Subject: Discussion - Sharing forum information and real photos

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Post at 15-12-2011 10:44  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by DaBestHK at 15-12-2011 08:25
1. WGs (or HGs) are not always reliable, even if you have a longstanding or regular relationship with her. i have had more than half a dozen experiences wherein what she did or allowed was beyond the  ...

Happpysex, No la she is not my fav (don't have one at the moment), but I look out for her interest. Similar case happen with CK.NEWAY on the chin forum.

To anwser bro DaBeskhk, I think you seem to be out of touch with the HG industry now and what has happened since the demise of James and subsequent shut-down of the sub-groups. The HG industry has changed so much now that it has completely adopted a different strategy. Reports are shown to HGs are common practice today, we cannot stop this. I know my reports and pics are shown to HGs and I have absolutely no problem with this at all. Obviously, each bro has a motive for doing this, ranging from trying their best to get the same n-ked pics or service or to just generally telling the HG that he saw her pics and that was the reason for booking her. The concept of saying whatever is in the forum stays in the forum is a dinosaur one. As Hunter pointed out, it cannot be policed and nor can it be stopped or controlled. One just have to embrace that it is a fact of life in the HG industry and the way it has evolved! In my opinion, once a OP posts his report on the internet, it is "free for all", whether there is a high RA or not. You will recall even the 141 Admin was quoted as saying this too.    

To say whatever the HG tells us, we have to take it with a pinch of salt (yes, I agree) but every bro here also knows that the reports written here should also be taken with a pinch of salt too. One must be completely mad to believe everything that is written and posted on the internet. For example, the only way to verify the accuracy of a report is to try the HG yourself.

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Petay_1283   16-12-2011 20:49  Acceptance  +1   So in a way you are saying she could of actually agreed to the pictures?

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Post at 15-12-2011 10:45  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by wander at 15-12-2011 10:30
I disagree Bro.  I would be very pissed off if I reported on a regular gal of mine (as I do) and someone here shares my report with her or discusses the specific details of what I said.

Whenever I pa ...

How can you prevent this??

The only way is not to post at all if you are scared that the contents of your report are shown elsewhere!
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Post at 15-12-2011 11:28  Profile P.M. 
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The way this is prevented is by instituting Restricted Access.  With the belief that those that have climbed up the ranks to view the Restricted Access information realize that its not to be shared with people without that access.

If it means nothing to you to have RESTRICTED ACCESS, then why bother putting any RA on anything at all.  Since its obvious it means nothing to you (you already shared restricted access information with someone that should not have it...) and as your RA is at 90, there is no way to share information with anyone on the board besides the admins/mods that doesn't share it with you and since sharing it with you means sharing it with anyone you want to share it with...

Why have RA at all?
SEAJ (***Call me Sean Sweet Swede***)

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Post at 15-12-2011 11:34  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #18 happppysex's post

What??? You actually mean that you think it OK to share whatever we have written here with the WG reported on?

I - and I'm pretty sure many others here - have been victim of the actions of another member here who has that same attitude/action as you; our own favorite gal(s) getting upset as we had written something or another about her IN THE SPIRIT OF SHARING AND CARING with other bros here....and somebody told her about the report.

IMHO, this has got to stop/guys should grow up and realize they are  doing harm. This continues and who's gonna want to share any more information here - when doing so only brings grief. The gal may have been Goose's favorite - but so what??  She remains doing her job as a WG and anybody who pays can AND SHOULD be able to do her; or are you saying that just coz she's somebody's favorite, that then others cannot pay her to screw her....or do what she is herself willing to do but NOT with the original guy?

You talk about respect to the girls - what about respect for other bros here??

Edit @oose
Not everybody wants to or needs to curry favours with agents; and we only have your word that the agent's practices "nowadays" is to show reports to their gals.  But I rather doubt that these agents would scour the English side for such reports - unless he gets pointed out to it by yourself.  The Chinese side - maybe/probably - but I'd like to think that bros on this side would NOT adopt most of the practices that they have on the Chinese side and that we are generally a bit more mature here.


