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Post at 23-6-2012 06:42  Profile P.M. 
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SEAJ, you are killing this thread yourself....

I am bored to tears reading the last few pages.  I wont waste much additional time if this remains the only topic being discussed.  I bet I am not alone....

EDIT:  SEAj, take it up in the Senior's Thread or by PM or by calling the mods at home during dinner.  We all know you are passionate about this, but being passionate doesnt make you right (ask Hitler) or interesting (ask Yoko Ono).  You scare away far more people than the Mods ever have...  Sorry Bro.., but that's my view.

[ Last edited by  wander at 23-6-2012 07:53 ]

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DArtagnan   25-6-2012 07:10  Acceptance  +1   I'm off for a day - 2 new pages of ranting - NOT going to read that shit!
JackTheBat   23-6-2012 18:28  Acceptance  +10   great food-for-thought as always, wander, thanks and welcome back
yazoo   23-6-2012 07:10  Acceptance  +1   Yes, please, let's all just move on...
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Post at 23-6-2012 07:51  Profile P.M. 
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... trying my best to change the subject...

I don't usually venture into the Erotica section - so much spam - but this page is definitely worth the visit!

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JackTheBat   23-6-2012 18:30  Acceptance  +10   fuck me gently with a chainsaw! how many spotted the transsexual(s)??
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Post at 23-6-2012 07:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4122 yazoo's post

My God those are hot gals.  Mmmm, I love Asian women!

I was recently away in the West... back to the US.  In the free time I had I spent 100% of it seeking Asian gals.  The only non-asian I hooked-up with was a black girl (my first ever civvie-encounter with a black gal, actually.  Nice too, until I learned she was crazy ).  Anyway -- my point being that I just have no interest white women anymore.  Funny..., before moving to Asia I ONLY chased white gals, now they seem to be the only flavor I dont chase.

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JackTheBat   23-6-2012 18:31  Acceptance  +1   join the club bro, i'll post a comment below...
devilgodspeed   23-6-2012 09:09  Acceptance  +1   Come back to Asia as your Filipina GF are all waiting for you.
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Post at 23-6-2012 10:26  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4122 yazoo's post

The pikachu girls are super hot

thx for the heads up

civi looking girls fully clothed are way hotter than those nude photos (IMO)

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devilgodspeed   23-6-2012 10:57  Acceptance  +1   Specially those in mini skirts executive attires.
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Post at 23-6-2012 11:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4123 wander's post

I am back, DGS - already met 3 of them...  Bliss....

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devilgodspeed   23-6-2012 11:47  Acceptance  +1   Thats good! They must have missed u as u missed them.
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Post at 23-6-2012 12:35  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4121 wander's post

You are of course right - and I do hope that Twice will move the last 6 pages off to another separate thread. But he has informed me that he will not be doing anything about this whole thing until next week - so I guess we can and should just rightly go back to regular programming.  Thank God....coz if you guys are bored to tears, I'm frustrated AND totally bewildered by Twice's response to date.

Anyway....I should really just lay off this stupid forum.....I keep on telling myself to do so as it IS taking way too much time away from not only what I want to otherwise do, but more importantly, even what I need to do!!  What a rut I got myself into!!  

But those pictures pointed out by Yazoo - OMFG!!  That's what I need to go back to - chase civvies i/o WG's WG's and more WG's. That way I ain't got no more thing to write about WG's and I'd need to go back to my thrice a week gym interspersed with Yoga, jazzcercize and Thai kick-boxing regime.  And of course Church tomorrow - some pretty hot gals at the noon mass at St. Margaret church usually!

Hmmmmm... nice Catholic gals, no condoms...and preferred method....C.I.M.>>>> Yeah>> Hooray!!

SEAN - I is now got a new plan!!

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JackTheBat   23-6-2012 18:32  Acceptance  +1   what is it with u Swedes and those plaid-skirt!?
wander   23-6-2012 13:15  Acceptance  +4   Cheers. Just enjoy yourself.. hope you stick around.
lowdrider   23-6-2012 12:40  Acceptance  +1   Horray for Civi's!! Where's the pussy at??


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Post at 23-6-2012 15:35  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by wander at 22-6-2012 15:59
Anyway -- my point being that I just have no interest white women anymore.  Funny..., before moving to Asia I ONLY chased white gals, now they seem to be the only flavor I dont chaseu ...

Yeah its been over 15 years since I chased white pussy.  One hot asian giving me a lap dance in Toronto did me in and I was spoilt for life.

Recently I've been paying attention to Latinas though.  Maybe a trip south s in the offing???

