Subject: Kindness is Cruelty
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Post at 23-5-2012 13:31  Profile Blog P.M. 
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You know what... Just be yourself and let the chips fall where they may. Most of y'all seem like nice enough folk. Why be cruel specifically because she's a WG?
And if you're a cruel mate... Stayed cruel. There are those who gravitate toward that as well.
If you're going to be all high up on your horse... Don't punt period.

She knows you're there to have fun. You know you're there to have fun.  If she deluded herself to thinking that there's something more... Treat it like any other relationship. Do you want to develop this into something more. To thine self be true. And be just as honest with her. Doesn't mean you have to tell her explicitly... But whatever organically happens between two people, is up to the two people in olved.

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Post at 23-5-2012 16:48  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #20 AsnDragon's post

Methinks the OP has stumbled into a core truth of WGs (especially here in Asia where such an occupation is far more common and open and attracts a lot of very "normal" girls who see this as an option to escape poverty);  they are just girls.  They get lonely, they get horny, they want companionship, they want a human connection.

And sometimes they ARE vulnerable and want to believe you could be a Prince Charming come to save them.  

Or maybe they just want to PRETEND such a thing for a while.  Just let the illusion play out as long as it will because it is fun and sweet and feels so good.  This last bit is where I fall with most of the gals that become regulars:  they all know my situation;  they all know I also play with a LOT of gals; yet when we're together she's MY gal and I'm HER guy.  It is a hell of a lot sweeter than her just feeling like a pin-cushion; a piece of meat; and a lot nicer for me than feeling like I am just another walking penis with a wallet.  

Sometimes the boundaries get blurred.  But I've had spectacular romances with these gals.
SEAJ (***Call me Sean Sweet Swede***)

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Post at 23-5-2012 17:49  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #22 wander's post

Know what guys - in the mongering world, we all expect adult behaviour and adult sense of responsibility; both for the monger as well as the WG.

And this is especially the case in Chang Ping as 100% of the mongers there know that they are there to screw around and 100% of the WG's are there to make money selling their body. And I'd even include DJ's, mommies, managers, footsy gals etc as being WG's - just that their approach to selling their body differs, but that the end result is the sale of their body.

Let's face it, we're nobody's brother's (or sister's) keeper in this very adult environment and all participants KNOWS what's at stake. No, I'm not advocating that we all specifically treat the gals badly - just act yourself.

I have in the past also contemplated on my own navel as to the appropriateness of my behaviour with WG's and had henceforth drawn up MY OWN code of conduct and have found the balance that indeed is required between my own conscience and how so very available pussy is when one pays for it.

I happen to LOVE romance/the feeling of falling love and will time and time again go for it - for I found that just going after PSE or wham-bam-thank-you-mam just don't do much for me. Like the OP, I DO treat girls with utmost care, kindness and gentlemanly behaviour.  But at all times I have it in the back of my head that all this sweetness and light is predicated on $$$ changing hands; and I also ALWAYS make sure that my counter-party sweetheart is on the same page on this and will periodically remind her of such.

I'm pretty sure that I could get a lot of freebie-WG's - but will instead always insist on paying - as getting a freeby from a WG is too much like stealing from her.  Please note that these are all my OWN IMHO/code of conduct and I'm not here to chastise anybody if they do aspire to get freeby WG's!

And just to reinforce what AsnD said about Singaporeans and Malaysian mongers - yes - you guys ARE the favorite of these CP WG's as they've all heard about the big bucks that you guys shower on your gals...and only visit perhaps once a month or even less.  Compare that to the HKG guys who'd be up there half the time or the Taiwanese who're there working full time - heck - you guys are PRIME Tenderloin!

So, to put it more blunt than AsnD - don't think that all that "I Love you, oh I so miss you, oh you're so good to me that I cain;'t help myself but to fall for you etc etc" is ANYTHING more than a sales pitch.  In other words - don't be a sucker and fall for it I can detect you doing from your OP filled with angst and guilt feelings etc.  It's 99% bullshit in the WG world and especially so for CP.

Sorry for being perhaps a bit too blunt - but you ain't the first monger I've had to administer a strong dosage of WG/CP reality to; and namby-pamby words don't do nuthin' except make it worse!

SEAN - Sigh.....just remember - its all about money FIRST w/WG's and especially in CP!

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Kim53   27-5-2012 02:17  Karma  +2   Same thoughts.
AsnDragon   24-5-2012 02:40  Karma  +3   Well Put! Comes from years of widsom.


