Subject: Using 141 at work
Frenchexpat (Faites chier la vache)
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Post at 17-12-2011 15:20  Profile P.M. 
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Agree and mugatu is totally right, you dont want the double whammy loose job because you look at a punter website from work.
Look at how many politics get caught stupidly! You dont want to be as dumb as them!
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Post at 17-12-2011 15:28  Profile P.M. 
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If you want a list of really good porn sites, just ask someone in IT.  They have usually amassed a good list over the years - besides stereotypically being predisposed to liking pron and Natalie Portman.  (inside joke)

So you have a company that is reasonably tight-assed and someone actually looks at sites visited, so they can add to the company blacklist (which bears a striking resemblance to their home computer favourites)

So they see that someone has visited a punting website.  Interesting they say.  What IP did that come from?  Oh, it was yazoo's desk.

Now at this point they may just block, and grin when they see me in the hallway.  Then again, they may put some screen capture software on my computer to see just what I am doing with the company time.

Now if you happen to be the asshole manager from hell?  You'll be having a friday afternoon meeting with HR.
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Post at 17-12-2011 23:12  Profile P.M. 
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It is a cynical world we live in, when a dude can't brighten his hum drum working day by looking at a little porn.
Those IT guys have basically got it covered. Bet they're surfing all day then wiping their logs clean (browsing Logs!!)
I did actually catch (by accident not snooping) one of my guys, once a couple of years back, but only had a quiet word with him about it. Strangely enough been to lap dancing bars with him, but told him he needs to keep it separated from work.

I like Natalie Portman too

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Post at 18-12-2011 13:21  Profile Blog P.M. 
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bottom line: best NOT to surf this forum on yr work machine. and the larger yr company, the likelier they will have Net policies in place. i'd be more worried about a place with 6000 employees than a place with 60. bigger firms, esp multinationals, are likely to have Net policies that may include logging individual machines.

employees can and do get away with the stupidest, sloppiest things. but don't count on it! best practice is to use yr own devices during work-hours, and staying off the company Wi-Fi might be a good idea too. as one bro pointed out, a phone-display is less conspicuous than a larger tablet.

as always, what u talk about, and how yr co-workers perceive u, is a big part of the equation. the ppl i've worked next to for years know i'm a monger, although it's not something we discuss except in jest. some of my female co-workers will joke about it too. i just play it straight. at my job, what counts is results, not what sites u might surf or whether u visit WGs in yr spare time.

however, some firms are seriously concerned about employees' Internet-activity. if u download malware on yr work machine (which is probably a Windoze-box, perhaps or perhaps not adequately patched and secured), and it sniffs out the company's database, that might not be too cool...if it's discovered. IMHO phishing and malware are far greater to anyone's career than surfing 141. but if u work for a company headquartered in a country which is, shall we say, politically correct, surfing monger-sites while at work cd be detrimental to yr career!

be careful on the Net, bros.

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Post at 18-12-2011 18:27  Profile P.M. 
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Browsing forums like this one on your work network is just not a smart thing to do.  You might get away with it for a while but it will eventually catch up with you.  Large companies are guaranteed to have Net policies and your activities are already known to people in IT.  However, IT may or may not act on the information.  Unless you work for a very small startup or mom and pop shop with a basic internet connection, expect everything to be logged.   Get yourself a smartphone with data plan.
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Post at 18-12-2011 22:09  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by mrfast at 16-12-2011 18:38
There's 6000 employees in my company, I doubt anyone has anytime to look through the surfing history of an individual

Administrators can easily have the system filter out traffic from domains with words like "sex" in them .
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Post at 18-12-2011 22:29  Profile P.M. 
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When the IT monitors our traffic is it done in real time ie. at the time when you are browsing and can they check our history of our browsing say few days ago ?
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Post at 19-12-2011 04:58  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #27 GTI's post

Yes it is done real time.  Your browsing history can be flagged immediately.  It depends on the filters in placed and how your IT department operates.  The traffic history is logged so your browsing history from a few days ago is definitely available.  After a while, the history gets archived but can be retrieved if necessary.
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Post at 19-12-2011 05:47  Profile P.M. 
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When I initially asked the question at the beginning of this thread, it was only relatively light hearted.

It seems it was a good question to ask, as it seems many companies, probably are tracking what their employees are doing.

I guess it may have raised the need for discretion if browsing at work, and if it possibly saves a bro from any hassle it will have served some good

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Post at 19-12-2011 06:34  Profile P.M. 
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most big company use  some sort of software which will filter out these types of sites and wouldn't let you get on. You can always use your phone's 3G/4G connection to browse on your PC. Just set your phone as a wifi hotspot, and you are all set to browse the pink forum on your PC using your phone internet connection.