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paladin310   23-6-2012 23:58  Acceptance  +1   Not the Fairbanks?
JackTheBat   23-6-2012 18:32  Acceptance  +1   damn, now i gotta comment...
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Post at 23-6-2012 15:40  Profile P.M. 
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Hey guys - when does karma reset? I assumed it was every midnight, but it seems im wrong....
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Post at 23-6-2012 15:52  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4126 SEAJ's post

You and Catholics girls. Don't they have a sign outside of every church saying SEAN not allowed, i recall a poster with your picture on it stating that you are one of the church's public enemy number one, stealing the hearts from all those 18-22 year old innocent girls.

I think you should stick to your yoga and kick boxing so us brothers have a bit of chance out there to woo us some girls.


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JackTheBat   23-6-2012 18:33  Acceptance  +1   he's Swedish, can't help it. they have some eroto-Catholic thing going on
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Post at 23-6-2012 15:55  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4127 yazoo's post

White pussies are ok. It's just once you go Asian it's hard to turn back. It's just that Asians have this seductive body-- slim waist, not too wide of hips and just a very petite feminine frame. The girls in North America are just a blob of fat and collagen. Even when a girl is fairly slender, they still appear to be kind of big and unattractive. Just my opinion.

But what i've really wanting and been into recently are Mixed raced girls. Asians mixed with caucasian blood. Many of them I encounter are either smoking hot! or just plain weird looking. nothing really in between for some reason.

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Post at 23-6-2012 17:36  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4130 AsnDragon's post

Ahhh....yes!!! Mixed race girls!
In fact my first time was with a mixed Chinese British gal and I have since then also appreciated their beauty generally.  I also especially remember the mixed Filipino Spanish mix in Manila quite a few years back.. DevilGodSpeed - what is the word for these type mixed Pinays?  Meztizos or ??? Anyway - Beauties!!

I also had a strikingly beautiful Thai daughter of a US serviceman party with me at the Plaza Penthouse M.P. at the Entertainment Plaza in Bangkok; and that was a memorable party with 4 of us guys, 8 gals from the fish bowl, having as close to a Roman Orgy as I had ever experienced.  

Where did all these things go to.....instead of always just CP, CP, CP nowadays!!  

SEAN - Am I THAT old? ...reminiscing about the past already???

[ Last edited by  SEAJ at 23-6-2012 17:52 ]

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gwailoplayer   24-6-2012 15:27  Karma  +1   the term is "half caste"
AsnDragon   24-6-2012 05:28  Acceptance  +4   Chinese British girl!? Lucky bastard!


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Post at 23-6-2012 18:34  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4096 twiceAweek's post

I will respond, but I am not taking sides.

1. Think there is more beside, then only this K-point thing.
This side is a commercial pussy advertising side with an appendix called forum.
For me this forum is one of the Best in the World, therefore, I am participating.
It is a system with rules, guidelines, DOs and DON'Ts, etc. and naturally this rules have changes a long the timeline,
to make it hopefully much better in the future.

2. Anyone can participate, downright as they wish. Some bros bring in a lot of fucking reports with pics, some bros like to chat,
some asking questions and some likes to talk about there dipping dick and if this itchy red spots are may a serious problem.
That is ok, that is the diversity of a punting brotherhood. Basic line: respect for each other.  

3. Then we have here the bros.
There is an Owner/Admin and if this forum getting unprofitable or give him headache (e.g. some intruders try to open a
competition side, copy content and woo away members and clients) then he get, for me understandable, pissed.
And I am sure he can close then, this forum with a 1 liner command in his system at all.

Then we have here the mods. Some are more present then some others, some give K´s some not,
some write reports some not, etc. but at all they do a great job. Identify the trolls, idiots, spammers, fakers, etc.
Ok some decisions tasted like “from the top – no endless discussions (please)”. But also, for me understandable coz this forum
can steal time. At all I think their intention is always to make the board better.

Then we have here the senior bros, like SEAJ. I like him, he has always a helping attitude, give good advises,
give newbies a direction, truly “the” board Veteran. Ok sometimes he can be “exhausting”. Sometimes he like to discuss
one thing, endless. I bet no politician on this planet can win ever a battle of words against bro SEAJ.
A strength can also be a weakness. If someone say: “Please stop”, then he no listen sometimes.
Anyway SEAJ is here over a long time the bro with the most posts and online time and the ICT is his baby.
And now the system cut of one leg from his baby. He is pissed and I can understand that.   

4. Karma swapping, whoring, abusing, etc. exist here everywhere not only in the ICT.
Starts with 1 – liners like: “That is funny, ha, ha, ha”, “Did she do CIM?”, etc.
over treats opened like: “Where is Bangkok?” up to “Good night bros” can gain also Karma points!
And not only the newbies do so!
Some bros wrote good reports but gained only a few points, others wrote a short report and gained a lot of Points.
Think not long time a go Bros get K´s for posting Jokes in the Joke section. So the system changed that,
coz some bros get RA 50 only by telling jokes.  The K- system is not fair and can´t be equitable in the future.
The system gives the frame how bros get K´s, so the system can not blame them if bros generate K´s within the frame.

