Originally posted by hunter at 13/1/08 18:17
Beside you and some few minority, we all believe in Sulasno ...
Oh yeah, well I've got about 20 PMs or emails that say otherwise. And not a single one telling me to shut up.
Originally posted by hunter at 13/1/08 18:17
Jake.....can you give a proposal what is best for the forum......then present it to the ADMIN for deliberation.......
Like I've told Sulasno before, I don't go behind people's backs. Why should I run to the ADMIN - I'm not a child. I've already
said what should happen for the good of the forum - a few times I thnk. Sulasno shouldn't be a Mod. He 'downgraded'
himself before, as he put it, and then regained his Mod status. He should downgrade himself again - but this time, permanently.
He lost all respect with the bros because of his indiscrimanate bannings and he can't be trusted. He's welcome to stay on as a
Forum Legend because that's what he is. He just shouldn't be a Mod.
I don't hate Mods - most are doing a great job.