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Post at 13-8-2010 12:47  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by DaBestHK at 13-8-2010 08:03

definitely yes. especially if we've had a few sessions together already. i've known bros who take them to the peak or shopping on their period.

to answer the original question, WGs have a tough eno ...

i agree. I think it is better treat WGs nice given it is not a easy for job for people already. so no reason to make life more difficult. just imagine you get your scold everyday, you would want to have a better boss in your work life. so just same reason for WGs too.

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Post at 13-8-2010 12:49  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by bethpageblack at 13-8-2010 02:31

Next time I'm in town, I'll have some nice HK guys to introduce you to.  

no thanks. i don't need this.
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Post at 13-8-2010 13:30  Profile P.M.  QQ Yahoo!
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I think you should treat all women nice and with respect. WG are no different they just have a different job in life.
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Post at 13-8-2010 18:32  Profile P.M. 
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I treat WG nice for two main reasons.  First, in the off chance I want to see them again I want the next experience to be better than the last.  Treating them well makes follow up visits easier/nicer.  Second, due to a fluke of birth, I have led an extremely charmed life compared to them, and it doesn't bother me in the least to spend a few minutes being nice to a pretty young girl.

I don't buy them gifts, but I will buy them food.
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Post at 14-8-2010 02:13  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #39 shipit's post

whether good or bad, they don't enjoy it either way. You have to be living in fantasy to think that WGs actually enjoy their work. Although I'm sure there are some exceptions.

The #1 motivation is money, I'm sure they feel better if they get lucky and find good customers rather than bad.

I've never said I thought WGs enjoy their job. So I wonder why you think I live in a "fantasy".

You said that WGs simply care about the money. So I asked you if you think that they don't care to be treated good or bad because that's the topic of this thread. The topic isn't about if working girl enjoy their job. Thus, me living in a fantasy is just an asumption made from nowhere.

Keep it simple bro ;)

PS: I don't enjoy my job neither and I do it only for the money. But I do appreciate that customers and my managers treat me right. Because on one hand, I could do with doing a shitty job. On the other hand, I definitely could not stand people treating me like shit.

[ Last edited by  conqueror77 at 13-8-2010 19:20 ]

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Post at 14-8-2010 02:38  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #44 kaleu's post

I don't buy them gifts, but I will buy them food.

Yeah, taking a cute hot WG to dinner is probably a win win situation for the both of you. It saves her a few bucks and if your a nice and funny chap it she would enjoy your company and her dinner.
Because of the nature of their job, I guess many WGs don't have a (proper) social life and hence, they don't have many opportunities to go out dinner with  friends. If they accept to go and have a dinner with a particular customer. That probably means they think they can enjoy their time with this customer and it can give them the sense of the social life other people have. Besides, they can be of a good company for the punter too, particularly when one is on their own in town.

They are probably some funny or intelligent girls among the lot of WGs that could give one a good time out of bed. So why not take them to dinner if one can afford and if one is alone in the city.

Buying gifts?

Some people are just incredibly loaded and buying gift to a WG won't affect their wallet in any sensible way.
So I guess they just want to please someone they had enjoyed the company in bed and maybe outside bed as well. It doesn't necessarily means they fall for the girl or that they can't differentiate the fantasy and the reality. It's probably just one of the many ways they can spend their money.

[ Last edited by  conqueror77 at 13-8-2010 19:50 ]

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Post at 14-8-2010 18:33  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by bethpageblack at 12-8-2010 10:31
After a couple responses, I will opine on this ...

Hey bro you're leaving us hanging

You said you would justify your question, we're still waiting ............................

Why do you think the way bros treat their hos is somehow unusual, or unreasonably good, in your frame of reference?

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!
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Post at 14-8-2010 22:33  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #47 DArtagnan's post

I'll write my response when I come back from fishing.  Haven't been out on the boat in over a week.
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Post at 15-8-2010 08:46  Profile P.M. 
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My opinion

Guys wine and dine and gift because they wanna see if they'd have a shot at these WGs (or any other gal) if they didn't have to pay.  It's all about the thrill of the hunt.  I'm not talking about getting a freebie, per se, but if:

a) at a different time and place would they be able to pick these chicks up;
b) for married punters, do they still have the mojo;

Guys love to get their ego stroked.

I can give you an example from personal experience.  A couple years back, I went to see a KTV gal maybe about twice.  As other bros who know me are well aware, I never do seconds.  Anyways, she quit working at the KTV (I didn't ask her to – she just asked me if it was possible for her to stay at my place for a few days) and shacked up with me for about a month.  I was living in GZ with a girlfriend in HK so I was fine with that.  She then asked me if I’d leave my GF in HK to be with her, I said no (should’ve said yes), she left and went back to her home town.  Now I didn't do anything crazy with her before she shacked up with me, didn't offer her money, didn't shower her with gifts.  I just took her shopping once and dinner out of the KTV.  She was a nice piece of ass, horny as hell, nice face.  

