Subject: honk kong airport
sirtiger (the banana)
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Post at 24-3-2010 05:27  Profile P.M. 
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I would like to add the HK airport is really large as many know.  There is no telling which gate u r coming out and need to be at next. I once spend over 30 min plus rushing from one part of the airport to another.
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Post at 25-3-2010 18:37  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by sirtiger at 24-3-2010 05:27
I would like to add the HK airport is really large as many know.  There is no telling which gate u r coming out and need to be at next. I once spend over 30 min plus rushing from one part of the airpo ...

Since you've brought this thread back to life, just wondering... Bro rhode1, are you still here? how did you go? Things work out?
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Post at 26-3-2010 12:05  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #9 stranger604's post

Given the high volume of traffic of HK international airport and the fact you don't need additional VISA/Passport if you are from a foreign country, you would think pimps etc would set up bases of operation within the vicinity of the airport.  I guess HK police must be pretty tight about prostitution in such sensitive areas that would paint a negative image of HK.
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Post at 26-3-2010 18:18  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #23 agamemnon33's post

Customers in the airport area is minimal considering how many people you have in the whole of Hong Kong...

Since the airport is on a seperate island now, getting WGs there are expensive!
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Post at 31-3-2010 13:08  Profile P.M. 
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If you really want to try your luck out, there's an OM Spa at the Regal Airport Hotel. Walking by it the other day, it looks quite fancy, but you never know with veggie saunas. You may get the "rub over towel tent" treatment if you're lucky.

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