Subject: Have you been caught by your wife/gf?
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Post at 16-4-2012 10:50  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by slimshanks at 16-4-2012 09:13
Damn bro my sentiments exactly.  I hate what the American culture has become with respect to this feminist bullshit that my fathers generation allowed to happen.  Way too many of my friends just roll  ...

Great post!!!  I hate to see the way my old friends in America live their life with their wives. I feel so bad for them. Many times I have taken my asian gfs and then my asian wife with me to visit them in America (I have taken PRC, HK, Thai and Philippine girls to visit my friends in US), all of their wives hated my girls because they treated me nicely and they were afraid my friends would expect them to treat them as nicely too. I remember one time at a dinner we were having drinks and a new round of drinks arrived and the men opened the cans for their wives and poured the drinks into the glass for them without even thinking about it. At the same time my PRC girlfriend opened my can and poured my drink for me. She was proud of herself for doing it, but the other wives just stared at her with black faces and my friends were all stunned and scared of what their wives were going to do.

After that dinner some of my friends were banned from going out with me again if I had a gf with me because they said it was disgusting to see a woman demean herself like that. A couple of the wives want to see us more often because they felt that my gf needed to be trained and they would help her learn the American style.

And you might think that the girls I took with me thought it was good that girls can be the ones in control, but all them thought it was horrible to see my friends wives acting like that and asked me why my friends would be willing to live like that. I just told them all that is normal life in America and that is why I live in Asia.

Now that we are in our mid 40s, a couple of my friends have gotten divorces and come to visit me here. They also had a problem with 'paying for it'. I explained to them Asian culture is different. You are not paying to have sex with a girl, you are paying her to go away after you finish. Kind of like how you paid more than half of your assets to your wife to get a divorce. But here you can just pay as you go and you don't have to give them your house.

After I told one of my friends that, 20 minutes later he had the biggest smile I ever saw on his face in a Macau sauna on his first ever trip outside of America, 4 girls climbing all over him, 1 girl cleaning each of his ears, one girl giving a manicure and another girl giving a thigh massage, and a lineup coming so he could choose which girl to take into the room, where the ugliest girl in the lineup was still twice as hot as his ex-wife. I could see his 20 years of marriage pain being cleansed from his body when we told me he never believed all the things I told him about Asia until now and now he understands why I never came back.

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rajrammer   19-6-2012 08:55  Karma  +4   Great stuff!
heymikey   25-5-2012 14:03  Acceptance  +1   Well done! :)
sirtiger   17-4-2012 20:40  Acceptance  +3   Excellent
kelvesc   17-4-2012 00:09  Karma  +1   This White man speak with straight tongue. No forked tongue here lol. I love Asi ...
slimshanks   16-4-2012 11:22  Karma  +1   Right on Brother.
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Post at 16-4-2012 12:19  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #41 superich's post

That was one of the first things that caught me off guard during the second date with my Pinay.  We were dancing, having a blast and I was sweating like a pig.  She constantly kept taking her bare hand and wiping sweat off of my face, forehead and neck.  Then she grabbed a bunch of napkins and did the same thing with the napkins.  Our drink glasses started sweating as well and she took napkins and wrapped them around the glasses.  Now damn I know I am once again paying her for her time, but no damn white woman would do that for me no matter how much I paid her.  Plain and simple,  I am Slim a complete man whore and I love Asian women!!!

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sirtiger   17-4-2012 20:41  Acceptance  +1   Favorable
superich   16-4-2012 13:03  Karma  +1   Excellent
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Post at 17-4-2012 00:00  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #40 slimshanks's post

""Yah but I have a problem paying for sex." - Yeah, I have guy friends who are like this and I'm like,'re a guy and you're single. What's the difference between hooking up with a random civvie and hooking up with a hot hooker? Pretend to be all moralistic but they are messed up in other ways in their life. fuck that..
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Post at 17-4-2012 02:31  Profile P.M. 
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I was discussing this with a friend a few days back (although talking about affairs rather than WG) but his attitude was very similar to many here. His view (and I share it I guess) is that feminist culture in the west is to blame in many cases for unhappy men looking elsewhere.

In my experience of western vs asian women (in general) is seems that western women are more willing to let a guy destroy himself to please her and then criticise it whereas an asian woman will genuinely feel gratitude for kindness and not be as interested in power games.

My friends attitude was that if he ever got caught out having an affair he wouldn't be upset at being found out but the possible hurt it would cause. His attitude is, that if he met someone he wanted to be with more than his SO he'd go for it as life's too short and it'd mean his relationship wasn't as good as it might be.

for me, simple methods to keep a separate identity would be the way to go. I wouldn't be as brave as many others
Frenchexpat (Faites chier la vache)
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Post at 17-4-2012 15:40  Profile P.M. 
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I love my SO, deeply, truly madly... But like many on this forum, I need my average punt to make sure I get enough sex . For the moment its restricted to non risky but still, having a naked girl next to me CBJ or HJ is a must have.