So - did it make me feel great that she quit her job at the K for me?  Yes it did.  Does it give me a boost of confidence?  Why yes it does.

I'm guilty as charged - I have done it a couple times before.  

I first posted about this because I see the HGs especially being spoiled.  What girl wouldn't like to get shit bought for them, to be treated like a queen for a day, etc.?  My point is that it's totally unnecessary.  While these chicks are quite stunning and beautiful, they aren't so far above the standard deviation of hot chicks in China.  If they were, why would they be spreading their legs and blowing guys for 800 bucks a pop?  And - they would be married or dated by some guy on the Mainland.  They wouldn't need any money.  

In closing, there's nothing truly special about these chicks that they deserve such nice behavior from you guys.  It's really unnecessary to shower them with all that attention.  I think that anyone who visits a lot of HGs in HK needs to cross the border a little more often and see 1) how many girls there actually are in China that can be HGs if they want; and 2) the way these girls interact with each other when they're with a bunch of their peers.  It might turn you off.  I can't speak for ever HG, but from my travels, the cuteness and sweetness when interacting with them individually in an unfamiliar, semi sterile environment like HK will be replaced by brashness, sassiness (not in a good way), perhaps intertwined with uncouth manners.  From throwing garbage on the street when there's a trash can like 10 feet away to screaming at the top of their lungs if their Wong Lo Kut doesn't come with a straw, a lot of these chicks act completely differently in a familiar environment.  They can let their hair down and relax.  

So, if you find yourself treating these gals a little too nice, I'd suggest you go to the Mainland, go meet a hot HG/ or chick, get acquainted, and see how they act.  You'll realize that these gals are a dime a dozen.  From throwing garbage on the street when there's a trash can like 10 feet away to screaming at the top of their lungs if their Wong Lo Kut doesn't come with a straw.  They aren’t the sweet innocent perfect little things you think they are
If you really want an HG like hottie, just come across the border.  There's plenty to go around.

Remember, YMMV, and IMHO.  We can agree to disagree and that's cool.

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hunter   16-8-2010 01:09  Karma  +5   Well said. Dime a dozen...i like that
SkinnyForum   16-8-2010 00:18  Acceptance  +1   Interesting mainland behavioral info.
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Post at 15-8-2010 12:35  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by bethpageblack at 15-8-2010 08:46
Guys wine and dine and gift because they wanna see if they'd have a shot at these WGs (or any other gal) if they didn't have to pay.  It's all about the thrill of the hunt.

I disagree. Perhaps some Bros operate that way, I dont know. However my reasons for treating a WG well are:

(1) why not? I try to treat everyone nicely so why would I not do that for someone who's about to put my dick in her mouth?

(2) I'm not an asshole. Anyone who treats WG's in a condescending nasty way is an asshole.

(3) Finally, it's because I'm a selfish prick and I know the WG I'm with will perform more enthusiastically if I'm nice to her... it's logical.

To suggest it could be because I am kidding myself into thinking I could score a cute young civvie girl is nonsense. There's no kidding about it. I could, so could any Bro here. You just need to put in the time and find the right girl. However I already have an SO so I'm not looking for a relationship... I'm just getting my rocks off because I'm a horn bag.

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conqueror77   16-8-2010 07:19  Acceptance  +3   spot on ;)
Mister   15-8-2010 13:29  Acceptance  +3   Ha ha, TonyToro, well said ;D
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Post at 15-8-2010 16:24  Profile P.M. 
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I have a couple of civie female friends on the mainland, and I have to agree that their behavior out and about can be truly embarrassing by Western standards.  However we are not in the West.  And while I am personally put off by it, no one else seems to mind.  Keep in mind that often it is our Western behavior that attracts them to us.

Plus, many of these behaviors can easily be changed.  I asked one of my friends if she would mind eating with her mouth closed, and not spit in the street, and she does make an effort.  As for the trash, just pick it up and take it to the trash can.  After doing it once or twice she will be mortified and take care of it herself.

I don't want to start a whole new debate here, but it's a little like training a puppy.  A little effort and positive reinforcement, and you can work wonders.

Back on topic, I still don't think I treat WG any better than my civie friends.  I still make way more money than they do and I need to eat anyway.  I pay WG money to make me feel special, and they may see it as a fair trade, but it costs me very little money or effort to make them feel special too.

