Hell, even relationships , meaning seeing somewhat regularly and becoming "friends", with WGs don't remain static.
Introduce familiarity and sooner or later the professional relationship changes. At first some of the changes can be good. Better sex, more offerings, but usuallyover time it devolves into a situation where the WG starts taking more and more liberties and soon, shit, why am I paying for this.
If I wanted grief I'd have a real girl friend. If I wanted shit from you I'd squeeze your head! Oops, sorry maybe a little overstated
But the point is the same.
I don't know, maybe it's just me cause I am usually too soft with the girls and don't nip crossing the line in the bud. Insidious creep!
I gotta keep it fresh and stop old habits...................Sorry, just more of my problems.
I mean.......I'm just sayin.....