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Post at 27-7-2010 19:25  Profile P.M. 
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4 and that's because i got some issues with premature ejaculation.  must be all that porn from the teenage years.  trying to  deal with that.  but luckily i'm still young and get right back up to try again so to speak.  i don't usually got for the one shot only girls cuz then i'm in and out of  there in  20 min...
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Post at 27-7-2010 19:49  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by JckJr at 27-7-2010 17:41
Just out of curiosity, how do you deal with the morning breath? Hopping into the bathroom for a quick rinse or brush kinda spoils the nice natural rhythm of things from waking up slowly with a hand or ...

A BIG brush before we start the night before, then Airwaves SUPER gum... dont leave home without it. Plus after a big BJ session night before girl usually goes into bathroom before massage to hoyk up any deposits I am have deposited...OPPORTUNITY FOR HER TO BRUSH THEN.

[ Last edited by  TonyToro at 27-7-2010 20:24 ]
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Post at 27-7-2010 20:55  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 ollie1955's post

2 shots in 3 hours. I guess I'm an average guy.
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Post at 27-7-2010 20:58  Profile P.M. 
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3 shots a day is what i felt reasonable and OK.

i had ever tried 7 shots for a night for celebration a day. Honestly, that's not so good for next day.
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Post at 27-7-2010 23:12  Profile P.M. 
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i think multiple shots in a very shot time is overkill. each subsequent shot isnot quite as good as the first. that beng said, if the girl is amazingly hot, 2-3 times an hour is ok, but i much pefer to spend a night with her, playing in between rounds, fire into her 5-6 times over the night. Someone mentioned fuckng a girl over the course of a weekend. well that is the ideal
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Post at 27-7-2010 23:27  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #25 liberty8's post

different strokes for different folks .... I often find coming the 2nd or 3rd time more intense.

It's one reason I don't care if I come reasonably fast the first time .... no need for the session to finish there.  Although it has back fired occasionnally with some WGs where she is up and getting showered and dressed before I can say boo. Gives you time to think though, should I front with more cash, or is it better to just move on?

Anyway, there are no rules, some of the best sessions I have had is where I hold back, maybe even withdraw, and build over a long time before letting go.
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Post at 28-7-2010 12:39  Profile P.M. 
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3 in a few hours but I was dry for a long time
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Post at 29-7-2010 07:22  Profile P.M. 
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when i read the title, i was thinking about drink shots.. lol
then i forgot this was a "sex" topic site
most i ever was 10 a day. but average 2-3 now.
it all depends on how good looking the female is and how active she is..
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Post at 29-7-2010 14:53  Profile P.M. 
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My best record is 3 shots in 2 hours (with a super hot SP in Calgary), or 8 shots in 1 day (by myself with some really good porn)
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Post at 29-7-2010 22:32  Profile P.M. 
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4 in a row.

Christ did it hurt.
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Post at 29-7-2010 22:43  Profile P.M. 
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7 within a few hours with a civi.  that was tough.
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Post at 29-7-2010 22:44  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 ollie1955's post

6 times in 90 mins is called...premature ejaculation. most pops for me in one night is 4.
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Post at 29-7-2010 23:00  Profile P.M. 
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i confess i was a wanker in my younger teenage days  - 7 times a day hahahaha
now 40 yrs of age, max i can do is 3 pops in 5hours

Life is like a dick if its hard fark it :D
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Post at 29-7-2010 23:55  Profile P.M. 
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6 in an overnight, by the 6th it felt like something exploded in my brain, was painful - never again!
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Post at 30-7-2010 15:51  Profile P.M. 
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I reckon 4 in 24 hours is my max and like Lurker ended up with the headache from hell.  In my teen I once had a particularly good day with an older girl (I was 15, she was 17) where it was definitely more than that but I reached the point of orgasm with nothing really coming out, definitely running on empty. Fortunately the first pop was a bit of a surprise for me when she blew me to completion so at least she got a good mouthful then.

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Post at 31-7-2010 01:15  Profile P.M. 
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It's seem impossible for 6 times in 90 minutes !!! It it is true, he would burnout !!! May be I am old, I just can have 3 times in a day !!!
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Post at 31-7-2010 23:25  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #36 engoscar's post

... and there I've been, trying to LAST for 90 minutes

... clearly that's where I've been going wrong

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Post at 1-8-2010 00:37  Profile P.M. 
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4 shots.. from 11pm until midnight around 3am (2 shots), chat for a while.. then shot again until slept, continue early morning shot around 7am..

still can get better, no need of rushing..
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Post at 1-8-2010 10:06  Profile P.M. 
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4 times from morning till night , usually twice in the hour .But really depends on the
girl and the session how good it was.
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Post at 1-8-2010 13:38  Profile P.M. 
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Last month I did 4 different gals in 5 hours - and I am not a youg guy.  I am sure I could have done at least one more if I had the time

[ Last edited by  jgaw88 at 1-8-2010 13:39 ]

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