[ Last edited by  SEAJ at 15-12-2011 11:49 ]

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Petay_1283   16-12-2011 20:50  Karma  +1   
bedlam   16-12-2011 02:45  Karma  +1   Truthiness!
jm322   15-12-2011 21:10  Karma  +1   Exactly why I will never move up on RA anymore. Inconsiderate high lvls


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Post at 15-12-2011 11:45  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 G-A-R-Y's post

Yes, respecting them  is important, but are you telling me you have asked for permission from girls to post every time you have posted? Even the ones who could not speak English? What a load of garbage!
I remember you once mentioning in a report that you made it clear you would not get dressed until you got a pic. Did you ask for permission then from that zero English gal?

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Petay_1283   16-12-2011 20:51  Acceptance  +6   Exactly what I have just written lol before I read this!

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Post at 15-12-2011 11:48  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #24 SEAJ's post

Unless you are GOD, and even he has limitations, it cannot be stopped, policed or controlled!

If you say it has to stop, tell us how you would do it?

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Post at 15-12-2011 11:53  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #25 Thai-delight's post

TD, I think a lot of HGs don't  care about the written content, only about the photos.
SEAJ (***Call me Sean Sweet Swede***)

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Post at 15-12-2011 11:53  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #26 Goose's post

By ourselves all growing up and realizing how immature it is to share such info with the gals/agents. What is in it for you that you'd want to do so?  OK - you want to share YOUR report with them FOR WHATEVER REASON you may have - fine - but don't be doing so with other's reports.

I would have thought that such simple concept as respect for other bros here would have been obvious to any grown men with a lick of common sense.


[ Last edited by  SEAJ at 15-12-2011 11:55 ]



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Post at 15-12-2011 11:58  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #28 SEAJ's post

In a perfect world, yes

But we are not and you honk about the respect of the bro then what about the HG. We throw that in the toilet even if we see something wrong. We dont challenge or report because the HG has no rights only the rights of the bros matter! You cannot be so cruel!
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Post at 15-12-2011 12:36  Profile P.M. 
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You cant police it... but

It's the internet.  

So, I only pass out #'s of my regulars after I make them agree to NOT discuss my report nor even my user-name here.  I don't want a longtime regular gal to read some of the the less-flattering things that I might share "Ya, her tits are a bit saggy but....". So when I see 'em next I get a "Saggy tits, eh!!??!!". "Thanks jerk!".  
We are already seeing some Bros stop reporting because of this... At least on their favorites who they plan on repeating with.  "Sharing and Caring" will be getting less detailed and truthful if we got worry about facing the gal again with her seeing everything you said.
SEAJ (***Call me Sean Sweet Swede***)

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Post at 15-12-2011 13:18  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #29 Goose's post

Yes, I agree that we should not be so cruel to WG's or to anybody for that matter.

So as I said previously, if you or anybody else see something wrong - or being cruel to a particular gal - yes, by all means bring it up to the bro who had been so cruel etc in a PM; or even on the forum like you did - I don't see a problem with that. But what I do find very problematic is for you or anybody to point out such "cruelty" or whatever to the gal or the agent.

What do you hope to accomplish by doing that?



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Post at 15-12-2011 13:37  Profile P.M. 
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Wow interesting topic. I cant see the pictures as I dont have the sufficient RA. (to see any picture for what matters) and I think its a good thing because one has to deserve it.
Now on privacy, I tend to agree that the girl should be asked "can I take a picture of you" if they say yes, I'd assume they are fine with me sharing it with a limited number of friends / mongerers as this will bring them more business, if they say no, case solved, no pics taken. Of course there are laws, but then again, this defeats the purpose of the forum, sharing among friends.

I can understand Goose got upset as he knows the girl and doesnt want her to be seen in a bad way but sharing the info outside the forum actually defeats the purpose of the RA as only the ones with sufficient RA (and it takes a few month as those had 50RA!) can see them.

Now, I totally agree that what happens on the forum, stays on the forum, its valid for everything (and if you ask me, never heard of this forum, even with my mongerer firends). This should never get out of this forum as its because the forum has mongerers only that the info is considered accurate and reliable. If you start sending things out, people who have other interests will join, some will leave and the overall quality of the forum (which is really good) will go down, and nobody wants that!
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Post at 15-12-2011 14:06  Profile P.M. 
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The RA system is not the answer

In my opinion, the RA system is there merely to encourage newbies to contribute (and stop spouses and their families from easily reading/seeing something that might contain certain details they could recognize).   But just because someone contributes and reaches RA50 or 60 or 70 doesn't automatically make him an "honourable" guy.  The two characteristics are not related.  A guy can make 10 reports with (decent pics) and reach a high enough RA to access 95% of what's here.  But his true character can easily remain hidden.  

