Subject: HIV - Is DATY 100% Safe?
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Post at 16-1-2010 16:55  Profile P.M. 
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from STD Resources

Q: How safe is oral sex?
A: Many STDs can be passed by oral sex including chlamydia, warts, gonorrhea, hepatitis B, herpes, and syphilis. Precautions such as dental dams and condoms are an important part of a safer sex routine.

There's a risk to get infected even though kissing, but it is low.
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Post at 17-1-2010 03:34  Profile P.M. 
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nothing is 100% safe
even kissing might be transmitable 1 in 999999999999 chances
HIV is transmitted thru exchange of body fluids.. so its not 100%
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Post at 17-1-2010 13:33  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by twiceAweek at 16-1-2010 16:12
Acceptance points however is designed for that, if you agree or disagree with what been said ...

That's the way it should be, but one senior bro uses it in a very different way. "You give me 1, I'll give you 5 back"

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Marsupial   17-1-2010 01:10   Acceptance   -15   Tit for that, from now on 5 to 1

Tit for tat ... very childish, I know ..... but there ya go. Kinda makes a mockery of the points system. Just one step away from 'you give me some points and I'll give you some back'. Is this what we really want?    

Yeah, I know twice - nuthin you can do about it - bros can give and take points in any way they want.

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TheButler   26-1-2010 14:03  Acceptance  -3   blah, blah, blah, blah . . .
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Post at 17-1-2010 14:57  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #43 pisser's post

Bro you really are incapable of seeing things from the other guy's standpoint.

For an example of what pisser thinks are legitimate comments, check out some of his reasons for giving -A:

You really are a fuckin asshole
And you're an idiot!
Blah, blah, blah, blah
And you're fuckin boring!

(Didn't you have to click a button affirming you were 18 years old when you joined this site pisser? Looking at the above comments, I'd put puberty somewhere in your future.)

Rather than opinions, those outbursts of yours are just the temper tantrums of someone pissed at never winning arguments. Is that the kind of behavior we want in the forum?!

Anyway, if you didn't like my stated reason for giving you - A, just read it as "I am of the opinion that people who give -A because they're poor losers deserve 5 times as much -A as they give."

And as I said earlier, the only reason you give -3 A, is because that's the max you can give. Whinging hypocrite!

孔子曰: 君子不羞于舔屄也
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Post at 17-1-2010 15:06  Profile P.M. 
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Some folks truly are delusional. No matter how many bros speak out against him, no matter that responses are roughly 4 - 1 against him; some people can still actually believe they're 'winning' some kind of hypothetical contest. How sad is that? How sad is that?  

I [almost] feel sorry for pissing on his head.    
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Post at 17-1-2010 17:07  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #45 pisser's post

4 to1 against me? What the fuck are you talking about? Is this still about the risks of becoming infected with the HIV virus through DATY?

So let me see if I've understood you correctly: even tho the medical experts are overwhelmingly in agreement with my position, you've won this debate because a few guys in a sex forum share your irrational fear of DATY. And because I refuse to acknowledge that fact, I'm being delusional. Have I got that right?

Babe, I've already told you that you show me the proof, and I'll give up DATY on the spot. But you haven't proved squat.

(Actually, seeing that you only started this thread to regain some of the face you lost in the Norika thread; and the only reason you sided with Weelock in the Norika thread was to score points against me; I have no idea what your real opinion of DATY is.)

btw, you'll notice that in the STD Resources link kvnmouse gives above, AIDS is NOT listed as a disease passed by oral sex.

孔子曰: 君子不羞于舔屄也
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Post at 17-1-2010 20:14  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Marsupial at 17-1-2010 17:07
I have no idea  ...

That just about says it all and, for once, we're in complete agreement. I know you're old and maybe a little slow - but do try to keep up.

4 to 1 against you is on this thread; the Norika thread was more like 7 to zero against you. You're a Forum Legend and not one single bro came out to support you. I mean, that must really hurt - and you say I lost face.    Like I said - you're delusional. But don't worry, carry on floundering around like this and I'm sure somebody will take pity on you and put you out of your misery. This is just so sad to see. You're an FL, for gods sake, stop embarrassing yourself.  
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Post at 17-1-2010 22:27  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by pisser at 17-1-2010 20:14

You're a Forum Legend and not one single bro came out to support you....

You really don't get it...  No one came to Marsupial's defense simply because you were doing such a good job of losing the pissing match single-handedly...

Have fiun, CGP
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Post at 17-1-2010 23:21  Profile P.M. 
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Yes, I'm embarrassing myself - by wasting my time on this rubbish.