5. May Solutions:
Put the ICT back to Mongers Lounge.
SEAJ stop the K – automation, as he has offered and did since some days.
Let us discuss for what post/input we give K´s, hopefully there coming out some new clear and
flexible (no bean counting) guidelines.
Big report with a lot of effort with real pic, max K´s ok.
Big report with no real pics or small report with real pics, little bit less K´s.
Good intel, post, commands, tips, storys, etc. also K´s.
And let us all “police” more the zero – input - 1- liner commands.
Sensible K – is ok if some new or old bros are refractory.

6. Peace and lets go fuck.

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AsnDragon   24-6-2012 05:27  Acceptance  +4   Great suggestions!
devilgodspeed   24-6-2012 01:26  Acceptance  +6   Great! Very well said!
SEAJ   23-6-2012 20:07  Acceptance  +10   Thanks/Kudos for a great analysis. N I'll keep quiet now! LOL!
JackTheBat   23-6-2012 19:02  Acceptance  +10   best advice EVER on the ICT. i no longer need to toss in my 2 cents. thx
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Post at 23-6-2012 19:00  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Asian gals and others gals

when i was in my formative years, there were only white gals around. i lived in the US midwest, and not some place like Chicago either. a lot of milk-fed stock...regrettably, i had no reference. once i got the hell out of there and moved to California, things became clearer.

it's not that i don't find white women attractive anymore. they look good sometimes, and i had a euphoric time with those two Russian dames in the Frankfurt FKK last month. it was compressed dynamite and kept me going for weeks of visiting relatives and train travel.

and there was Guess last year, a number of bros saw her, she was young and cute and fun, half-Bulgarian, gorgeous blue eyes, sexually skilled...but it was just a job to her.

and since i made Asia my home, it's been a succession of fabulous Asians, from all over the region. in civvie-life my serious girlfriends were sexually adventurous white women who were interested in all KINDS of things. but here, it's not unusual to employ service-providers, sometimes befriend them, either stick to the rules or bend them.

and...from the pale and tall to the sultry/smoldering/luscious voodoo-gals of the Southeast, Asian women are amazing. i've seen some roll their eyes in the back of their head in ecstasy, indulge me in erotocoma-inducing extended blowjobs, cum like freight trains as they twist and grab something, anything, sometimes i'd keep a pillow close to keep my skin intact. just when u emerge from the spell of some SE Asian voodoo-princess, u run into a Northern gal from climes where ice isn't a dessert, and godDAM, she's just as passionate. i like 'em all.

the cultures and attitudes are different, and it's SO important to demonstrate a grasp of the lady's culture--especially in the sexual realm. ensure they save face in public situations, be supportive and hands-off (literally) in public. once u get behind closed doors, they'll jump ya. i mean that literally. of course, all women have issues and needs--no matter what their ancestry/heritage. don't get THAT twisted! but Asian gals often seem less hung up on sex.

as for Latinas--oh yeah, they're damn sexy. i see physical resemblance between them and Asians, but the cultures are different. and there are variations within the Latin world: a woman of Mexican heritage who grew up in LA is very different from a native Brazilian, for example. i've never been to Cuba, but i'm told the women there are very aggressive, and they expect the same. a lot of contact, and ass-fucking is pretty much EXPECTED. not exactly Asia-style...

but some good-style bad girl with long black tresses, hoop-earrings and a feisty accent, oh yeah. u do have to be careful in parts of the Latin world: guys who've mongered in Colombia say u really need "eyes in the back of your head." it's not Asia. but anywhere, be aware of the lady's culture, and adapt. everything's better, including the sex--u won't find a better win-win situation.

welcome back to wander from the USA, any reports in the ROTW section we should know about?


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AsnDragon   24-6-2012 05:25  Acceptance  +4   Love your descriptions!
wander   24-6-2012 00:24  Acceptance  +4   Bliss... And yeah, I wrote a report or 4 in ROW. Had some fun...
paladin310   24-6-2012 00:00  Acceptance  +1   Nothing to see there. Move along.
SEAJ   23-6-2012 20:08  Acceptance  +3   HEY! Nuthin' wrong with the Gals from the MidWest! I grew up on 'em!!
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Post at 24-6-2012 05:01  Profile P.M. 
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I gotta ask... what the heck is RA40 for? There seems to be a jump from RA30 -> RA50 when it comes to pictures.
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Post at 24-6-2012 05:23  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4134 asurada00's post

To entice you to get to RA50. That's my thought.

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Post at 24-6-2012 08:58  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by AsnDragon at 22-6-2012 23:55
White pussies are ok. It's just once you go Asian it's hard to turn back. It's just that Asians have this seductive body-- slim waist, not too wide of hips and just a very petite feminine frame. The g ...

