Originally posted by lister01 at 19-8-2010 09:52
Okay, stupid question maybe, but what about the number of small images that get loaded on every page? Everyones avatars, all the little emoticons in the post and replies and in the fast reply section at the bottom... To load a page might mean loading 200+ smaller images all at once, somehow blocking the link?
Could that have an effect on a slow connection?
Yes it does have an effect, since everything on the screen is going to get downloaded to your computer, text and images. BUT once an image has been loaded once to your computer before, it should remain in your Internet browser's cache until the cache is emptied by you manually or when the browser is set to clear its cache automatically. Could be based on a certain schedule or never based on settings, I'm not that familiar with this subject.
Although one important matter does come to mind of browser caches. I think many people here use anonymous browsing modes in Firefox or Google Chrome, and a feature of anonymous browsing is that no browsing history, including images being cached to your computer is taking place. So people who are browsing with anonymous mode are always downloading the same avatars and images again.
And speaking of avatars, I downloaded a few on this page since you were asking about them to see how big they are, and most were around 20 Kb but your animated gif is 1.92 Megabytes

Not blaming you as you probably had no idea it is that big, but rather the forum software should have a reasonable size restriction setting on uploaded avatar size to prevent this from accidentally happening.