This is a rather long article, if you are interested in reading the whole thing click on the link at the bottom of the posting. I've just put up the following paragraph from the article which seems to sum up the U.S. position. Interestingly on TV last night an economic commentator said although China has a $2 billion surplus with the U.S. China has a $1 billion deficit with the rest of the world.
China yuan still undervalued despite reform: US
June 24, 2010 - 12:24PM
Both China and the United States have pursued cases against each other at the World Trade Organization (WTO).
A Commerce Department ruling that any Chinese advantage via the yuan exchange rate was a trade subsidy deserving of financial relief through import duties could lead to a deluge of countervailing duty cases from US manufacturers.
Unmoved by Beijing's pledge of limited currency reform, US lawmakers said Wednesday they would press ahead with legislation they said would treat "currency manipulation" as an illegal subsidy and enable US authorities to impose tariffs on Chinese goods.
"We're fed up and we're not waiting. Nothing ever changes unless you force the Chinese to act," Senator Charles Schumer from Obama's Democratic party declared at the hearing.
"The Chinese will keep treating us like they have us on a yo-yo unless we make a serious push for our legislation."
Republican Senator Chuck Grassley called on Obama "to prepare a case against China?s currency manipulation" at the WTO.
The daily movement of the yuan since Monday -- when the markets first reacted on the Chinese announcement -- has been minimally up and down, indicating that Beijing continued to keep a tight rein on the yuan.
Link here: ... -20100624-z14o.html