know that.  The question is can we rely on information YOU share?  And if we can't what then?

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!

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