Originally posted by Nudiesn at 17-11-2011 23:49
HH34 Could you link to the study? That is a really lot, and with HSV-2 Condom gives obviously a reduced risk but the risk is still very high. 68 percent, wow.
Here's the link:
Not overly surprised about the Swedish study. Those numbers are pretty typical for industrialized countries (although Sweden tends to have a higher than usual rate of HSV-2). I was more interested about how your linked article mentions that most 1 year olds in HK are already seropositive for HSV-1. And, it reiterates the oft-repeated fact that most transmissions of HSV will be outside the presence of lesions, be it working girl or librarian.
That's why I would keep hammering away that everybody should know their HSV status if they are in the mongering game so that they can make the best choices.