Like any forum, we just need to establish a rule and ask members to follow it.  Determining that someone broke the rules means banishment (just like fake reports, etc).  And it's amazing how often the truth is found out.

So what is the "rule" with pics??  Seems obvious permission to take a pic MUST be given - no "sneaky" pics here.  But what about posting the approved pics here?  A body-shot (no face) okay without explicitly getting her permission for posting?   Any face shot requires explict approval from the gal?  Not sure - I am not really a pic guy --- only ever posted pics of 3 gals ever and never a nude shot with a face visible.

Anyway...  IMHO -- if we say no pics of any kind without her stated posting-approval I bet the # of pics here falls drastically.  Fine by me -- plenty or porn out there - I sure as hell don't come to 141 to view poorly-lit phone pics.

So, just make a rule once a for all.  We can't police it well, but it doesn't mean a lot of the quality Bros on here won't follow it.  I am sure we will.

[ Last edited by  wander at 15-12-2011 14:48 ]

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JustSeven   15-12-2011 14:24  Karma  +3   sneaky pics are seen as unfavourable by some (particularly if its gooses current ...
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Post at 15-12-2011 14:22  Profile P.M. 
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So because Goose & Gary got burned by someone, he goes and burns someone else.

We cant fix the problem, so lets be part of the problem instead!  Make sure not to post up anything unfavorable about any girl you ever want to see again!  G&G might make the rounds and spoil your punt!

As for the rights of the girls... the mods and admins exist here for a reason.  If you don't like it, kindly GTFO.

To continue down this road... what about the rights of the girls family and friends?  Do they deserve to know that their daughter/friend/sister is sucking your dick for money?  What about the right of your SO/family/friends, does she/he/they deserve to know where you are sticking your dick?

But hey, we can't police the internet right, does that mean I should go find them to tell them?
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Post at 15-12-2011 14:34  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #33 wander's post

My cyber penpal JackTheBat obviously felt the same way, as he moved up the RA food chain, the RA's he slapped on his pics would move up as well. While it disappointed me I couldn't have access to some of the forum's favorites, I understood how he felt. I decided to clown him on it anyway, and as I moved up the RA food chain, would tell him it's "time to kick up the RA to [one level past my current status]"

Jack's POV, and while I don't disagree, it's probably unenforceable anyway in practice, is that you have some absolute bozos who game the system to get to RA 30, 40, whatever, and he doesn't want whatever he shoots ending up, say, on ISG. Not on his watch, but I've tried to convince him you can't6 sanitze everything, there will be risk in any pic he posts.

We all see the girls looking for different things out of it. to me, I prefer my own space most of the time, and it's cheaper and less complicated than dating. Others, it's more complicated.

I have mixed emotions about how this got handled. There's a lot of lose/lose in how I feel about this, and maybe it's better to keep that internal. I will say that there was way too much ego and bravado and too little common sense displayed in this incident.

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JackTheBat   17-12-2011 17:52  Karma  +1   well put, p310. complex issue, "common sense" won't top the Net
wander   16-12-2011 06:06  Acceptance  +1   I agree with that!
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Post at 15-12-2011 14:44  Profile P.M. 
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hmmm this thread has now become about sharing report info.  Going back to the original question, can a forum admin please clarify....  

If we ask the girl for a pic.  Do we have to gain permission to post online or is asking for a photo enough to be able to post it on the forum?  (with the correct RA of course)

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Post at 15-12-2011 14:46  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #31 SEAJ's post

I know that I'm still pretty new here, but I just want to share a piece of my mind on this issue. I hope that this could turn out to be a new perspective for us to look at.

First of all, this is the internet. There is no way for us to be a constant watchdog for this forum. What is the guarantee that those pictures do not appear anywhere else on the internet? People are allowed to post pictures freely without any restrictions.

Secondly, AFAIK, this forum exists for us punters to share information about our experiences, whether good or bad. This sharing of experience is meant for the benefit of other members, to get a broad idea of the WG you visited. We all have different likings/taste in a girl. This is just to avoid the number of bad-punt we have. Of course, pictures can be detrimental since we males are very visual beasts.

