Subject: Wan Chai on a Sunday
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Post at 20-6-2012 02:03  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #19 whome's post

Are there any other areas where I could go similar to the Wan Chai bars?

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Intenseslacker   20-6-2012 02:31  Karma  +1   greedy much? That's more than enough for one man.
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Post at 20-6-2012 21:44  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks for the advise.
Also this may sound like a stupid question but it is possible to get a taxi from wan chai to my hotel in TST?
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Post at 21-6-2012 00:50  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #22 tenpagememories's post

Of course you can. HK is pretty small and taxis are pretty cheap. You'll have to pay extra for going through the tunnel, but it's not much. The MRT will also take you, but you can't really trundle the WG into the train... But on your way from TST to Wanchai take the ferry. It'sa nice ride, and gets you excited about wanchai to see all the lights and big city . The ferry goes directly to wanchai, infact, from TST. Then when you find your girl for the night, pop her in a cab and take her home. Bring a biz card from the hotel, it's a good way to tell the cabbie where you are going, if he doesn't know the name of your hotel.

And because I know you'll ask, the girl will be no problem at your hotel. Just walk past the desk like you are proud to fuck whores, and nobody will bug you. Likely they'll just be jealous that they will be manning a desk in a hotel and you'll be upstairs banging a hot Filipina DH.

Edit. Let me add. If after all this advice, we don't see a report, I will be most disappointed. Sharing is caring.

[ Last edited by  Intenseslacker at 21-6-2012 00:51 ]
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Post at 21-6-2012 09:04  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #23 Intenseslacker's post

Thanks Intenseslacker,  I will definitely post my reports. As i mentioned i will go macau as well, so i will post reports of the saunas as well.
Thanks to all bros for the advise

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