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Post at 12-8-2010 15:03  Profile P.M. 
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I always treat WGs with dignity even if they don't meet my expectations ...
The ones I feel I can't or don't want to be with again I just never repeat, the ones I
have chemistry with I repeat and repeat and repeat ...
but the main thing is I treat them all with dignity and respect, no matter what their attitude is or what they give back !

but the main point is ... I treat them this way because this is the way I want to treat them !!!

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conqueror77   13-8-2010 09:29  Acceptance  +3   U're such a good guy...:)
Mister   13-8-2010 02:53  Acceptance  +3   Amen, brotha!
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Post at 12-8-2010 17:24  Profile P.M. 
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I tend not to go over the top to treat them special with displays of wealth.

I do however treat them with respect and allow the experience to be intimate. I enjoy getting a girl off almost as much as getting myself off.

After all that is what you are paying for. Someone to be physically intimate with you.

Some bro's will want some emotional intimacy to go with that. Others are happy to deal purely on the physical level.

As long as you keep your wits about you I see nothing wrong with wanting that GFE rather than a dead fish experience.

With some girls you will get a better experience if you are interested in getting to know them or like to give pleasure as well as recieve.

I'm not naive and know that all they are after at the end of the day is the $ but a happy worker will usually put more effort into their job.
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Post at 12-8-2010 21:41  Profile P.M. 
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I think most of us who treat WGs well treat their partners equally well. Some of us are just bastards who treats all girls, especially hot ones, well because we want to get in their pants!
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Post at 12-8-2010 21:49  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 bethpageblack's post

because I respect all women, including WG's. I also believe that treating them well will get you good service. besides, what's the harm in treating them well, as opposed to just treating them like a piece of meat?
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Post at 12-8-2010 21:55  Profile P.M. 
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Like some guys said before, it is the fantasy of like macking a real chick.

Besides the actual prize (i.e. getting in their pants), there is the thrill of the chase.

And I guess for the guys who buy gifts and bring them to dinner, they're simply trying to get that additional high of macking a chick. though, yes, it is fantasy also.

Haven't you ever run into a WG or KTV girl that was just exactly your type, your jaws just dropped when you saw her, when she talks she has some intelligence, and the more you get to know her the more she grows on you.... its that feeling of some totally fresh new girl and a new challenge.
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Post at 12-8-2010 22:38  Profile P.M. 
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Maybe it's a language barrier thing for me personally

It's hard to have any type of connection beside sex when you limited to sign language and couple basic words of Chinese.
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Post at 12-8-2010 23:03  Profile P.M. 
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Another question/observation

Will you treat these WGs well if they're bu fang bian (不方便)?  In case you guys don't know what that means, "bu fang bian" means that they're on their period.  Would you still take them out to dinner, lavish them with gifts, take them shopping, etc?  

And Dart, there's risk/reward/manipulation in some extent for everything, especially with chicks, paid or not.  Now I'm waiting for someone to chime in about love..  lol

[ Last edited by  bethpageblack at 12-8-2010 23:06 ]
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Post at 13-8-2010 00:45  Profile P.M. 
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Respect, simple as.... they're not my enemy
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Post at 13-8-2010 01:50  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #27 bethpageblack's post

I treat the girls nice because that is the type of person I am.

I just treat them like any other girl I would meet and have sex with.

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conqueror77   13-8-2010 09:20  Acceptance  +1   I'll second that :)

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Post at 13-8-2010 02:27  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by hunter at 12-8-2010 12:04

As if the WG comes to Hong kong wanna fuck HK guys like us because we have good image??

They just want your $700 and $800 fast food 5 minutes lousy pop.

Join the reality bro!!

thanks. of course they want to get the money but sometime after the sex work finished, it is quite happy to hear that HK guys are quiet gentle and like to have sex with HK guys.

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Post at 13-8-2010 02:28  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by bethpageblack at 12-8-2010 12:07

Can you send me some Hong Kong Tourism Board brochures? I also need some I The Peak T-shirts.

I The Peak T-shirts - you can get it at the Peak.
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Post at 13-8-2010 02:31  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by haroldla at 13-8-2010 02:27 AM

thanks. of course they want to get the money but sometime after the sex work finished, it is quite happy to hear that HK guys are quiet gentle and like to have sex with HK guys.

Next time I'm in town, I'll have some nice HK guys to introduce you to.  
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 13-8-2010 02:32  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #29 Avatar's post

I believe all the bros this forum are treating the WGs nice and tender. I have not not seen any disturbing experience of ill treatment towards any WG, maybe  make an exception to Bro. Jake the Snake!!