Originally posted by pisser at 17-1-2010 20:14
the Norika thread was more like 7 to zero against you. You're a Forum Legend and not one single bro came out to support you. I mean, that must really hurt - and you say I lost face. Like I said - you're delusional.

OK, so I went through the Norika thread and it turns out that the number of members who expressed any kind of opinion on the matter run 5 to 1 in my favor.
for me:

testlogin: Acceptance +3, on my post # 7

hornytoad: in response to my post # 40 - "Good point bro!"

Siklong: in response to my post #46 - "I agree with bro Mars"

Caligynephiliac: in response to my and Sikong's posts #46 + 47 - "I'm with you guys..."

Caligynephiliac also articulated a position similar to mine in post #90

Thai-Delight: Acceptance  +2,  "lol", on my post #66

Siklong: Acceptance +10  "I like U!", on my post # 79

On the other hand, I could only find one guy who backed you up - Weelock and that was only because you took his side against the guy he was arguing against - me. (I think we can both agree Seaj doesn't count since he never took sides.)

Maybe I missed one or two on either side of the fence, but the result is still in my favor; so once again, proof positive that you don't know wtf you're talking about.

btw, my comment in post #46 in this thread completely destroys everything you said in post #45, to such an extent that your only recourse was to completely ignore it, and play a stupid little word game on two words quoted out of context.

And I'm embarrassing myself???!!!

孔子曰: 君子不羞于舔屄也
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Post at 17-1-2010 23:30  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Marsupial at 17-1-2010 17:07
you'll notice that in the STD Resources link kvnmouse gives above, AIDS is NOT listed as a disease passed by oral sex ...

OMG, you stll don't get the whole point of this thread, do you? As I said in the opening post:

Originally posted by pisser at 14-1-2010 17:20
... anyone can search the internet and find a website that will support whatever views they might have ...

I'll say again, all I'm really asking people to do is THINK ABOUT IT and not just accept what someone tells them. Anyone involved in this type of activity owes it themselves and their loved ones [current or future] to properly assess the risk for themselves and to act accordingly. And I'll say it again - I think it's irresponsible of anyone to actively promote an activity as being safe, when there are plenty of contrary opinions that it is, in fact, not safe. Got it now.
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Post at 17-1-2010 23:40  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #50 pisser's post

OK, and while I'm thinking about it, you think about those BBBJs you love so much.

[ Last edited by  Marsupial at 18-1-2010 02:01 ]

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pisser   18-1-2010 00:15  Acceptance  +1   BBBJ is safe - don't forget the 5 to 1.

孔子曰: 君子不羞于舔屄也
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Post at 18-1-2010 00:12  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #49 Marsupial's post

I was really hoping I wouldn't have to go through this. Firstly, you're the one who sees it as a contest and, in the Norika thread, our argument didn't start until you gave me neg 10A in post #51. So posts before that are not relevant, either way.

My support: weelock in post #s 64, 67 ,71 ,77, 82, and 84.
                  SEAJ in post #99
                  James Lee [posting under another name, but still a bro] in post #104
                  Total - 8 posts

Your support: #66 - lol - not sure if that's 'support' or not.
                    # 79 - OK, your old mate siklong69 'likes you'. But for someone to even say that carries a heavy implication that others 'don't like you.
                     #90 is a bro giving his own opinion and is not 'taking sides' either way.
                    Total - OK, 1 post form siklong69

Your delusion is perfectly demonstrated by you comment the SEAJ isn't taking sides, when he actually said:

Originally posted by SEAJ at 14-1-2010 02:12
why is it that you feel the need to THESE DAYS always attack people on here?  ...

Our argument was about EXACTLY that - you attacking other bros.
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Post at 18-1-2010 01:34  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #52 pisser's post

You've got your happy glasses on today bro and everything is going your way!

Meanwhile, back in the real world:

Did you or did you not say, "not one single bro came out to support you."? Not only was that comment mistaken, but now you've slyly shifted emphasis from how many different members voiced a supporting opinion, to the number of sympathetic posts. The fact remains that you got virtually all of those supporting posts from only one guy - Weelock.

You and Weelock were sucking each others' dicks in that thread - the enemy of my enemy is my friend - so his 6 posts count as the support of one member - the only other member who was actively involved in the debate.

Seaj was just acting the peacemaker, he also gave me +A - which for some reason you don't count - and he only commiserated with you because he had been previously hit with -30 K in another thread. I don't remember him saying anything on the DATY/GFE issue, which is what I thought we were talking about in that thread. Who gives a shit about anyone's bruised ego?