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Post at 24-5-2012 02:51  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #23 SEAJ's post


I am glad that you are finally learning  young lad. I would imagine you getting to this understanding...say perhaps 10 years from now since you still quite young! Good for you!

I can attest to the fact that most of the girls who tell you that they "miss you" or "love you" or "when are you coming back?" and other words of affection are usually empty words to lure you back from additional financial milking.

As I've stated, CP is a fantasy land filled with deceptions and lies. I've seen throughout the years, many men who come to CP and lie about their profession, their net-worth etc to impress a girl. WG in return lie about their age, their story, their background and about their supposed emotional attraction towards the customer. In CP there's only two types of people.

1. One who tricks someone else.
2. One who gets tricked by someone else.

You really do need to discount what the the girl says to you. Over the decades, I've learned to filter out a WG's language and analyze her true intentions.

Just last week, a girl had wanted to meet up with me for a long long time. Said she was sick and couldn't work and was really in a bad situation. When I told her I'd bring over some medicine for her, she told me that she has her own medicine and wants to meet up for a meal. I was away from CP in another city so I couldn't get to her until several days later. When I came to CP and tried to call her she wouldn't pick up my calls. When I was leaving CP I messaged her that I was leaving. She told me it was for the better because she was being forced behind the scene by someone to get some money off of me, but since I had treated her so well before she felt that it was against her conscious. I have never heard from her since. In this case I was a bit lucky that she decided against milking me. But even if she asked for money i most likely would not give it to her. But SEAN is correct in that WG these days in CP are harder and harder to trust and you should take their words with a grain of salt.

P.S.- I totally agree with SEAN that footie girls are also in this category as well. I go to the legend footie. Girls I had three weeks ago are all gone to work as DJs and KTV Girls. The DJ's will most likely migrate to become a WG after a while anyhow. It always happens! In CP, every girl gets corrupted by money, and every men get corrupted by pussy.
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Post at 24-5-2012 16:49  Profile P.M. 
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I think the best thing we punters can do from our part is to keep the transaction with WG smooth and easy. And treat them really good because they do deserve a lot of respect from us. At least with all the sacrifices that they are making to earn money for their family and for themselves with their hard work.

Since some of the punter are married and still in a relationship, they can't really afford to get more involved with the same WG again and again. As it is, some punters must have got enough problems and stress of their own and that might the reason for most of the time for punting. If they get more involved with the same WG and do not keep this like a business transaction (money for pleasure), there will be more problems arising for the punters.
What I mean to say is that, we are humans with lots of emotions. If some married guy mongers with the same WG from time to time, there are high chances that he might get emotionally involved with the WG and screw up his relationship with his wife or GF.

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SEAJ   24-5-2012 16:56  Karma  +1   Hence the need to ALWAYS remember its all predicated on $$ changing hands.
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Post at 24-5-2012 16:59  Profile P.M. 
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SexNavigator - just some words of advise ...

I know your desperation to climb the ladder and get to the next level, but ...

if you really are 18 years old and you just finished your exams - don't spend so much time in this forum !
get a life like a normal adolescent kid ... don't let your world revolve around hookers - get a girlfriend !!!

edit - and just to let you know - it was my intention to actually meet up with you when you come here next month
but now that I know a bit more about you I don't believe it would be wise as you might end up being one of my
friends son and you having to call me uncle !!!  

[ Last edited by  twiceAweek at 24-5-2012 17:12 ]

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SEAJ   24-5-2012 17:12  Karma  +1   Hats off to U wise and considerate 1! And LOL@ at the son thing!
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Post at 24-5-2012 17:16  Profile P.M. 
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SEAJ   24-5-2012 17:12   Karma   +1   Hats off to U wise and considerate 1! And LOL@ at the son thing!

no, I'm being dead serious ... he's told me a bit about himself and if all true, then there is a high possibility that I do know his parents !
I don't intend to go through that embarrassment if what I suspect is real !!!

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AsnDragon   25-5-2012 01:06  Karma  +1   Isn't that the biggest nightmare ever!? I guess it will be your own "little se ...
SEAJ   24-5-2012 17:25  Acceptance  +1   Yeh HKG IS so small! But U really R a good guy/wise counselor. Hats Off!
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Post at 24-5-2012 17:21  Profile P.M. 
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SexNavigator - I know you're reading this thread right now ...
no need to shit in your pants as I don't want to know who you are - for my own sake of mind!!!
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Post at 24-5-2012 17:23  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #26 twiceAweek's post

Chill out, don't worry about me. The thing is, I am going on a trip with my friends next week and till then I am pretty much jobless and bored as hell.

