Subject: How Does The Walk Up World Work According to a WG
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Post at 18-5-2011 22:44  Profile P.M. 
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That is slavery, it's pretty disturbing to hear about this.  I think that is why the pimp business is illegal when you hear these stories.
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Post at 18-5-2011 22:58  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks for the insight bro, since I speak fluent Canto, next time I visit a girl, I'll try to spark some informative conversation without trying to be too invasive in terms of their personal life. You're right, they are humans too and deserve our respect. Much respect to you too bro.

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Post at 19-5-2011 01:37  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by wander at 18-5-2011 15:28
Wow and fuck!  I don't tend to do the walk-ups, sticking to the freelance bargirls myself - so I didn't know just how bad it can be for them.

The more I learn the more I wonder why any girl would cho ...

Reread the thread. I am saying the walk-ups get paid less per punt but don't have as much shit to deal with. The apartment walk ups work like renting office space. They just have to pay their "rent" at the end of the month.

From what I read from the other bros on this thread it is the bar girls who get paid $1000 a punt that have to deal with the managers who take their earnings.

This is why you get girls choosing walk up over being a bar girl.

The apartment walk up girls are free to come and go to their "office" as they please.

[ Last edited by  TravelGuyHK at 19-5-2011 01:42 ]
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Post at 19-5-2011 15:34  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #23 TravelGuyHK's post

Well, from my experience with bargirls (which, if you follow my reports you'll see is a lot) I've found the vast, vast majority are completely free to come and go as they please.  They just have to pay back the manager whatever fee they agreed to and usually do so in daily or weekly installments.  

I have never heard any say they were locked in their rooms, or other nastiness described in that post.  I am sure it happens, but most seem to be okay with their managers.  And a LOT of the bargirls have no Manager at all - they paid their own airfare and live with other WGs in a flat - totally in control of their own schedule and money.
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Post at 19-5-2011 17:34  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #23 TravelGuyHK's post


A walkup girl told me her landlord gives her a choice: either pay $400 per day - fixed price with no rest days or sick days - or pay $100 from each punter.  
Since she was hot, she had no trouble attracting a loyal following, and went for the per-day deal ... she preferred having the time freedom and the extra cash whenever she wanted it.  

She also mentioned that there was a "boy" watching the premises during working hours ... every time a customer came and went she would phone down to confirm she's OK.  If she doesn't call after the guy leaves, the watcher calls the cavalry to break into the room and catch the guy.  

And yes, she is another who did actually quit the work on schedule when she'd made enough money to buy the shop she wanted.

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Post at 21-5-2011 07:04  Profile P.M. 
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Salary of a Hong Kong Maid

By the way, to put all this in perspective.

Unskilled Filipinas, Indonesians, Thais, etc flock to HK for "real" jobs - as maids (DHs), coffee-job baristas and other low-paid service jobs.

A Domestic Helper (DH) in HK earns roughly $1,200HK per WEEK for fulltime work (6 days a week), plus room and and board.  (I know this is accurate because I have a fulltime DH and our contract is very standard - I pay more than this actually, because I've had the same DH for 3 years now and she is exceptional.)

You can see that this is roughy the same as a SINGLE bar-punt in a Wanchai bar.  1 fuck for a week's pay!  Or just 2 or 3 punts for a 141 walkup.  A slow day's work.

You can see why so many girls get drawn to it.
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Post at 22-5-2011 12:46  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #25 DArtagnan's post

Seems there are a few scenarios out there in terms of how these walk-up girls pay their rent. Back in February I went to HK and hit up the Fuji Building in Causeway bay a few times. There was one real cutie that I revisited twice, and have been keeping in touch with her through QQ. She's from sichuan and was in HK on one of those 7 day visas. She didn't have an ad up and tells me she only comes to HK when she tags along with a friend that also comes to HK to work in the Fuji building. She tells me she pays 50% of her earnings to her "manager". She lived and ate in her room all week, and the money was tallied at the end of every day.