The poinit of this thread is to obtain an understanding of what does punters want and expect to get from treating the WGs like princess or giving them the same treatment or "love" like you do to a civi gal.

What do we expect in return? One nite / ST GFE? Hoping for a freebie? Hoping the WG will stop this trade and stick to you? Making the punter fell macho? Boost the ego? or It is because the nature and well being of this special punter, i.e. he is just loving and treat all gals equally?

Fantasy vs Reality - are we blurring the lines?

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Post at 13-8-2010 03:04  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by twiceAweek at 12-8-2010 15:03
I treat them all with dignity and respect, no matter what their attitude is or what they give back !

but the main point is ... I treat them this way because this is the way I want to treat them !!!

That is actually very profound, Twice.

Life is too short to harbour resentment, even when
we're disappointed or poorly treated. When you
treat anyone with dignity and respect, that dignity
emanates from you and makes you worthy of respect.
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Post at 13-8-2010 07:57  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #33 hunter's post

I think it's not really fantasy nor reality.

It solely depends on your perception, whatever you think inside your big head no one is going to tell you you otherwise.

At the end of the day the girls simply care about the money and we are simply there for the sex.
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Post at 13-8-2010 08:03  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by bethpageblack at 12-8-2010 23:03
Will you treat these WGs well if they're bu fang bian (不方便)?  In case you guys don't know what that means, "bu fang bian" means that they're on their period.  Would you still take them out ...

definitely yes. especially if we've had a few sessions together already. i've known bros who take them to the peak or shopping on their period.

to answer the original question, WGs have a tough enough life as it is. yes, they make good money (compared to their normal lives) and some of them may be jaded or rough, but i consider myself lucky that i'm the punter and not the WG. i treat them like any human being i see on the street. them giving their body to me for 45 minutes doesnt give me the right to be cruel or disrespectful.
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Post at 13-8-2010 09:27  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #35 shipit's post

At the end of the day the girls simply care about the money and we are simply there for the sex.

What do you mean ?

You mean, all that matters to them is money and they don't care if they are treated well or bad ?

Nakadashi shitara chou yabai yo ne!
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Post at 13-8-2010 10:13  Profile P.M. 
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I really like twiceAweek's post above and I must say I had the same philosophy untill recently.

Indeed, I've turned into a less good guy... I mean, I've changed a bit because too many people have taken advantage of my good nature.

So I treat people nice untill they show disrespect or treat me in an unfair way. When they do this, I do the same to them. And I don't feel bad about doing the same bad things they do to me as I would not expect myself good behaviour from people I have acted badly to.

To the OP, I will say that I treat WG well because that's the way I want people to treat me and I do treat everybody the same (men or women, civilian girls or WGs).

No actually, I don't deal with WGs the same way I deal with the general public. This is because, I can't have the same interraction with women I'm having intimacy moments (paid or not) as with other people. So I tend to go the extra-mile with WGs as I will with any one-night stand civilian gal.

I don't have any hidden agenda when dealing nice with WGs.

I think you should not compare the good treatment of WGs versus the one of GFs or Wives. You should better make the comparison between WGs and one night-stands.

Like another bro said above, we spend only 1-2 hrs with WGs (for HK punters) or 1hr up to a few days (for Thailand punters). So it's easier for the both protagonists to show their best behaviour for the very short time they are together. Whereas it's (probably) next to impossible to do the same with SO because in long term relationships they are highs and downs and nobody is perfect enough to be nice 100% of the time.

[ Last edited by  conqueror77 at 13-8-2010 03:19 ]

Nakadashi shitara chou yabai yo ne!
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Post at 13-8-2010 11:35  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #37 conqueror77's post

whether good or bad, they don't enjoy it either way. You have to be living in fantasy to think that WGs actually enjoy their work. Although I'm sure there are some exceptions.

The #1 motivation is money, I'm sure they feel better if they get lucky and find good customers rather than bad.
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Post at 13-8-2010 12:09  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by shipit at 13-8-2010 11:35
You have to be living in fantasy to think that WGs actually enjoy their work. Although I'm sure there are some exceptions. ...

Love the way you contradict yourself there bro!!  

The #1 reason for EVERYONE to do work is for money - and some enjoy it, some don't, regardless of the line of work / trade / profession.  

At least in Hong Kong WGs (for the most part) have a choice whether to sell their body or not, and they are making that choice, because they prefer it to the alternatives open to them such as receiving a salary or training in a new skill.

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!

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