Anyways, thanks for the advise! Will keep that in mind.

I was actually looking forward to that meeting, but never mind. Probably the best thing for both of us I guess. Do let me know if you change your mind anytime.  

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Post at 24-5-2012 17:27  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #29 SexNavigator's post

I'll make sure another bro here can meet with you ...

Apologies to the OP of this thread for the diversion ... but your title kindness is cruelty can actually apply in the case here !!!
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Post at 24-5-2012 17:29  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #28 twiceAweek's post

Holly fuck...  Now I am totally sure that it's probably the best thing that we don't meet up.
Please do not change your mind..
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Post at 24-5-2012 17:34  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #31 SexNavigator's post

Like I said, I'll get someone else to check you out ... maybe go punting together ... Hunter likes them young !
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 24-5-2012 19:22  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #32 twiceAweek's post

Yoo hooooooooooooooooooooooo.......I like em fresh and young.

Retired from pussy arena….Uncle 9

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Post at 24-5-2012 20:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #33 hunter's post

Our young friend needs to learn how to get fresh with non working girls !  

you're the perfect mentor for him !  
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Post at 25-5-2012 00:26  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by twiceAweek at 24-5-2012 17:16
no, I'm being dead serious ... he's told me a bit about himself and if all true, then there is a high possibility that I do know his parents !
I don't intend to go through that embarrassment if what I suspect is real !!!

Wow 6 degrees of separation huh?

Though I think a lot of forum members would get a kick out that you actually might know each other, especially one whose posts had questions about credibility
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Post at 27-5-2012 01:39  Profile P.M. 
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I'll chime in.

So, I had a punt last week that made me a uncomfortable. Girl showed up, and she looked a bit young for my tastes (you know I love my MILFs). She was looked 21 or so, and after much difficult discussion (she spoke very little English)I managed to see her ID. She was 22. But she was definitely as fresh as they come to the scene. She looked nervous as hell, and nothing I did or said made her more comfortable. Was trying to be nice, friendly, relaxed... But it was clear she was just interested in getting in, getting paid, and getting out.

I got her naked on the bed, but... After a few minutes of sad, pathetic fondling she just pointed at her crotch and made it clear she wanted me to stick it in and get it over with. Fuck. Made me feel terrible. I felt like I was the terrible dude in some film where the girl was in some kind of terrible straits and I was her rock bottom. I just paid her and asked her to leave politely. And now... I dunno.

Where did she go? What's her life like now? How did other punters act when she was like that? She is obviously living that hell the OP was talking about, and I was part of it. Sould I have climbed on top and fucked her to make sure I showed her no kindnessthat would have misled her, as the OP suggests? Should I have let her go like I did? Should i have tried to talk to her and help? I am not sure, but I know the whole experience made me feel dirty as shit about punting.

I dunno if that makes sense to anyone, but reading this thread made me think of that experience, and the weird way I have been feeling all week...
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Post at 27-5-2012 05:24  Profile P.M. 
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with all due respect, get over yourself

A salesperson's dream client is one who feels guilty for not doing business.

If you feel the need to treat WGs with any more kindness than you
would your accountant, then you are the "whale."
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Post at 27-5-2012 05:47  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #36 Intenseslacker's post

I know what you mean! I too have had similar experiences with these type of situations. In fact usually with Even younger girls like 18 or 19 years old. Especially when I am their first time client and they are so nervous and uncomfortable about what they are a out to do. Also when they have been tricked into being a WG by their boyfriends that are using them for money but lying to them that they will marry the girl once they earn enough money. What worst is the girls actually are still in love with their BF and they have sex with you like you are the bad guy in the movie who takes advantage of a girl in a bad place. They almost act like its a torture to Be in the same room as you.

There's nothing wrong for feeling sympathy for the girl. We usually feel that way oncein a while to a rookie WG. Perhaps that's why you like older women as they are use to this field of work and are professional about their work--giving good sex.

Don't worry about it, we get these moments over the years. It usually comes with you g Rookie WGs. Move on a get a good session with a more experienced WG, so you will have less guilt. After you have a good session soon you will get over and forget your bad session with your 22 year old.

Asndragon-- as I get older I think I am getting a softer heart.

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SEAJ   27-5-2012 10:49  Karma  +1   U sure that ur heart's the only thing getting softer? LMAO!

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