Many people feel that there is no such thing as a truly charitable act, because the act itself makes us feel good, thus providing a reward.  I treat everyone well because it makes me feel good.  End of story.

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conqueror77   16-8-2010 07:23  Acceptance  +3   Favorable
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Post at 15-8-2010 17:55  Profile P.M. 
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My two cents worth, which is worth about 1.50 cents I guess. On the basis that we are focusing upon the giving of gifts; buying of meals etc I am confused by it too. After all, you go to fuck a WG so that once you have paid her, you can walk away and responsibility (whether in terms of emotional, financial, giving of time etc) ends straight away, if indeed you ever felt it in the first place. You pay for you to be able to walk away and not for the sex ultimately.

I would classify the bros who go beyond the call of Customer / service giver transactional relationship into a handful of categories.

1) The Shyguy - basically they are invoking the actions and feelings they would like to have with a "real woman" with a girl who basically is paid (either by the hour, or by continuous bookings in the future) to be there. They are unable or unwilling to find a girl the old fashioned way, but deeply crave the FULL experience. The cure for them would be to find a girlfriend.

2) The White Knight - Someone with a higher than average EQ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emotional_intelligence) who feels for the girl and believes that he can be her saviour either long term or just for a short period. For example - a WG who has a list of things she needs money to buy such as a laptop is bought one. An iPhone. Medical insurance? doubt it. They need the acknowledgement that he is a good guy and the reaction of delivering a ribbon tied Dell is better than a medical card...but what is more useful? Dinners etc are giving them a little break from their nightmare

3) The Guilty parent factor - Someone who and basically saying "I understand you are having a tough life right now, and that I am adding to the problem, but I am different, as I will take you out and treat you to dinner and make you feel like a lady whose company I value and not the whore I called on in the first place" and then try/hope for a freebie. You cause part of their pain so you over compensate to try to make amends for it.

4) The showboat - the WG is an accessory - are basically often better looking and more doting than the class of chick the man can pick up, and will therefore love to be seen out with a cute young chick. Driven by other men's jealousy and subtlety craving and sucking up the admiring glances, this man is basically not complete unless they feel superior. What better way than to take out an 19 yr old tight bodied chick and let all and sundry know "i'm fucking her". It is often accompanied by a sports car and a case of minimus fallus.

5) The genuine - This guy actually really does like the girl in an almost sinking ship type of way and will over look the fact that she can't walk straight due to 8 hrs of fucking that day with other dudes; for love. By attempting to take them out of their natural environment, he is testing the water to see how they fair when the clock is note ticking down at the rate of 13 bucks a minute. He fails to realise that it is all false though because he is a client. He has paid to violate her, and she will not seem him as a traditional guy. He is a whore mongerer and regardless of whether she is a whore or not, ask a 100 women in the street if she could settle down with a monger, over 80% if they were truthful would say no I guess.

6) The fuckwit. For all types of reasons, he is being played from the first moment he wipes his puppy dog eyes and brings her a lavish present. The WG is in it for money. He is an ATM and she will use every guile she knows to get as much from him as possible without having to touch him.
7) The King. "Why the fuck not". He has money. He has time. He likes to be seen with a chick and so what if she is a whore. Not going to marry her just want to not eat / drink alone. A laptop is nothing - at least thats what he wants her to think.

I think that about covers it.

Why do the girls accept the gifts and go on dinners?

1) Get money / save money having to buy stuff / sell what they get / why the fuck not.
2) Big ticket - to get out of this life
3) Revenge - bleed the fucker dry who is killing her youth.
4) Love. She mistakes his guilt for love.

Ultimately i think  the men do it because of guilt (same as the guys who buy their wives gifts when they fuck around elsewhere) or due to an insecurity complex. AS very small proportion of guys will do it for the "why not" factor IMHO because in reality, there is no point at all.

Spend money on her by the hour for sex. For the rest get a real GF who WANTS to be with you and not because you fucked her for money.

as I said - 1 1/2 cents worth.

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hunter   16-8-2010 01:11  Karma  +2   nice definition, very true
SkinnyForum   16-8-2010 00:33  Acceptance  +1   Pay so you can walk away.
shipit   15-8-2010 21:16  Acceptance  +3   wire bro akka yet again
bethpageblack   15-8-2010 20:06  Karma  +5   3 cents!

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Post at 15-8-2010 20:28  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by TonyToro at 15-8-2010 12:35 PM

To suggest it could be because I am kidding myself into thinking I could score a cute young civvie girl is nonsense. There's no kidding about it. I could, so could any Bro here. You just need to put in the time and find the right girl.

Firstly, please try to remember, I'm making generalizations - I'm not talking about individuals.