There are risks associated to mongering and loosing the SO on a stupid move is one of those. If you cant live knowing the consequences, dont monger...

Now about never ever mongering after getting married, that is BS and as Wander said, we have needs, going for a wg is a way of satisfying those needs. Doesnt mean I dont love my SO, just means I have a larger sexual need than she does.
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Post at 18-4-2012 02:16  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Just thought of something to help y'all. Take a little bit from your punt-fund a month and join a gym. Coming back from a session smelling fresh.... You can say you felt sticky and went to the gym for a shower. Or a quick workout. Which.... Wouldn't be TOO far from the truth even. Haha

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doghead   27-4-2012 15:06  Acceptance  +1   10mins running 2 appointments in heat/humidity wil giv him da needed BO
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Post at 27-4-2012 14:54  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by superich at 16-4-2012 10:50

Great post!!!  I hate to see the way my old friends in America live their life with their wives. I feel so bad for them.

EH', that's a generalization about Americans (and probably us Aussies too) A lot of people are very open to this, and there are many people that are in an "open marriage". i.e. a marriage where both parties are allowed to fool around providing full discloure.

That being said, I agree this is a GREAT POST , just no karma/acceptance to show for it hahahaha.
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Post at 27-4-2012 15:59  Profile P.M. 
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Nope, never been caught by GF but I think one suspected.  Other people figured it out when I started because I wasn't experienced and didn't hide it well.  Now I have a disguise and even bring my own soap.
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Post at 27-4-2012 18:36  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #48 newbieenewbiee's post

Own soap - is a great idea !   Bring your own condom and own soap.

I have bene caught5 a few times. But always denied any sex.
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Post at 27-4-2012 18:46  Profile P.M. 
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The gym membership is a good one. Explains the weird soap smell. I actually got a small bottle of the same soap the WGs always use, and brought it to my gym and leave it in my gym bag. If ever I smell off, I can reach in the gym bag and say "is this what you are smelling?"  I haven't had to do it yet, but I have hat trick up my sleeve.

But I rarely have to use it. Te easiest way to not get caught is to put an ocean between you and your punts. As long as you come back Undiseasedand make sure to check your clothes ad get a good shower in the hotel before you get back, it's hard to get caught.

The place I hear a lot of people get busted is the phone or computer. This is the key. Always use the incognito browsing on chrome, never use your real phone, and never store pics anywhere that anyone but you can ever have access to. Use online storage, and make sure you have that protected, and use a special user and password for protecting access to that and all of your other online punting resources.

Anyone else have any good tips?  Te one I have the most trouble with is explaining where all that damn money went. Punting ain't a cheap hobby, and while the SO doesn't check the finances too closely, if you punt enough it gets harder and harder to hide... Any suggestions?
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Post at 28-4-2012 01:11  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #41 superich's post

If you can justify having two phones for whatever reason, then all the better.

I can't.  So what I do is I encrypt some names on my only phone.  No, I don't mean that I need a password to access the names.  That would just make it all the fishier if my SO ever used my phone and wondered why.

What I do is rename the names.  For example, say I punt with a girl regularly who is called Mimi Suckmegood or I go to some walk-in called Delicious Pussies.

It would be absolutely retarded for me to put that name or place on my phone contact list.  Any SO, no matter how nieve, is gonna see that and rip a guy out.  And any guy that stupid who punts deserves to get ripped out.

So I'll rename it to something like Matt Smith and Danny Perez.  Notice the first and last initials are the same, but now it's a guy's name.  So if my SO ever asks who this is, I'll say it's a coworker, or game buddy, or old friend, or whatever.  She'll be far less suspicious.  It's also easy to remember if you rename it in this format as oppose to something completely different.

I do however delete all txt messages right away, and the call logs instantly.
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Post at 28-4-2012 02:48  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Quite honestly, the less you have to lie, the better.

- Your SO is less likely going to go through your phone if you don't give her reason to.
- Your SO is less likely going to go through your phone if you meet so many people even YOU can't remember who's who.
- Your SO is less likely going to go through your phone if there's nothing ON your phone.

So. Think like a spy.

- Never keep a set schedule.
- Find a job that gives you an excuse to go places (sales / sourcing / diplomat / etc)
- Siphon funds away regularly to put in a secure place (ie, separate account)
- Go MEET people. (Rotary Club, Lion's Club, Punter's Anonymous, etc)
- There's the truth, and then there's the WHOLE truth. The less you lie, the better.
- Give yourself an out (Gyms / Massage Therapists / Golf & Country Clubs / etc).