Still on this forum:
I assume that we all here exists as a community. We share information within our members. Some members can be more reliable than others. This is why we filter out the unreliable ones by means of putting an RA. The reason for this filtering, is so that these pictures, although uploaded onto the internet, can still be deemed safe from public, and of course the one whose picture was taken of.

I feel that as members of this forum, we have to keep in mind that what is shared by a member here should be kept confidential between us, and not leaked out elsewhere, leave alone the WG. The information shared here is only to be used for our references before visiting a town/a WG, etc so that we do not waste our time there.

On uploading the pictures on this forum:
As I had said above, this forum is a community whereby we share information/pictures/videos, etc. As a member of this forum, I feel that we have every obligations to keep every information secret to public outside of the desired RA. As long as everyone of us keep ourselves under control and behave ourselves, the risk of having this leaked out is very minimal. If you possess pictures which you don't feel comfortable to be shared with this community, then refrain from posting it.

I agree with SEAJ on this issue. If other members in this forum posted a picture of a WG you are acquainted with and you don't feel comfortable with it, it would be best to ask the TS to remove the pictures stating your reasons. If you ask nicely, and you have a good valid reason, I don't think other members here would persist on having it posted here.

On the WG's feelings:
Of course, some of us like bro Goose might consider the girls' feelings and always ask for their consent before posting up pictures. his is because what we are taking picture about and sharing with other people is the WG's privacy. I respect that! By right, that's how it should go. Of course all this picture-taking should be consented. Sneaky pictures are definitely not tolerable.

Again, see whether or not you are comfortable enough with sharing those pictures is all up to you. But handling of this issue should be between you and the poster. Ask nicely, and it will be given (hopefully).

Just my 2 cents.

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hunter   15-12-2011 17:18  Acceptance  +5   thanks for your view...
twiceAweek   15-12-2011 16:04  Acceptance  +2   Thank you for sharing your opinions
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Post at 15-12-2011 16:02  Profile P.M. 
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Reply to Goose's post #21

I think you seem to be out of touch with the HG industry now and what has happened since the demise of James and subsequent shut-down of the sub-groups. The HG industry has changed so much now that it has completely adopted a different strategy.

Whatever changes for the agents and whatever changes in the Chinese forum has nothing to do with the topic here ... which is how we share information with each other and the appropriateness of the info being shown to the relevant WGs !
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Post at 15-12-2011 17:26  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by happppysex at 15-12-2011 09:43
..But, I disagree the point from hunter and DaBestHK on 'What happens in this forum, stay in this forum', we should have the responsibility on what we did.  Cannot just say keep in this forum, and asking who leak the info out of this forum.  This is the wrong concept actually.  It lost the fair judgement in this forum if this concept still exist.  I'm also very disappointed it come out from the bros I respected. ...

like i said, it is my personal point of view, as others have given theirs. I am stating it for the record as my official stand. i am not asking bros to adapt my stand, however, i believe bros should respect the stand of each individual and not judge it as right or wrong
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Post at 15-12-2011 17:32  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Goose at 15-12-2011 10:44
...To anwser bro DaBeskhk, I think you seem to be out of touch with the HG industry now...

bro Goosey, your assumption above is quite amusing. i will leave it at that.

...and what has happened since the demise of James and subsequent shut-down of the sub-groups. The HG industry has changed so much now that it has completely adopted a different strategy. Reports are shown to HGs are common practice today, we cannot stop this. I know my reports and pics are shown to HGs and I have absolutely no problem with this at all. Obviously, each bro has a motive for doing this, ranging from trying their best to get the same n-ked pics or service or to just generally telling the HG that he saw her pics and that was the reason for booking her. The concept of saying whatever is in the forum stays in the forum is a dinosaur one. As Hunter pointed out, it cannot be policed and nor can it be stopped or controlled. One just have to embrace that it is a fact of life in the HG industry and the way it has evolved! In my opinion, once a OP posts his report on the internet, it is "free for all", whether there is a high RA or not. You will recall even the 141 Admin was quoted as saying this too.

if you go back to my post, i never said anything about policing or controlling the circulation of reports. i just said i am not in favor of it. i'm sure you can respect my opinion as i respect yours and others.

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