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Post at 19-12-2011 08:55  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by travelpro at 13-12-2011 19:32
... bros have a senior position within their companies and caught a worker looking at the site ...

Three things you can be sure of:-

1. IT knows.  They know everything, it's all logged, and they can trace everything you do online with a company computer.  

2. Management doesn't care.  They want you to get the job done ... EXCEPT ...

3. If you ever embarrass a manager, or (heaven forbid) get into a political battle, or (not that this would happen to you) the company hits a rough patch and wants to downsize ... well, they they'll be digging for dirt.  Any dirt, anything that shows less than 100% commitment to work, or less than 100% integrity on use of corporate assets, and you'll be toast, made an example of, marched to your desk with a bin-liner and then to the door.  

A bit like Al Capone being done for tax evasion not for murder ...

You risk being fired for misuse of the company internet, when all you wanted was to keep your own job when someone else wanted to take it from you.  

So now you know the risks ...

but you wouldn't be here if you were queazy about risk, would you?  

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Post at 19-12-2011 10:22  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #28 newbieenewbiee's post

Cheers mate for the info, guess I better be safe & use 3G at work from now on.
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Post at 19-12-2011 10:36  Profile P.M. 
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I work in IT, but seperate and segregated from the Core IT infrastructure team who handle the wifi.
Although its free, it's still monitored by techs.
They can monitor, track and flag up any keywords entered, clicked or contained within the HTML that is fed back to your device. And from there it's archived for reference.
When they choose to use that info is upto them, maybe never if there's too many to track (!)
But always err on the side of caution and use your own networks instead.

Having said that, I've got that horny feeling again after walking past a really cute girl at work and fantasizing about banging her senseless!!! (try saying that on the free company wifi!!!!)
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Post at 19-12-2011 11:34  Profile P.M. 
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I don't see why this thread is continuing.

Fact: Unless you own your own company and are the only employee, checking 141 or any similar site is not smart at work or on a work computer.

End of discussion.
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Post at 21-12-2011 03:42  Profile P.M. 
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dun do that anymore its too dangerous
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Post at 21-12-2011 06:48  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #31 DArtagnan's post

I'm gonna ask my IT guys, if they are keeping a track. Not for me to come down on anybody. But I think I want to see if they give me an odd look and start giggling
Personally I walk past people in the office all the time knowing that they are looking at sites from time to time, not linked with work. Quite often it's football with the guys, and you guessed it, shopping with the girls.
They all know not to be too excessive with personal browsing or email, but as long as they get the job done, and are committed, and I do not need to employ extra to fill the shortfall, I am happy.
I have an office manager, who constantly makes a point of watching how much time anyone may spend on the web. But does not seem to note they are guilty of the same, until I point it out.
Personally if the job gets done I am happy.

Sigh! Life was much less complicated when we sent Black & White line drawings by Fax, and could just eat the evidence if someone walked in.

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Post at 21-12-2011 15:39  Profile P.M. 
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Uh, are you guys serious?  I hate to impose myself onto other people's business, but work time is for work.  More importantly, your work area is NOT private. Hobbying is not a public affair, it is private, and it should be kept in private.  By browsing this site on worktime, you are risking not only your job but also your reputation.  It is not worth it!
Frenchexpat (Faites chier la vache)
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Post at 21-12-2011 17:03  Profile P.M. 
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These software are based on different identification methods, the most common is words (sex is banned of course) the second is on the number of visits to a site. If thr website is visited frequently, it will appear in thr monitoring functions and the admin will be alerted. Its just nuts to use it in thr office, even if you own thr business, you dont want someone blackmailing you!
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Post at 26-12-2011 14:25  Profile P.M. 
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I tried accessing 141 at HKG Airport and it appears to be a blocked website there. Same with Metropark Wanchai Hotel.
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Post at 27-12-2011 08:12  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #39 random1's post

I have never had any trouble accessing 141 from anywhere, even hotel wifi.
Only place I have had any trouble accessing is in China.

Granted I don't recall ever trying to access from the airport, but I am pretty sure I have read some post in the past from bros who stated they were doing the reports from within the airport.

Some of the senior bros, with their computer like memories would probably be able to find the threads to corroborate this.
Don't know how they remember all these past posts, guess doing lots of girls must be good for brain development. Personally I'm pretty stupid, but plan to hump myself to the point where Stephen Hawkins appears a dullard

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