JamesLee is Weelock. Why do you think he suddenly showed up in that thread to diss me, and why do you think he was banned? (Lately, it seems like the forum has turned into a real masked ball. )

Ignoring Caligynephiliac's contribution to the debate is total bullshit - everything he said about GFE and DATY in his post was a deliberate vindication of my position.

And as Siklong pointed out, I didn't need any support because I was doing just fine by myself, while you, on the other hand, were shipping water from the word go.

Finally, your repeated claim that 'BBBJ is perfectly safe but DATY ruins lives' brings us full circle; and after reading all that you've said in this thread about playing safe no matter how small the risk, completely justifies my accusation of hypocrisy.

[ Last edited by  Marsupial at 18-1-2010 14:53 ]

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Post at 18-1-2010 01:38  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #47 pisser's post

You're a Forum Legend and not one single bro came out to support you. I mean, that must really hurt - and you say I lost face.

Man, CGP def nailed it right there in his reply.  I also tried to nudge you away from this since you were clearly letting the argument become personal.   Nobody needs to come to Mars' defense b/c we always know where he stands.  Let's not forget that this is an anonymous forum.  Do you really think Mars or anyone else gives two pieces of monkey shit about "losing face" here?

In spite of the offense you (and others) may take to some of his "needling," Mars never fails to keep the issue in sight when he's arguing a point w/ other bros (at least that I've seen in my experience here).  You have clearly strayed from that, pisser, so I hope you will clear your head if you intend to continue this.  I know you mean well, but we're all supposed to be adults here, i.e., do not require anyone to hold our hands and wipe our ass.  I already told you DATY is a choice in a previous post.  You obviously disagree with it and made your position clear.  Your continued tirade has only led to you allowing Mars to tag you as a hypocrite based on the BBBJ issue.  You can't have it both ways, buddy.  Intelligent people always know when to cut their losses.

[ Last edited by  banger at 18-1-2010 01:42 ]
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Post at 18-1-2010 01:39  Profile P.M. 
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Anyone have any statistics on the number of WG in HK who have tested positive for HIV?

I don't think it's much of an issue because I think that HIV isn't a problem in the population of WG's in HK.
In America, the WG's don't get HIV from sex, it's from sharing hypodermics.  I'll bet it's the same in HK.
And I'll bet there isn't a heroin problem among the WG's in HK.
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Post at 18-1-2010 01:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #55 grantorino2's post

Given the local government's ambivalence towards prostitution in HK - HGs and brothels are flat out illegal - it's not surprising that there exists no system to insure the health of sexual service providers. My impression is that the government's attitude is 'out of sight, out of mind'; and that anything more proactive would seem too much like an endorsement of prostitution's existence for their liking.

And so, we all suffer.

[ Last edited by  Marsupial at 18-1-2010 10:35 ]

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Post at 18-1-2010 02:16  Profile P.M. 
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There should be some anecdotal evidence out there about hypodermic drug use among working girls.
I've you've ever seen a heroin addict, you know right away what you're looking at.
I've never seen this even discussed on this Forum.  Not to give anyone a false sense of security, but catching HIV probably isn't a huge threat since the population of WG's generally are being safe, i.e. no sharing needles, 99.9% not BBFS.
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Post at 18-1-2010 02:50  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #57 grantorino2's post

I've only had experience with walkups and HGs, so I know nothing about any of the other manifestations of prostitution in HK; but to answer your question, no, I've never had any reason to suspect that any of the girls I've done injected drugs. They were all very health conscious in the sense that none of them allowed BBFS, and most didn't BBBJ. In fact, they all radiated youth and health. So my personal opinion is that among those girls, the HIV infection rate is very low. But who knows for sure?

I wonder if WGs in societies not erected on the foundation of a religion that equates sex with sin would be less likely to abuse hard drugs?

[ Last edited by  Marsupial at 18-1-2010 10:29 ]

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Post at 18-1-2010 15:01  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by banger at 18-1-2010 01:38
Do you really think Mars or anyone else gives two pieces of monkey shit about "losing face" here?
w ...

Certainly not me, but Mars is the one who raised the subject, not me. Just setting the record straight.  

And, if you don't understand the difference between DATY and BBBJ, read Post #1 again.  
And good luck drinking that HIV-infected pussy juice.  

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TheButler   26-1-2010 14:08  Acceptance  -3   Pussy juice . . . yum . . .
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Post at 18-1-2010 16:43  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #59 pisser's post

Hey pisser, the forum would be really boring if everyone agreed all the time ... but you really don't listen do you?  

Please take your vendetta to the Members Fight Club as requested.  

Or simply shut up.

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pisser   18-1-2010 16:53  Acceptance  +1   I've already shut up.

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!

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