Subject: Sorry - gotta complain! ForCrissakes - downsize your pixs!!
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Post at 16-8-2010 21:32  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by SEAJ at 16-8-2010 12:26
Many times it just kills my connection/computer with all the "refresh" of the pictures. But even on my Hong Kong computer - ti is very irritating to have the computer "flash" as many times as it takes to auto-downsize the large original picture

This sounds like an issue with your Internet browser, and not the images. Internet Explorer might be doing this resizing of images to fit your screen. Try either setting that feature off from your browser, or using a different browser like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

Recent versions of MS Internet Explorer have an Auto Image Resize feature which automatically resizes a large graphic to fit within the current browser window. This often reduces the quality of the resized image and may cause text found in many of the images on this site to be unreadable, especially with articles from the newspaper or captioned photos. You can revert to the full-sized image by hovering over the lower right corner of the resized image and clicking the icon that appears, but we suggest  that you turn Auto Image Resize off.

To turn off automatic resize go to the Tools menu in Internet Explorer:

  • Click on Internet Options at the bottom of the menu. You will then see seven tabs at the top of a dialog box.
  • Click on the last one which is the Advanced options. Under this tap you will see lots of boxes with descriptions. Some will be checked and others not.
  • Scroll down to the Multimedia section. A line in that section should read - Enable Automatic Image Resizing.
  • Uncheck the box and click on Ok at the bottom of the window.
  • You're finished and can go back to viewing images in the format they were meant to be seen.

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atomic3d   17-8-2010 05:38  Acceptance  +1   Good advice.
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Post at 16-8-2010 22:22  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #21 SkinnyForum's post

OK - this may be the case - but the question remains - do I need to look at such a hi-resolution picture on 141?  

I don't think I'd be able to see the pussies/nipples any clearer!!

And it's not as if I'm gonna print out a poster from it either!  LOL!

And even if I fix it according to the instructions you posted - if the picture posted is such hi-resolution-hi KB, then it will still take a lot longer to appear - no?

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Post at 16-8-2010 23:16  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #22 SEAJ's post

Your frustration seems to be stemming from your computer screen "refreshing"and "flashing"while your browser resizes each picture. In a common web user experience the loading of pictures in the background should not be interfering with your reading of the page. The html structure and text of the page should load first, and then images to it, so you should be able to read the page without the screen flashing.

Try turning the auto-resize off in your browser, and see if that removes the flashing problem and makes browsing more comfortable.

Higher Kb size will make it longer to download the picture. But by looking at the sizes where most are below 100Kb and some around 200Kb, it should not make that much difference in time to wait for them to load.

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atomic3d   17-8-2010 05:36  Acceptance  +1   Good to know.
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Post at 17-8-2010 00:21  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #23 SkinnyForum's post

Actually my biggest beef with large pictures is when I'm in China and using the VPN on my computer.

Anytime I make the mistake of opening one of these threads with the large pixs, my computer (Line?) just goes belly-up!

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Post at 17-8-2010 00:33  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #22 SEAJ's post

Some of your avid readers might just like to magnify the pictures and count the pussy hairs up close and personal...

Anyhow, I guess in this case "less is more", literally.

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SEAJ   17-8-2010 01:50  Karma  +1   LOL!!
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Post at 17-8-2010 14:11  Profile P.M. 
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Just put up some photos in the restricted section. Made a point of reducing them further from my usual 400-500kb down to 200-300kb before uploading. The site reduced them down to around 90kb, they look good, but I can see a perceptible drop in quality, looking at some other members photos which show up in the 50kb range.

So my opinion on this is that reducing to 200-300kb before uploading for the site to reduce further to the 100kb range is, I think, a happy medium and what I will aim for from now on.
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Post at 17-8-2010 14:44  Profile P.M. 
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I use acdsee too view and resize and/or crop my photos

especially when I need to upload 100+ photos to facebook, I can resize all the pics at the same time, just only need to wait couple of minutes depending the size of the original pic.

a 100k photo is quite enough for forum, that's mean a 800x600 size, big enough to be viewed.

Maybe some bros wants to save a big resolution photo to print a real photo but I don't think is the main point of sharing photo in forum
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Post at 18-8-2010 15:50  Profile P.M. 
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Just FYI

I'm now sitting in my apartment in CP using my VPN - and its worse than usual! Can't even load up threads with pictures in the 100 KB size!

Made the mistake of trying to see another thread which presumably had large sized pictures and it completely killed my connection/computer/whatever and had to re-boot the darn thing all over to post this!!


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DaBestHK   18-8-2010 17:49  Acceptance  +2   get back to HK ASAP bro!
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Post at 18-8-2010 19:43  Profile P.M. 
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I was looking at dabrat's latest report on Gaile in the HK report section. The pictures are tiny, but the attached label says that they are 100kb?? So I downloaded one onto my computer and my computer reads it as being 25kb?? ... tra=page%3D1#%23%23

I wonder how many more pics are mislabeled and if this is not the underlying cause of SEAJ proxy problems?
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Post at 18-8-2010 19:50  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #29 atomic3d's post


All I know is that I've mostly NOT try to even open up any threads with any picture attachements as I know I'd probably just mess up my computer/connection again.

