Subject: A sticky situation at DG KTV - need some opinions please!
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Post at 18-8-2010 13:40  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 bonkers89's post

hey bonkers89 ,

im kinda glad u posted this scenario, why???

cuz if it happened to me, i know exactly what to do!!!

i would immediately pay the sitting fee, and get another girl!!! ASAP!!!! i mean, its only 200rmb right? and its not going to change your life... but it makes an impact on this girl. whether she is faking or really shittered. just get her outta there!

why are u partying with 4 unknowns? i usually dont do that unless i someone from my crew is real tight with them. and i mean, real fckin TIGHT

regards, 5

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Post at 18-8-2010 14:33  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 bonkers89's post

1) Partying with people you do not know or vaguely know is very common in Towns in DG.
a. newbies don't know the ropes, so tends to follow old bird to punt
b. cut the KTV cost, cost is shared among all the punters
c. fun factor - obviously more fun to party with more people

2) IMHO - Always pay the dues regardless the problem - let the Managers/Mommies settle the problem by voicing out the greivances. You might pay less but nevertheless, we paid. Why?
d. these gals are working for money, they have logistics/transportation issues and BF issues too
e. however bad attitude they have, they will still let you touch and squeeze and ETC
f. spare a thought for them, respect them like a human being, although they are a hooker selling their body
g. try to put yourself in their shoes, they do not have the luxury of choices, we do, next time, ask them if they want us instead

3) Hunter is correct, your friend should have taken care of your welfare and be more observant of your situation. On the other hand, you should have asked or told your 'old bird' friend - why a stranger is playing with your gal? Since you are a newbie and felt awkward, hence I already know the answer to my question.

4) However, 1 point I disagree with bro hunter, some punters when playing in a group, share their gals in the KTV room, whereas some, prefer to be isolated in their own invisible wall and would prefer to be in their own space. When they are playing dice games or whatever games, your gals and you will normally be ganged up and play against another group. This is the norm.

5) You should be more protective of your gal and your gals should be more protective of you. For example, when you have lost in a dice game, they should offer to drink on your behalf and you do the same on their behalf. This is to create good bond. This way, you will know who treat you better of good.

Anyway, last but not the least, IMO - I think that guy who made your gal drunk (real or fake) is an asshole. There should be a limit and he seem to be carried away and did not gave a thought for the consequences hence made you the VILLIAN.

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Post at 18-8-2010 15:03  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by waikeekee at 18-8-2010 14:33
1) Partying with people you do not know or vaguely know is very common in Towns in DG.
a. newbies don't know the ropes, so tends to follow old bird to punt
b. cut the KTV cost, cost is shared among al ...

waikeekee speaks the truth totally agree with him, you should've been more protective of her and paid her sitting fee regardless.. she sat with you full stop. you ruined the party.
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 18-8-2010 15:20  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #23 cactuss's post

Why so protective over a druken and tricky KTV gal? If she cant handle it, she should go or sleep on the couch with her panty hanging on the fruit platter. She is not your GF nor ur wife.

You pay her RMB200 to drink and party with you and your buddies in the room?
She supposed to be her job. Entertain you and your friends. Control her "high" and attitude.
Protect her from over-drinking with other bros? Cuddle and hug her at the corner of the room, sharing a cup ice lemon tea?

If I cant fuck her that very nite because she was dead drunk or piss me off with her tricks, So Be It!!!. RMB200 hand over to her and I go find another pussy.

Funny, the word "protective" is used in this context.

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Post at 18-8-2010 15:35  Profile P.M. 
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I would probably have said since you need to leave early here is 100rmb take it or leave it.

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Post at 18-8-2010 15:40  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #24 hunter's post

Bro Hunter;

Your opinion is well respected but on the contrary, here are mine;

1) To Protect and to be Served - We should be protective of her or them from getting too drunk so that we can have better sex later in the room. Who would want to screw a dead drunk starfish?

2) Most if not all go to KTV for the GFE, so in actual fact, the WG's are our Gf or even could be consider a 'Wife' for that particular night. We are looking for a gal with good and recipocated feel like giving us DFK, hugs, DATY, BBBJ and even anal. The sky is the limit. We only know the feel in the morning after the fact.