Chances are, your SO is not a trained interrogator. Plus she loves you and hence WANTS to believe you. It shouldn't be that hard.


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pijyske   26-5-2012 15:06  Acceptance  +1   Good advice
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Post at 28-4-2012 12:28  Profile P.M. 
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never.. i actually ended my relationship before i started my hobby (not just for this, but i just wanted to enjoy the single life).  

however i have no idea how i will quit this before i find my significant other (its a race against the clock to tire myself out.. is that even possible?!)  

honestly i still have to keep it a secret though, i dont think any future wife would love my past mongering.. heh.
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Post at 2-5-2012 01:04  Profile P.M. 
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I got caught once.Had a Thai gf, real looker.Went to BKK to visit her.Everything was nice, she was a traditional Thai girl so no FS when we first met.Just HJ and fooled around.Then she left early because she needed to work other day.After she left the room, i was on my way to Soi Cowboy. .And had a lady in my room for that night.that became our routine, she was leaving at 10 pm and i was heading the bars and go-gos.But she started to act distant after second date.When my time to leave came, she said starting from the first date, she arranged the receptionists and the bellboys so she knew everything, all the girls that visited me during my stay.Needless to say she dumped my ass.

It s crucial that seperating your living quarters with your mongering habitat.Pinoys and Thais are more likely to make a scene, that was the lesson learned

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JackTheBat   28-5-2012 14:42  Acceptance  +1   this is standard in Bangkok. both WGs and guards likely from Isaan as well...
pijyske   26-5-2012 15:08  Acceptance  +1   Honestly, it sounds like you're lucky it ended so soon. She doesn't sound like ...
Chasem   2-5-2012 10:27  Karma  +1   Compassion K, but you learn from experience.
UncleDad   2-5-2012 02:13  Acceptance  +2   Ouch! Dood...that's rough.
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Post at 2-5-2012 01:55  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by endbringer at 1-5-2012 12:04 PM
When my time to leave came, she said starting from the first date, she arranged the receptionists and the bellboys so she knew everything, all the girls that visited me during my stay.

so she had spies around you?  what kinda person is that?

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JackTheBat   28-5-2012 14:43  Acceptance  +1   a Thai WG.
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Post at 2-5-2012 02:23  Profile P.M. 
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I can't blame her actually because i had a secret agenda of myself.Daytime boyfriend, nighttime monger.So it s not fair for me to judge her.

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JackTheBat   28-5-2012 14:44  Karma  +1   oops sirtiger, i meant a Thai woman who suspects WGs...they all do...
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Post at 2-5-2012 03:46  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #54 endbringer's post

Damn bro that is just some bad luck right there.  She was smart for doing that.  I don't think I would of even known to look out for that.  I don't live in BKK so I don't know if this would be a typical thing or not.
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Post at 2-5-2012 04:11  Profile P.M. 
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BKK is like a sin city.So it is not rocket science to guess something like that.Hotels even hire people to wait at the entrances and make you pay for your "guest" even you rent a room for 2 person.So its quite typical.

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JackTheBat   28-5-2012 14:45  Acceptance  +1   not only typical, but to be expected. my guards knew ALL my regulars...
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Post at 2-5-2012 10:27  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by sa14 at 27-4-2012 08:28 PM
never.. i actually ended my relationship before i started my hobby (not just for this, but i just wanted to enjoy the single life).  

however i have no idea how i will quit this before i find my sign ...


It's best you have an exit plan ready in case the inevitable happens and she catches you.  It is amazing how many guys do this and still get surprised when their SO decides to leave them, taking half of everything.  I suppose they only have so much blood and it all goes to their dick instead of their brain.
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Post at 2-5-2012 23:56  Profile P.M. 
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Last year circa August, I did a HK Hotel Reservation review on DK Magic, whom I thought was named Midget (do a search on "midget").  Anyhow, the picture I posted, I really fucked up on.  I'm really careful with things but since I was going through a proxy in China, I had a hard time uploading the picture to the site initially so I left the picture on my camera.  Well, I forgot to delete the picture, and a couple of weeks later, the wife stumbled upon the picture.   Luckily, just luckily, the picture did not show a bed in the hotel room, so I was slick and said that I took a picutre of one of my friends' daughter and that we were at a restaurant in HK in a separate priviate room (pretty common).  Man, luckily the story jived correctly because my wife had met my friend 15 years ago when we were all single.  Being the detective that she was, she said - "how can your friend have a daughter so old?".  I said that the girl was 14, which the girl in the picture sort of could pass for.  Anyhow, I insisted on my story and she left it at that.

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hunter   18-5-2012 15:14  Acceptance  +1   14 , nah...............
DArtagnan   3-5-2012 13:18  Acceptance  +1   some seriously quick thinking!
sirtiger   3-5-2012 00:08  Acceptance  +1   whooaaa close call!

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