Subject: Im a virgin and Im tired of it.
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Post at 20-3-2010 22:10  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 uwotextbook's post

The others have provided some great responses.  Not much more that I can add except I advise not having your first penetration experience with a loaded gun.  Better off going for a massage+HJ, then walk, no make run, for a hotel appointment.  You'll be better for it.  The pressure will be off a little and you won't blow your load within two seconds of jumping into the shower. I'd suggest going Guns N'Roses as she's a fucking machine and does CIM and gives GFE (which is what you want). Read up on the reports section and go from there.
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Post at 20-3-2010 22:16  Profile P.M. 
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The interesting thing is, if you have your first time with a WG, and it goes smashingly well, you will have had more of a memorable experience than the rest of us chaps who first did the deed with a young, inexperienced, and nervous girlfriend.

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jraskal   21-3-2010 00:52  Acceptance  +1   Haha, I feel you bro.
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Post at 20-3-2010 22:22  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #22 cooldog's post

My first was a shocker. Chain-smoking overweight, foulmouth bitch with dyed blonde hair who used her glass as an ashtray.   Hard times for TD back then.   Glad I got the first one out of the way, though.  
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Post at 20-3-2010 22:42  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #22 cooldog's post

Yeah but you can end up being cursed too! the SQ curse for example, nobody civilian or WG has yet matched her skills, the petite Korean girl In Seoul was very close though!

Life is short very...
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Post at 20-3-2010 23:15  Profile P.M. 
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One thing to think about is what you'll tell your future girlfriends/sex partners about your sex history. Will you say you're a virgin? Will you lie that you've had a gf/fling? Will you just tell the truth? I don't know what the right answer is. I'm just telling you that this may be the most difficult part of doing a WG for you.
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Post at 20-3-2010 23:18  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by bcs74 at 19-3-2010 21:46
really grew his confidence from going to strip bars and chatting to the girls there, before then he'd never really talked to girls at all.)

Maybe ok just to get over a phobia, but not a good way to learn how to talk to girls/women at all. Strippers are 100% following an automated script, and they are never giving you real feedback on the conversation.

Try talking to a non-intimidating regular woman. Maybe a classmate who's not so attractive and would appreciate the attention? Or a waitress or a flight attendant or even a female relative or something. Just not a stripper.
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Post at 20-3-2010 23:27  Profile P.M. 
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But, like others said - just do it. Many people's first time isnt like the experience that you read or hear abt,
a lot of times its just average as they dont know what theyre doing or the guy comes too early etc.

Ive been in a similar boat to yourself bro...ended up losing the V not to a WG in the end though but to a girl on a ONS. I havent looked back - i have dated many girls just in the recent yrs (esp the last yr when i have been in hk permanently) and approach and chat them up now quite easily - sometimes even on the street when I see a hot girl. The more you practice, the better you'll get at it.
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 21-3-2010 02:37  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #16 CanuckGuy's post

Nah...losing his virgin in China, he get spoilt.

Seriously, I think he shld not do it. He will regret after he met a civi GF.
Guys who do not have a real relationship with a civi gal and turn to WG to lose his virginity will not be able to differenciate between love and lust.

I do not encourage this kid to pursue a WG to get rid of his algae from his dickhead.
If he continues this mongering activity, he will be addicted during the early mongering stage. Woman is dangerous; emotionally and financially. But WG is worse. It is worse than drug. A person need a strong willpower to retire from the scene.

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Post at 21-3-2010 03:19  Profile P.M. 
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What will happen when you're talking with your gf in the future and you ask each other about yourfirst experience.  It will be tough to tell the girl that the first time you "did it" was with a WG.  She may lose respect for you.  On the flip side, you could also lie...

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testlogin   21-3-2010 05:11  Acceptance  -1   see post 25
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Post at 21-3-2010 03:23  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 uwotextbook's post

being a virgin at 23 is nothing to be ashamed of and the answer to your question really depends on what you're looking for and the consequences you're prepared to accept.

first off, let me tell you that i lost my virginity at a relatively older age. i was 20, but most people i knew had gotten laid in their teens. i'm not a bad looking dude, but i wasn't the best at charming women either; just sort of in between. i had girlfriends throughout my teens, but for various reasons, i never ended up having sex with any of them.

when i turned 20 and was in college, it ended up being with a gf of mine at the time. but before that, i had often thought about visiting a wg and just getting it over with. personally, i don't have any regrets about waiting until i was 20. in fact, i sometimes look back and wonder, had i gone and paid a visit with a wg and lost my virginity, would i regret it? would i feel bad / ashamed about the fact that i lost my virginity to a wg? an to be honest with you, my answer is yes, i probably would have felt bad about it. but on the other hand, now that i've had much more experience with different women, i can tell you that virginity isn't as big of a deal as it's made out to be.

i guess the question you have to ask yourself is, would you be able to accept the fact that your first time was with a wg and be comfortable with that? if the answer is yes, then by all means, go for it. but do not make the mistake of thinking that once you've been with a woman, all your girl problems will go away. there's a big difference between just getting some sexual satisfaction and being able to deal with women socially and in a relationship. also, would recommend that you start off by getting jerked off or getting a bj before going in for the full service, as other people have suggested. you will  no doubt be nervous the first time. i was nervous the first time i went to a wg 6 months ago, which was 5 years after i lost my virginity. there's a huge difference, and someone who's had a lotta gf's and sexual relationships might not necessarily be confident when it comes to sex with wg's and vice versa.

ultimately, it's your decision, and i wish you the best of luck bro.