3) Sometimes, they (the gals) are the instigator to play with other men in the room. It take two hands to clap. We have ourselves to blame if the night does not turn out to your expectation. When we/you sense something is wrong and amissed, you/we should 'put out foot' down and turn the situation around.

4) Some WG's are wild while others are demure & quiet. Those that are quiet might need some loosening up with alcohol. We have to be sponteneous and go with the flow and not against it.

5) End of the day, we MUST pay the dues regardless how the situation turned out to be - having a good or bad night is controlled by ourselves. Blame oneself and not others.

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Post at 18-8-2010 18:03  Profile P.M. 
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Lest we forget

Amongst my mongering friends, we do have a Mantra "Bros before hoes" and "Respect amongst bros"

Obviously since you were amongst some guys you were not familiar with, these mantras could not have been put in place.  But the guy organizing the get-together/your buddy should have made it clear to all the guys in the room that it's NOT cool to go along with the "icy stares" of the gals.  And as far as one's preference as to if one's gal is "game" for everybody - well - where's the respect to other bros?  If a guy is with a gal he's particularly enamored with/protective of (different guys have different feelings for his gal - heck, he could be with his regular - which is how I sometimes go to KTV's), other guys should/must stay away.  If on the other hand he's willing to "share" his Li'l hunnie - OK.  But the key is respect for the wishes of others in the same room as you.

And this thing about punishing anybody by making him/her to drink multiple drinks etc - NO THANKS - why should I have to share in the expense of somebody doing so...for HIS face alone?!

I have in the past organized multiple KTV parties but have of late demured as it's just too much trouble/too many idiocy going on.  To the point that I end up not enjoying myself with having to put out too many fires that keeps on flaring up during the night.  I've basically left it to professionals to do this crappy job or else just get together with a small group of friends.  Too many problems with large groups.



[ Last edited by  SEAJ at 18-8-2010 18:05 ]
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Post at 18-8-2010 18:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 bonkers89's post

Interesting you thought she was faking it after you wrote she went into the toilet to puke.

Regardless of the situation, ie going out in Wanchai, LKF, KTV, etc, if someone gets so shit-faced and has to go to the toilet to puke, I always tell (command is more like it) that person to go home and I also tell that person I will take care of that person's share of the expenses owed.  It is worse to make the group take care of the person if person refuses to leave and it does kill the overall party mood.

Besides, I don't know about you, I don't want to be kissing a girl after she has just puked because all that upchucked stomach acids and eaten food just literally leaves a bad taste in the mouth.    She would need some heavy gargling of industrial-strength mouthwash to clean her mouth out.  

Ah yes, your group is not as tight as you would like as it seems it is more of every guy for himself.
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Post at 18-8-2010 20:32  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by bonkers89 at 18-8-2010 12:37 PM

the vet buddy's point of view was that in the big picture we shouldn't let ktv girls get away with those tricks. So can see it from that angle, but as a result it really killed that one night for me ...

She got away with no sitting fee, but she basically ruined the night for you guys over a measly 200 RMB.  Man, better to just eat that fee and move on.

Like others said, you should've worked on the other chick since you picked two gals.

And I still think your vet buddy's an asshole - he should've handled it differently.
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Post at 18-8-2010 20:38  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #26 waikeekee's post

Going to have to side with Hunt here - we usually pick 2 or more so these gals need to compete with each other as to who just gets the sitting fee vs who gets overnight.  If she doesn't behave how you want her to, shit, yell at her, then if she continues behaving that way, kick her ass out.  If she still acts out of hand you can escalate by going to MMS, or to the guy you booked the room with, or just throw her out.  If you're buddy buddy with the booking manager, it pays lots of dividends.  

Either way, I am not going to let one of these gals ruin an evening.  It's just not worth it.

[ Last edited by  bethpageblack at 18-8-2010 21:57 ]
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Post at 18-8-2010 20:42  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #28 doghead's post

If I did that with my crew, I'd be paying for a lot of people.  Especially since these guys drink like mules.  

We still party like we're in high school at times.
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 18-8-2010 21:54  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #26 waikeekee's post

It all depend how you roll. YMMV.
Depend what type of crowd. Of course I would not go molest the gals picked by another stranger. I only do it on my buddy's gals.

