Subject: Silicone dolls
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Post at 19-3-2010 19:57  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by conqueror77 at 19-3-2010 12:20
LOL...I think the shops deliver it at customers's home. At least, the two I've seen advertising online do home delivery.
Dammit...The more I spend time on this thread the more I'm goanna be willing of ...

well wait for a second hand one. you'll then have to sit it in a taxi and help put her seat belt on hahaha
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Post at 19-3-2010 20:17  Profile P.M. 
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I find it really weird the idea to hire the doll .... buy one of personal use, yes but not to hire. That JP Doll in kimono really turns me ON, to be honest

still preferred real living pussy.... :-)
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Post at 30-6-2010 17:21  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by lapcheong at 13-3-2010 22:09
ahhh the sick japanese.... I'm not referring to the dolls, but the fact that they're actually running a business pimping dolls..... wtf!?!

The Japanese are not sick.  One of the reason for these dolls are for disabled individuals or others that just can not easily experience sex or have a normal relationship
with a female.  Besides that with a doll, some claim they are better than a real women- they don't spend your money, always agree with you, always willing to do what
ever you want, etc.   So for those that can not afford $5000 to purchase one, at least they can rent one.  The Japanese are addressing a need for many individuals.
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Post at 30-6-2010 17:37  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #43 HongKong161's post

I for one will rather have the real thing. If a disabled guy can afford one of these dolls, then he could certainly pay for the nurse to give him a HJ or BJ. This could be a solution for the perverted disabled guy who may want to sodomize the doll, beat her up or stick his two big toes in her little sister.

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