Yes the body is alluring, but also there seems to be more femininity and grace from even the lowest social class Asian girl than white girls.  And that's culture not race.  Girls who grow up in an Asian culture seem to show more reserve and maturity.  I notice such a big difference here between the imports and the cbc's (Canadian Born Chinese).  CBC's turn me off quite fast even though they are often very hot looking.

Speaking of hot looking and mixed, I think the asian / black combo produces some pretty gorgeous women.

JtB: What is an erotocoma?  I tend to think that I may want one.

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JackTheBat   24-6-2012 09:40  Acceptance  +2   erotocoma: kicks in after about 15 mins of stellar BBBJ at K-P or 37D
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Post at 24-6-2012 09:02  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4134 asurada00's post

There's the Restricted Access Reports that opens up for you, but it doesn't seem to have a lot of additional useful content.  Some extra pics, although a lot are RA 50.
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Post at 24-6-2012 09:58  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4136 yazoo's post

Hehe..  Yeah... "I'll have what he's having!".

You guys ever get into a steady-state "pleasure zone" when screwing?  By this I mean you get to a zone just short of orgasm and can stay there for an hour....  If you want you can "let go" and release, or you can just ride-the-zone for as long as your body holds out.  My SO was great at getting me there when we fucked,  (she loved it cause I would screw her as long as she could handle it)  then she would jump off and suck and stroke just enough to keep me there for another 20 minutes.  Bloody amazing - like a 60 minute orgasm almost.    When you finally cum it'll blow the top of her head off!   

Sadly, I don't get into this zone as often as I would like..., but magical when you can do it!

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JackTheBat   24-6-2012 14:48  Acceptance  +5   yes, i can get into a similar state. setting has to be right...
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Post at 24-6-2012 10:18  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4134 asurada00's post

Yes, IMHO this anomaly occurred as the Mods further tinkered with how to give a bit of protection to the gals i.e. supposedly more appropriate RA requirements for different types of girl-pictures.

But there is:
Hotel Gals Walk-In uncovered ~ Real Pics from Chinese forum

Which is the mother-lode of the forum and shows supposedly real pictures that had been posted on the Chinese side - which is RA 40. But then again, how much can we trust pictures from the Chinese side?!

SEAN - Damn it, all I want is full vindication for you guys/that ALL rights you guys previously enjoyed on ICT be restored.


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Post at 24-6-2012 12:06  Profile P.M. 
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Sorry - just another thought...

We've all just been merrily posting on the ICT without much action about what AsnD, inbkk, Yazzo, JtB, wander and others brought up - and that is that the main purpose of the forum is to support/be an adjunct to the DB ads.

So... I'll start if off by my and my uncle's recollections of the 141 scene when he/I were diehard and frequent customers of kick start others posting.

First were these 141 rooms which had quite a tentative start as the British common law legality of gals selling their bodies was still being questioned in Hong Kong. And whilst the strict interpretation of the law was being observed, ancillary conditions/restrictions were being deployed to suppress this trade.

So in the early days, mongering in Hong Kong WAS fraught with dangers like being "questioned" by the police if caught in a 141...with requirement that the punter must get a relative to guarantee his return for more questioning in the future when and if required, mongers being caught up in a sting requesting sexual services etc etc.

And since it was prior to the internet and sites like Sex141, most advertisements were one inch ones in a separate section of the Chinese papers (something which still exists even now - for those computer challenged older gents I guess!).

And 141 gals started off being patronized only by the lower strata of mongers - with those more concerned with their "status in life" limiting themselves to the Nightclubs and the nascent beginning of the Hotel Walk-in gals; but I'll save that for later/want you guys to also chime in.

After all, I think all of us would prefer that the ICT NOT degenerate into a chat thread just discussing.....idle items....and BS.

How comparatively free and easy it is these days mongering - thanks to Sex141 (Like that plug? Huh?? LMAO!)

SEAN - trying, still trying my best!!
Ps edit

gwailoplayer           24-6-2012 12:53          Karma          +1           so there were 141s in Gothenberg? maybe a Club Volvo or 2.
gwailoplayer           24-6-2012 15:27          Karma          +1           the term is "half caste"

Oooops - Appreciate the thought - really - but Sorry gwailoplayer, K's are now verbotten on this thread. Yeah, I know, I know....
Anyway, could somebody please dock me -2K's to reverse please. Thanks!!

[ Last edited by  SEAJ at 24-6-2012 16:45 ]

Recent Ratings
JackTheBat   24-6-2012 18:01  Karma  -2   consider yourself docked, now go shop at IKEA to ease yr pain ;-)
gwailoplayer   24-6-2012 12:53  Karma  +1   so there were 141s in Gothenberg? maybe a Club Volvo or 2.
AsnDragon   24-6-2012 12:31  Acceptance  +4   U learned a lot from your uncle!!



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