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Thai-delight   21-3-2010 22:29  Acceptance  +2   nice reply
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Post at 21-3-2010 15:00  Profile P.M. 
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This thread has turned into an advertisements thread. First we had Adidas motto "Nothing is impossible" and right after Nike with its "Just do it !".

Some bros advise the OP to wait to lose this V stuff with a civi. But what they don't know is how long the OP will have to wait. It could be 8 months (wich the OP might be willing to wait) but it could also be 10 years !!! (I doubt bro would be willing to wait that long). Which will be 10 years of frustration just to lose something nothing really special. If he had to wait that long just to fuck a civi, I bet there are more chances that he regrets to have waited so long to have sex than he would regret to have lost his virginity wiht a WG insteas of a civi. Just be honnest with him bros... nobody can say how long he'll have to wait to lose it with a civi. So why ask him to wait ? It's not like you know it will happen pretty soon. And that's his youth and libido he's wasting meanwhile.

Remember that the OP said he's not a girls magnet. You can tell him to just talk to female workmates, flight attendants, shop-assitants or whatsoever....but that's no success guarantee he'll be able to pull anyone soon enough. To talk to girls is not the most difficult thing. Many guys who have trouble with women exercice in chatting up girls and sometimes even succeed in getting dinner dates or taking girls out for movie or other activities but end up getting knocked back. Just talking to girls doesn't give one the skill of picking up.

I'll go with Nike's motto and say don't waste more time bro: JUST DO IT !!! WG or not, I bet you won't regret it.

[ Last edited by  conqueror77 at 21-3-2010 08:01 ]

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jraskal   23-3-2010 01:59  Acceptance  +1   If you don't use it, you lose it. JK!
testlogin   21-3-2010 18:29  Acceptance  +3   well argued!

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Post at 21-3-2010 16:26  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #25 testlogin's post

Will you tell the truth? Of course not, just as we keep this hobby secret from significant others.  Just say, I had a wonderful experience at a hotel with a beautiful girl and leave it at that (don't say walkup, hotel sounds much better ...hahaha) My partner has never pressed for additional details, just like I haven't pressed.  Some excellent responses in this thread by the way.
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Post at 21-3-2010 18:32  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Thai-delight at 21-3-2010 16:26
Will you tell the truth? Of course not, just as we keep this hobby secret from significant others.

It depends on what kind of relationship you want to have. When I've been in relationships, I've been 100% honest about my sexual history, because to me, that's part of being in a relationship vs having WGs or fuckbuddies. My way certainly isn't the only way of doing things, but it's one approach.
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Post at 21-3-2010 22:34  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #33 testlogin's post

You're upfront about all the WGs you've been with, when in a new relationship?  Honest, yes, but she'll still think you're some slimy sleazebag.  One thing's for sure. You obviously don't monger whilst in a relationship.  Otherwise, that honesty argument would land you on your arse on the doorstep. ANyway, everybody's different.  For me, there are some things are really don't want to know.

[ Last edited by  Thai-delight at 21-3-2010 22:41 ]
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Post at 21-3-2010 23:47  Profile P.M. 
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Td, yes, honest about everything (and I expect the same from the woman), and correct, I don't monger while in a relationship. Slimy sleazebag? Not really. You have to find a woman who sees the world non-judgmentally. Difficult, but not impossible.
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Post at 22-3-2010 00:28  Profile P.M. 
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where the fuck is the Original Poster?

Recently, I noticed a lot of questions asked by newbies and subsequently they never come back and response.
We are just talking to among ourself and many a time the thread will drag into arguments and causing grief to members!, while sometime it can be educational and useful info sharing !!

So, what is the real intention of the OP and why they just dissapeared after posting a question?

So,  can the original poster please stand up!!!

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Post at 22-3-2010 04:08  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by hunter at 22-3-2010 00:28
Recently, I noticed a lot of questions asked by newbies and subsequently they never come back and response.
We are just talking to among ourself and many a time the thread will drag into arguments and ...

im here..... reading every post
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Post at 22-3-2010 04:20  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 uwotextbook's post

I was in the same shoes as you bro...

I am born in HK..but grew up in Canada..Toronto...

My only to go to TST...Champs B..and find Happy...she'll take care of you!

Just curious...did u go to the university of waterloo? hence ur name...
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Post at 22-3-2010 04:34  Profile P.M. 
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I don't think there's much more to discuss really... it really just boils down to what the OP wants from/thinks about his first time. Whilst I do agree somewhat that your 'first time' experience should be 'special', part of me think they get hyped up too much in the end, like in movies etc (I guess from past experience too; my first time was with my ex of 7 years, but now that I think back to it, it really wasn't all that memorable afterall).

It's true for some that the first time is more remembered for the emotional connection (rather than the less memorable actual performance), but for others, the 'first time' merely serves as the first stamp in your (hopefully rapidly expanding) collection.

As someone mentioned before, end of the day, getting your 'first time' out of the way will not instantaneously change you into being a chick magnet. All it will do is just that- getting your 'first time' out of the way. You will still have to work at it if you want to attract girls etc.

Hmmm just reread my post... I guess it's a fence-sitter type of post. I guess I just wanted to stress that both sides of the argument has their own merits, and that it's really down to the OP to decide which side of the fence he falls on.
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Post at 22-3-2010 11:58  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #39 kayman's post

I think you've made a helluva post that would probably conclude this thread. As I don't see anything that can be added (but who knows).


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