Thus my various posts on those threads that are WITHOUT pixs - a marked differece from when I'm in Hong Kong, when I'd open ONLY those posts with pictures!!  LOL!

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Post at 18-8-2010 19:54  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #29 atomic3d's post

Hey - I did manage to open this post by dabrat and YES, the 3 pixs ARE tiny - but the description above states precisely 100.5 KB on all 3 of them.


BTW - just in case anybody wondering - I'm subscrbed to the Business rate (a bit more expensive) of Witopia as my VPN.

[ Last edited by  SEAJ at 18-8-2010 19:57 ]
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Post at 18-8-2010 22:10  Profile P.M. 
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I might have found the cause of the resizing you are experiencing. Looks like it is caused by the forum software.

Each image attachment has some javascript code that checks your computer screen resolution and compares it to the attachment width. If the image width in pixels is higher than 70% of the width of your screen resolution, the image gets resized on the fly.
For other common screen resolutions the resize threshold would be:
1280x1024 resized at 896 pixels
1440x800 resized at 1008 pixels
1680x1050 resized at 1176 pixels
1920x1200 resized at 1344 pixels

I found one thread which has 2922x4923 pixel sized image attachments to test the forum software resizing, but it does not cause flashing of screen to me or interrupt the reading of the thread. So that problem could still be specific to your computer. Maybe due to processing power, but that is pure guessing.

Assuming you can't get other members to post images that are lower width than the threshold for your current screen resolution, then a quick fix to your issue is to increase the screen resolution of your computer.

How to change your screen resolution in:

[ Last edited by  SkinnyForum at 18-8-2010 22:27 ]

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SEAJ   20-8-2010 07:55  Karma  +3   Tks for your work/advise on this
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Post at 18-8-2010 23:39  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #32 SkinnyForum's post

Thanks for your extensive research and work on this matter.

Whne in Hong Kong, the flashing is just an irritation/nuisance and I guess I can live with it - especially to see some of goose's and other great picture taker pictures!

I will ask my computer guy to look at your post (gonna have to C+P paste it first I guess - how do I explain that it's on 141??!!  lol). So I hope/guess that will be solved.

But the more problematic dilemma I have is when I'm in China - like I am right now - and I just cannot access just about all of these threads with hi-res pictures/usually kills my computer. I ain't got a computer guy in China and it's really gonna be a hassle to get a computer repairman to come over to my apartment.

Oh well, I guess I just need to enjoy the Hi-Res pixs when I'm back in Hong Kong.

But pity the poor guys who actually lives in China and in other countries where you need a VPN to access 141.

Thanks a lot again.

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Post at 19-8-2010 00:34  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #33 SEAJ's post

You would not have to explain more to your computer guy, or copy paste that. Just to ask if it's possible to increase the screen resolution of your computer, because you would want more stuff to fit on your screen. No need to mention it means WG pictures

And yep, this does not remove the bandwidth issue when downloading more kilobytes. Be it a direct bad connection or slow VPN service. To fix this a computer repair man does no good, you'd just need better Internet connection.
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Post at 19-8-2010 09:52  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #32 SkinnyForum's post

Okay, stupid question maybe, but what about the number of small images that get loaded on every page? Everyones avatars, all the little emoticons in the post and replies and in the fast reply section at the bottom... To load a page might mean loading 200+ smaller images all at once, somehow blocking the link?

Could that have an effect on a slow connection?
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Post at 19-8-2010 10:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #34 SkinnyForum's post

Thanks - and that's the crux of the matter - us who needs to use VPN/proixies are screwed when trying to access threads with Hi-Res pixs!!  And the pity is that the best ones like Goose's are these with these Hi-res pixs!!

And Lister - yes, I've always wondered about the use of avatars on this site - whether it does slow down the process AND if it's just a waste of band-width to cater to this

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Post at 20-8-2010 07:58  Profile P.M. 
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Rico   20-8-2010 04:18   Acceptance   +2   $%&*$£%*&*(&*^%£%^&&...

Classic Rico comment, Classic!!


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Post at 20-8-2010 08:20  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #36 SEAJ's post

got the perfect cure for you ... don't go to China !  

or ... try to get the Chinese government not to put up barriers for internet sex sites !  
(you should have enough clout up there to do this)  
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Post at 20-8-2010 08:23  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #38 twiceAweek's post

Yup - you've indeed got the perfect solution for me!!

I tell 'em we don't need barriers and they'll just put me in barriers instead!!

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Post at 20-8-2010 08:33  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #39 SEAJ's post

shucks ... you saw through my plan ...

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