Subject: “That is what I am supposed to be fxxking”
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Post at 1-1-2011 23:57  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 gwailoplayer's post

JUst want to add, not just the selection but how about the price? To get 1 hour with a girl here would be minimum $300 and might not even be hot. You could do 3 girls with that amount in HK. Yes be happy you guys are in HK!!

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stage6   2-1-2011 01:08  Karma  +1   8 and counting
SEAJ   2-1-2011 00:32  Karma  +1   "HERE" is where? LOL. 9 more pts!
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Post at 2-1-2011 00:20  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #39 SEAJ's post

I already forgot what i thought this afternoon the second i entered this forum tonight. Life is too short.
I should enjoy it as much as possible. If i have a lot of money, i will do charity and marry some girls
The best example is: Build a company and marry my own secretary or employee.. Lol

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SEAJ   2-1-2011 00:33  Karma  +1   Marry? Y buy if U can rent?! LOL!
Kinky King
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Post at 2-1-2011 00:52  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #41 pornaddy's post

with $300, u can do 8-12 girls in mainland or my country.
I think almost every country has cheap and expensive chicks.
In my country, a high class WG (model or TV star or singer) will cost u $5,000-$1,000,000 HKD for 1 night.
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Post at 2-1-2011 01:36  Profile P.M. 
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Hah .. sorry here is Australia.. where the mighty Aussie dollar is worth more then the US right now hahaha...
Where it costs $70(Over $500hk) for a lap dance and you can't even farking touch them!! and only for like 10 mins!!! Tell me how life is fair!!! arggghhh

Silverbird .. yeah Indonesia .. another asian country .. damn those cheap asian countries .. damn them!!!

Thanks for the karmas too .. its been along grind to RA 30 ... i wish i could do more reports .. but just aint there for it ..

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SEAJ   2-1-2011 01:44  Karma  +1   5 more, that's all! LOL!
SEAJ (***Call me Sean Sweet Swede***)

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Post at 2-1-2011 01:46  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #44 pornaddy's post

Hey pornaddy - great that you're NOT tempted into spamming the last few points!  A tendency I've seen in quite a few guys as they get closer and closer to the "promised land" of RA-dom!!  LOL!

Good luck - and good posting for 2011!!

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Post at 2-1-2011 02:00  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #45 SEAJ's post

Haha... Thanks man. Yeah there isn't much rush now .. just a few more to go so why wreck it now...

... so close .. haha .. and my eyes will open for the first time ...

hmmm  .. now let me find that NBA thread i started ..
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Post at 2-1-2011 02:03  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #44 pornaddy's post

It's just a few hours from Aussie and also few Hundreds AUD.
U can plan some trip to your neighbor, and have new experience.
In Jakarta, there are some strip club that can fulfill your imagination

by replying me, it makes u closer and closer to open your eyes for the first time. Lol

[ Last edited by  SilverBird at 2-1-2011 01:05 ]
SEAJ (***Call me Sean Sweet Swede***)

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Post at 2-1-2011 02:06  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #46 pornaddy's post


It didn't take long at all did it??!!

Congratulations to our newest Carnal Conqueror!!

I guess now we'll see you AWOL a while whilst you feast your eyes on all the pictures huh! LOL!


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SilverBird   2-1-2011 02:17  Acceptance  +1   Hopefully i can do it soon, lol
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Post at 3-1-2011 10:23  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 gwailoplayer's post

"Folks, appreciate what we got here. Never take it for granted"

The point is well taken.  This punter is of average weight [for a US type] not bald and with blue eyes.  It is amazing the effect money has with the ladies to help them decide to spend some quality time with me.  I suppose the $$ are of more value when they are comparing money versus years; which is much needed in my case.  Carpe diem.

"He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire."

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