Depend on the gals attitude and behaviour. If she's submissive, I try not to make her suffer too much from alcohol intoxication if she really cant drink.
If she likes to get get drunk and puke or misbehave, so be it.....RMB200 on the table. Pick it up and go.
But I would not go to a KTV party and try to protect the KTV gals from getting drunk and party with my bros, just for the sake of at the end of the nite I get served and fucked well.
If I want a mind blowing fuck and good session sex, I stick to the 2hrs Sauna session and hell I would not even come out and fuck other WGs, I stay home with my GF / Wife or my fuck buddy.

We are not the KTV gal's guardian. We  just rent her for one night
Why so protective?
There is no fucking way I gonna treat these KTV gals like my own Wife/SO/GF. If I do, I would feel sorry for my loved one at home. and my buddies will think I am a sucka!!
I try not to blur the lines.

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Post at 18-8-2010 22:04  Profile P.M. 
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Questions for Bonkers

1. Before this gal got drunk, did you and her start on a bad note?  Some gals would ask you if they can play games.  From my experience, when they ask if they can play games and I say no, they just sit there and shut up or chat with the other gals in the room.  I've never really seen them just cozy up to another dude and play games with him.  

2. Would you mind mentioning the KTV you visited?  If not, that's fine.

3.  The other dude in the KTV with you who knew about this gal's plan - is he friends with that other guy (the guy who got the gal drunk)?
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Post at 18-8-2010 23:20  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #33 bethpageblack's post

BPB, To answer your questions:

1. No, I don't think I started on a bad note at all. I played some games with her though she took some work to warm up. I had some really good buddies (also newbies) in the room that I had to catch up with too, so perhaps I left my girls alonefor a bit here and there. She didn't "cozy" up to the other guy, she just played games with him. And by his body languageI can tell he was a pro at those ktv drinking games.

2. Yep, it was CP Peninsula

3. No, they didn't know each other at all.
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Post at 18-8-2010 23:25  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #34 bonkers89's post

I think you just got into an unfortunate situation.  Shit happens.

I hope this doesn't dissuade you from going to KTV.  It's a lot of fun - much more fun than SNs IMO.  Just have to find the right gals and the right friends.

Did that guy who got your gal drunk - did he even offer an apology?  If not, he's an ass.
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Post at 18-8-2010 23:27  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by doghead at 18-8-2010 18:24
Interesting you thought she was faking it after you wrote she went into the toilet to puke.

Regardless of the situation, ie going out in Wanchai, LKF, KTV, etc, if someone gets so shit-faced and has ...

I didn't see her puke myself, and I didn't want to watch it! but the other girls claim she did. I'm not sure what to believe honestly.
When I talk about "faking it" I mean she was faking being totally hammered drunk. People normally don't cuss, wave their hands wildly, make a scene, and just go crazy like that when drunk. It was just over the top.

This party was a where I had some tight buddies, but then other buddies invite others, etc and so you don't necessarily know everybody.
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Post at 19-8-2010 01:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #20 hunter's post

Waste of time as most of the time the drinks are watered down and you get more alcohol content from grape juice.

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Post at 19-8-2010 01:38  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by bethpageblack at 18-8-2010 23:25
I think you just got into an unfortunate situation.  Shit happens.

I hope this doesn't dissuade you from going to KTV.  It's a lot of fun - much more fun than SNs IMO.  Just have to find the right ga ...

No way.... I'm totally in agreement on KTV vs. SN. I love hanging out with the guys, the party, the fun girls, the singing, the games, etc. I don't like to be rushed with girls, just wanna take my time. With SN, you're under the gun and its all down to business but with a KTV chick it seems like you got all the time in the world to do whatever you want  
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Post at 19-8-2010 01:43  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by bohica at 19-8-2010 01:24 AM
Waste of time as most of the time the drinks are watered down and you get more alcohol content from grape juice.

Dude, you can make the drinks as strong as you want.  The DJ is supposed to ask the group leader or head or whatever how strong you want the mixture to be.  I usually drink my Black with ice so I can gauge how much I drank through the night.

[ Last edited by  bethpageblack at 19-8-2010 06:58 ]
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Post at 19-8-2010 09:42  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #39 bethpageblack's post

Agreed, you are the king just ask for what ever you want and they will provide even if you're not the group leader or head, I have yet been told a NO and if they did say NO to me I would leave !!! simple.

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