Subject: Can you take a KTV girl to another city for a few days?
Erotic Emperor
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Post at 23-5-2010 10:31  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 pandaboy's post

I've noticed that 80% of the time I will get a "xiao lao po" small wife routine if I hang out at the lobby of my hotel anywhere in China.  And it is usually about 2000 rmb for the month, including expenses it comes out to something not very cheap.  I think it is best if you go to GZ and talk to a MMS, ask for a GZ girl for a single session of whatever and ask her personally after your encounter if she can do it.  I don't think it would cost that much, since they originally don't make that much at the establishments anyways.  I would offer 800 a day plus meals.  If she thinks she can "get with you" she may even refuse payment if she likes you.  I've fucked many a factory girl with false expectations of marriage and bringing her whole family to the US.  Yeah, I'm a dick like that.
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Post at 23-5-2010 10:37  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #21 sexpert's post

Originally posted by sexpert at 23-5-2010 10:31
I've fucked many a factory girl with false expectations of marriage and bringing her whole family to the US.  Yeah, I'm a dick like that....

Well, aren't we all? I myself never proposed marriage but have asked them to be my GF.
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Post at 23-5-2010 15:58  Profile P.M. 
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either work out a deal with the girl or with the mms. if u get along good with the girl it should only cost around 500 a day. ask mms for canto speaking only then u dont have worry about communication issues
Kinky King
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Post at 24-5-2010 08:36  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #20 pandaboy's post

pandaboy - not sure how many girls they have. For you, I will make a special trip to DG this week or next and ask them how many they have.

I've been to Hui Hua as early as 12:30.

Speak cantonese? Maybe 5%. Understand cantonese? Maybe 25%. Hot looking girls? Maybe 10%. Not too bad of a ratio for me.

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