Originally posted by b-man at 5/27/13 10:09 AM
- the settings for restrictions are set too high. OK going from 10 to 20 is OK but 20 to 30 takes ages. What do you get with 30? Some better photos with faces. So why bother? I spend ages on 20 and STILL don't know how to get to 30 and I've probably done over a dozen reports.
- Chastising. If a bro does a report which is a few lines or substandard then they get chastised. Happens regularly. If they give a quick report and not spend 20-30 minutes writing out alot of detail then get criticised by the senior members then it turns them off. There is a certain protocol which takes time to know and many bros in today's society do not care about.
- Really, should I read through 20-30 pages or more of forums to get some information? That's what most people think when being directed to search more. We are more attuned than ever before to get our information instantly. It's not the same as 3 years ago even. Technology has changed so quickly in that time.
1.) To put things in perspective, I think it took me three years go get to RA 30.
It takes a lot more than just a dozen reports to get to RA 30. I think it takes more than that to get to RA 20. Of course some things vary like the quality of the report. High quality reports are rewarded accordingly. This isn't just the SEX141 English Forum, it's pretty much anything in life. People appreciate you more when you give them more.
As as said in my previous post above in this thread, there are some people who think RA 30 gives them access to some magical treasure trove of tits and pussy. It's not true. For example, face pictures have higher RA requirements because it ensures a certain level of privacy for the WG. This is done by the poster on his own accord. Some things don't need to be publicly available to the world so ensuring even just a small level of privacy and security is better than none. Also, if you're of higher RA status then you've somewhat proved that you enjoy contributing to the punting culture and can be trusted.
Think of having higher RA as a nice bonus. It shouldn't be your goal, but rather just a nice side benefit. I sort of suspect that the people who complain about RA -- usually newbies and members who've been here for years but never contribute -- just want photos that they can wank to. I've been here for four years and for what it's worth, the real juicy material is always in the reports. The photos are a nice bonus, but if you're looking for porn or wanking material then you're not going to find it with these photos. And the showing of tits in photos is already available.
2.) Every person gets as much from something as they put in. Think about what kind of report you want to read. Generally speaking, a report with just a few lines probably won't say enough to be helpful. The point of the report is really to help others. I may not necessarily see a WG because of a great report she was given, but I do appreciate it when someone puts in good work and I'll reward them accordingly if I can.
Or think about when you're looking for information on something and you ask your good buddy. Your buddy replies with just a few words. He answered your question but only with minimal information and it's really not enough for you to make a solid decision. Do you appreciate his help or do you wish that he went into more depth and detail about your concern?
3.) I'm a bit biased against stupid questions. I'm an online search specialist. When companies or customers are looking for something, I make sure that they can find it as easily and quickly as possible. I also manage a department of staff who ask some really stupid questions. Some of my staff are so lazy that they'll ask others for help before even trying for themselves. My dog at home on the other hand, I'll tell her to get her leash for a walk and she'll find it in the house.
People have potential for so much more if they would just stop and think for themselves. This is why I can't be a mod. I'd be too frustrated at some of the newbies.
Last edited by Freelancer at 27-5-2013 15:58 ]