I find it hard to believe that the world's most complete dictionary uses only one word to define whore. You're cherry picking guy.
The Oxford Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language has how many volumes and weighs how many kilos?
The fact that other dictionaries define the word without the use of the word promiscuous demonstrates the ambiguity of the term.. Then there is the meaning of 'whore' in other languages. The key concept is alway sex for money (when used to describe the way a woman supports herself). I repeat my earlier statement that 'mistress' is a pretty word to allow the financially better off a fig leaf of respectability.
But I'd like to see the Oxford Dict include this in their definition for whore:
A girl who has had sex with someone other than the the user of this term, whether she has been paid or not.
Your insistence on promiscuity indicates again that what guys don't like is women screwing other men. That's why a guy will call a girl who has cheated on him a whore, even if she hasn't gotten anything out of it but a good time.
You think it's OK for a woman to accept money for sex without any damage to her reputation - it just depends on the type of arrangement. That may be the accepted position. I think it often involves our lying to ourselves.
You could visit a girl in the James Lee Mansion for years, leaving behind 500 HK each time and she wouldn't be a whore, but as soon as some other guy fucked her for money, poof! she's a whore.
The question I began this thread with was just a starting point to ask what people meant by the term 'whore'. I wanted to show that there is a lot of self-serving sexist baggage that comes with the term, that our attitudes towards whores are hypocritical. Hypocritical because what we really mean is that it's OK for the sweet innocent thing to accept money from us for sex, but if she does it with anyone else, she's nothing but a whore, less of a person, and not capable of genuine feelings.