Subject: any intel for some big and natural tits (木瓜奶)?
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Post at 1-12-2022 20:17  Profile P.M. 
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I have not tried but just came across this on the DB, looks jiggly AF:
Papaya for days...

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booby_lover   1-12-2022 22:37  Acceptance  +3   Nice

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Post at 14-12-2022 10:09  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #18 HK_Legend's post

"Joanna" IS the one in Sheung Wan "Japan Nuru Massage" A34358
(the pictures with the shoes are ~10Y old when she was in Harilela Mansion)

I was there yesterday.
and NOT disappointed.

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HKS77   14-12-2022 13:17  Acceptance  +1   
magictime12   14-12-2022 12:59  Acceptance  +3   Tell us more about Joanna What services?
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Post at 10-4-2023 04:36  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #22 HK_Legend's post

Any update for intel??? as covid is behind us! Much appreciated!

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HK_Legend   10-4-2023 17:03  Acceptance  +8   Done!
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Post at 10-4-2023 16:51  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #23 Sherno's post

I tried to see her before CNY. Too bad, she was already off while very friendly.

I tried AFTER CNY and I had booked her 2 days before (clearly with NUMBERS) for 12:00pm (while she generally works from 14:00 !)
and it was clearly OK for her.
On the day, went to her flat (near Jervois)....ring-SMS-....bang at the door...Nothing.
Maybe gone shopping, so I packed pissed.

Around 14:00 SMS from her.
She had forgotten the appointment (that happens) but the way she explained she was trying to make me feel bad because I asked 12:00 for 2 hours
(she accepted 12:00)
instead of 14:00...and that I don't like.
So for me that's a write off and no report with pic (she clearly would have been cool on this)!
I have zero time wasting on stupidities and moody behavior.
In addition in dec, somebody very close had irritated me a lot before (and put in penalty box), so my patience was running thin.

Intel about her and our session in dec:
* She is still working (generally offline on weekend),

* Her (well decorated) flat (she is ALONE there so legit!) seems to be her place of work.....She has  HUGE TV,
(I think in Hariela Mansion she was probably the landlord of some girls in the corridor so she has $$$),

* Her past is not banal: Started in LKF first lane on the right in Wellingto after turning right from d'Aguilar.
The name of the shop was "Joanna" something I kept that name while it is in fact Rose.
Met her there in 2007-2008 so she is PRE-Kiki / PRE-Jasmine for me.
The massages were good but while having a very strong body she was very good with the rest!!
Then she had her shop (~alone) in Lan Kwai Fong.
Then moved to TST running a ...massage shop....Rose Whatever with many ....masseuses.
I think she got very visible, too visible, way too visible, got troubles,.. maybe did time.
Then in Harilela Mansion as she knew she was on some radar screens
there was ZERO  cap onsite...but her ...boyfriends could bring some.
The pictures are from those years (~2011-2012 I think)
Because it was not in my sector I stopped seing her.

Noticed her AD in recent years but with WhatsAPP (NMCOT) => headache and forgot
....until I saw again the pair of boobs and THE SHOES in dec.
She is not exactly LOW COST (check terms & conditions when contacting her with WhatsAPP) but she is GOOD on all counts.
After +10Y she was surprised to see a gweilo that seemed familiar.
Her English is good enough to have a little chat...she brought cookies and coffee and were chatting like old friends
as when I talked about LKF, Joanna, Rose and the circus with the cap at Hariela Mansion, she remembered.

We agreed on the program:
* Massage,...then removed the massage table and use the Nuru mat, (she is equipped)
* Nuru,.....she took a bit of weight but not too much and she knows how to use that body,
* And from nuru it turned into Gliding LS, with LB pointing to her feet ...and massaged by her ass
(she is very good at controlling that ass...but then she was not controlling anything)  and cowgirl to finish.
Obviously she did not have sex for a while as she was completely ballistic.

Age: 40s,
Body: Strong body and she could trim a bit of fat but honestly, I met in dec the lady I knew in 2007-2011,
While a very strong body and ~ tall, she is perfectly comfortable waking on high heels; those legs (ass too) have muscles,
Face: Weird, not ugly but weird, I would not go out with her,
PSE: Everything worked (she liked DATY) and worked well but we did not try SOAP,

I read some old reports here about her being ...moody. Correct.
To be fair, her expectations are on the upper end, not cheap massages.
Anybody going there for a simple massage is unlikely to get a welcome....more like getting screamed at
She likely has a good bank account and focus on high added value business.
Never had any problem (save the fxck time) with her as from the first time I came for massage AND the rest.

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Sherno   10-4-2023 20:29  Acceptance  +8   Awesome and thanks!!!
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Post at 10-4-2023 16:59  Profile P.M. 
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Joanna / Rose

She is offline today (like generally on Week End),
but here are the pictures (from ~2011 taken in Harilela Mansion; there was a nest there in the corridor) I downloaded from her webpage.
That's her!

There is a kind of clone in Central but that does not seem related.

[ Last edited by  HK_Legend at 10-4-2023 17:00 ]

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Sherno   10-4-2023 20:30  Acceptance  +8   Looks like some descent boobs!
gg1234   10-4-2023 17:08  Acceptance  +4   
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Post at 10-4-2023 17:02  Profile P.M. 
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More that were uploaded on her page

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Sherno   10-4-2023 20:32  Acceptance  +8   Nice racks!
booby_lover   10-4-2023 19:11  Acceptance  +5   That first photo saved a lot of questions being asked. Nice
gg1234   10-4-2023 17:09  Acceptance  +4   
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Post at 10-4-2023 17:13  Profile P.M. 
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Please keep this thread going

I specialise in huge natural breasts and frequent mainly hotel girls for the last 20 years.  I am now back in the scene after COVID but not much luck finding great tits so far. Lets keep the intel flowing....

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magictime12   16-5-2023 13:39  Acceptance  +4   
pinkrabbit   12-4-2023 17:52  Acceptance  +2   Staying tuned!
Sherno   10-4-2023 20:33  Acceptance  +8   Looking forward to your valuable intel!
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Post at 10-4-2023 17:21  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 jkuroda1's post

Yes I know who you're talking about, her name is Jay. Visited her multiple time, around 15/16 until her retirement.
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Post at 19-4-2023 23:13  Profile P.M. 
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Many HG this week and quite a few with big tits. Tried this one since my first choice is not available

Very nice body, not huge but quite a handful. Not tall and normal face. Good service, can DFK, very friendly. Quite a good choice to resume my mongering!

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sexyloser   16-5-2023 04:52  Acceptance  +5   
gg1234   20-4-2023 12:34  Acceptance  +4   Great tits
john.cvb   20-4-2023 12:12  Acceptance  +2   
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Post at 15-5-2023 23:32  Profile P.M. 
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ramont   16-5-2023 18:05  Acceptance  +5   thanks
sexyloser   16-5-2023 04:52  Acceptance  +5   
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Post at 15-9-2023 09:41  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Sherno's post

Anyone knows where the big natural boobs with pretty face used to be at 703F now at?
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Post at 15-9-2023 19:50  Profile P.M. 
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There used to be Artist, whom I first met at Kam Bong then patronised at Fuji. She might have gone back to Shanghai. I rarely saw a WG with such a level of energy (despite her size).

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