Lastly, I'd have to disagree completely with your statement above.  Young civi gals aren't exactly like stealing candy from a baby.  I'm not singling you out, but it's going to be undeniably harder for some than others.
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Post at 15-8-2010 20:31  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #52 akka's post

Very good Akka - you probably wrote my opinion better than myself.

If I were to categorize these guys who wine and dine, it would have to be a combination of:

White (or Yellow) Knight, Guilty Parent and King.

Genuine and Fuckwit - I feel sorry for you noobs, blurring the lines between civi and WG.  

ShyGuy - does things in reverse order

Showboat - no comment.  I have a couple friends like that and their life is pretty damn good, penis comments or not.  

[ Last edited by  bethpageblack at 15-8-2010 20:39 ]
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Post at 15-8-2010 20:41  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by kaleu at 15-8-2010 04:24 PM
Many people feel that there is no such thing as a truly charitable act, because the act itself makes us feel good, thus providing a reward.  I treat everyone well because it makes me feel good.  End of story.

Count me as one of those many people.
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Post at 15-8-2010 20:47  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by bethpageblack at 15-8-2010 20:31
Very good Akka - you probably wrote my opinion better than myself.

If I were to categorize these guys who wine and dine, it would have to be a combination of:

White (or Yellow) Knight, Guilty Parent ...

I've been all of the above in parts but never the fuckwit. Just not that silly.

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Post at 15-8-2010 21:13  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #52 akka's post

Your "showboat" type is right on.  

I was in an extended session with an escort here in BKK on Friday.  We were chatting about the business and got talking about guys who give girls lavish gifts.  I told her that my escort friends in the US would talk about these men and say that while they were happy to take their gifts, they usually thought they were stupid douchebags...

She laughed and told me a story...   She said that she had one client who was basically an arrogant, "showboat" prick.  She said that every word, every action communicated that he thought he was superior and that she was just a cute piece of fuck-flesh.  She saw him several times and then said to him, "Why do you never take me shopping?"

Naturally, he couldn't resist this bait.  So they went out shopping, and she said she bought three of everything she could think of.  Finally, they went into Louis Vuitton or some similar high-end accessory store.  They had a one-of-a-kind handbag on display that cost 500,000 baht.  She pretended to fall madly in love with it, and issued him the ultimate challenge...  "Oh, God I just want this so badly...  But there's no way that you could afford to buy this for me!"      

Naturally, he fell for it and bought it for her.  She pretended to be enthusiastically grateful, thanking him profusely.  When she got home, she erased all of his phone numbers from her phone and resolved never to speak to him again.  The next day she took the handbag back to the store and got a 95 percent refund...  All in a day's work for the WG...  

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Post at 15-8-2010 22:53  Profile P.M. 
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Personally, I treat WGs the same as I would treat civvie girls simply because I'm too lazy to differentiate... I treat girls nicely in order to win them over somewhat for them to want to give me a GFE. But at the end of the day, no matter how nice the restaurant we go to, or what I do to them for pleasure, all the satisfaction is mine. When I see a WG willing to give up her trade for me, that's still my pleasure through and through, cos it rubs up my ego; When men and women stare cos I'm with a hottie, it feels good displaying my mojo; When the girl gives me TLC and swallows my shit, it's collecting on my investment of time and effort (but never high-value goods).

And now let me add one more possibility which I believe hasn't been voiced yet:  Some guys sometimes do the things they do in order to produce an interesting report, with the goal of gaining the admiration of readers (guys) on this forum... How about that, y'all?

[ Last edited by  CunningLinguist at 16-8-2010 03:23 ]

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Post at 16-8-2010 02:44  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #50 TonyToro's post

Nah.....we are not condoning to be an arse towards the WG. Most of the bros i met have never showed that kind of ill atitude towards the WGs, except one or two fukwit.

This thread make it sound like the original poster want to be beat up the WGs. But let;s not make him the culprit for bringing this topic for discussion.
But akka post #52 sums it all up, we should admit that we are at least under one of the category listed, depending on occassion; where and when we met the WGs.
It is every punter's selfish nature not to admit who they are but this is the ugly truth.

So to all bros, based on akka's defintions, what type are you?

Frankly, I must admit, in my early years of mongering,  I am a hybrid of all the above, depending on where, when and who.

I love to fantasize but I woke up the next morning and face the Reality!!

[ Last edited by  hunter at 16-8-2010 02:55 ]

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Post at 16-8-2010 02:46  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #59 hunter's post

You're a genuine fuckwit one day, yellow knight with a bit of king in another, never a showboat, never a guilty parent, def never a shyguy..

[ Last edited by  bethpageblack at 16-8-2010 02:51 ]

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