One thing interesting about her suitcase was that it had one of those airport baggage stickers labeled "Sri Lanka". When I asked her about it, she tells me she went to Thailand but her luggage says Sri Lanka. I pointed out the tag to her, but she didn't get what I was asking or dodging the question. My mandarin is nominal (I speak decent Canto though) but I know the word Thailand when I hear it. Never figured that out. So these mainland girls fly to Thailand or Sri Lanka for work? Is there much money for them to make there? I would think these girls make more money rotating through HK on 7-day visas rather than flying to Thailand or Sri Lanka for work... Also that doesn't sound that safe for them. At least in HK, you are still among your own people.

[ Last edited by  netlan at 22-5-2011 12:48 ]
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Post at 22-5-2011 21:01  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by netlan at 22-5-2011 12:46
$1,200HK per WEEK ...


statutory minimum is something like $3700 per month ... i.e. $853 per week ...

and they have to pay their agent out of that, anything from 3 to 12 months

Yes, a $1000 for a couple of hours' 'work' is a good deal.  
Not to mention they've been locked up and ignored for 6 days (and 7 nights), so they're busting for an inflated dick ...

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Post at 22-5-2011 21:45  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #28 DArtagnan's post

It's gone up - but yeah, I pay more then the minimum (I am not a slave-owner - how someone can live in HK on under $900HK per week is ludicrous).  

Even if a bargirl gets 2 punts a week she'll earn double the salary of a full-time, hard-working DH!  Course, she has to pay food+lodging, but they still earn far, far more than most service or factory jobs in HK or China.  They just don't seem to save any!
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Post at 22-5-2011 23:34  Profile P.M. 
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haha i guess there are hard working WGs and lazy ones out there. Some times you can tell in just the 30mins - 1 hr you meet with them. there are times when its like 2 hours after they "open" and they are not there
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Post at 23-5-2011 06:47  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by wander at 22-5-2011 21:45
how someone can live in HK on under $900HK ...

That's marginal income (unless she spends it or gives it away) and is untaxed.  

Someone on an average wage, earning $18000 ($4153pw), paying half in rent, paying taxes, paying electricity, groceries, trying to raise a child, commuting and maintaining a work wardrobe, etc. won't have $900 left each week.

Interesting to read bankruptcy cases, there are some where the Receiving Officer was taken to court for not allowing sufficient income to meeting the bankrupt's basic subsistence needs.  The numbers for monthly income - just to cover outgoings - are surprisingly high.

[ Last edited by  DArtagnan at 23-5-2011 08:46 ]

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Post at 23-5-2011 11:27  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #26 wander's post

Thanks for answering a question I had: why does a girl choose to go to HK ?  Is the money better there than being a provider back home in PI, or Thailand or elsewhere ?

For that matter, is HK more lucrative than Macau ?   Here in the US the highest priced ladies are found where the money is:  New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, etc.   My simple minded analysis would say with all the money taken to Macau for gambling, the girls there would land some pretty high priced clients.

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Post at 23-5-2011 12:04  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Blue_Pacific at 23-5-2011 11:27
with all the money taken to Macau for gambling ...

the money taken to Macau for gambling gets spent on ... (wait for it) ... GAMBLING!!!  

think about it
Most gamblers lose money, so they will actually spend less on girls than those who don't gamble.  
The few gamblers who win big won't affect the majority of the market, since they in turn will only spend a % of their winnings on girls.  
Ergo a few of the hottest girls will be able to command a higher price, but the majority won't.  

A punter in HK who wants a quick shag ain't going to pay $250 to sit on a ferry for two hours, unless he wants the full Sauna experience and therefore saves the money.  

Most days he's in a hurry, and he'll walk down the street and pay the HK price even if it's higher than the Macau price.  That's what drives the local market: local supply and demand.

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Post at 23-5-2011 14:11  Profile P.M. 
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She works hard for her money

It seems to be that the girls are working for various reasons under different scenarios.  

Some very successfully and  other in near slave like conditions.  Most are poor, undereducated and just trying for a better life.

Bottomline is treat'em kindly and be generous.  

Be grateful you are the fucker and not the fuckee.

After all, a little good KARMA goes a long way.


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TravelGuyHK   24-5-2011 13:26  Acceptance  +1   Well said
Blue_Pacific   24-5-2011 12:13  Acceptance  +1   Agree completely the point is taken

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