Waxing hair especially from the pubic region is an inexact science.
Depending on the wax composition, technique (ie with or without tape), practitioner's experience and most importantly the individuals hair growth profile, the result can be complete removal of all hair or the incomplete removal of some remnants of hair. Some will be broken at the tips others could well br new grown hair that escapes the clutches of the wax. This could well explain Bucky's observation that regrowth (with ingrown hair) occurs much more rapidly than the theoretical multiple months Shanghaisteve quotes.
But it should also be noted that waxing, as well as lasering, electrolysis and epilidermic removal are techniques that do remove the hair entirely from the roots. If there is any projection of diminished regrowth, it would stem from these techniques. This is as compared to the more commonly used techniques like shaving or chemical removal of the exterior exposed hair. We know from experience (like shaving our beards) that daily maintenance is required to prevent the stubble and ingrown hair from happening. These techniques are not easily self administered - meaning someone will have to be paid to do it - meaning its expensive.
Thus it would be normal to assume that shaving would be the preferred technique if a lady wants to have a clean pussy. That is in my opinion the one other major deterrent to clean pussies in Asia. The ladies would have to add a daily routine of shaving themselves. There is nothing more annoying then to tongue a pussy with a 5 day 'shadow' as well as boinking one - have you ever felt pins and needles on your cock?
But like I said - there is nothing more sexy than helping your GF/special lady clean her pubic hair.... heh heh. Remember for her to allow you to apply a razor or to rip wax from her pubic region is the ultimate act of trust for a lady. And the combination of pain/danger from the shaving/waxing and the resultant feeling of absolute cleanliness afterwards seems to get them really horny afterwards.
By the way, I speak from experience both as a recipient and as a practitioner of this technique.