Subject: Simple guide for first timers - walk up WGs
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Post at 16-4-2014 22:14  Profile P.M. 
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i read a lot of posts here...but nobody said anything about timing?
How does it work here? you have 1h or 2h?
for example on the website usually they ask for 900, for how many hours im wondering?
and what if you are done in 30mins...will you have 2nd round
THanks for answers.
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Post at 16-4-2014 22:40  Profile P.M. 
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I think your questions are answered in a Newbie's guide somewhere. I think the are links in quite a few places. I suggest you read them because there's a lot of good information there.

However, to give you my inexpert advice:
You can assume a time of around 45-60 minutes with a walk up girl.
It would only be 1 shot unless you specifically pay for more.
$900 sounds like the price for a hotel girl, not a walk up.

That's just what I've seen and read. Don't take my word for it. Look for better advice in the Newbie Guides.
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Post at 18-4-2014 02:27  Profile P.M. 
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i see thx dude
i was watching for popular flowers on the go141
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Post at 26-4-2014 14:50  Profile P.M. 
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Done the rounds a few times, usually used the website for addresses more than anything. Only recently started using the forum and it is very informative. A must for newbies but also to get that little snippet of info that can sway you towards one girl or another. Been mostly in Sheung Wan and Central but on next visit will take advice from forum and give a few other areas a shot.

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kaleu   27-4-2014 00:22  Karma  +1   Time to start writing reports!
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Post at 13-5-2014 12:58  Profile P.M. 
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most of the girls are hong kong or china?

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jmark   14-9-2014 06:11  Acceptance  +1   Chinese 90%. Fair number of Thai. A few local, Taiwan, etc.
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Post at 30-5-2014 20:59  Profile P.M. 
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Great guidelines, thanks man, good to see some info beforehand
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Post at 11-6-2014 18:04  Profile P.M. 
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Great help from all you knowledgeable people well.
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Post at 15-6-2014 16:55  Profile P.M. 
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first time experience

My first time experience in hung Kong was apprehensive at first but then amazing afterwards.

Arrived into Hong Kong late on Saturday night, starving I asked the the concierge where to eat. He sent me down to tsim sha tsui. From this forum which I read before leaving my home country I walked by the buildings I had seen on this site but was not game to enter in case someone took photos of me and sent them to my Mom.

Next day I grabbed some courage and texted a few girls from my roaming mobile phone. I didn't get any replies and figured the girls didn't reply to overseas numbers. I decided just to walk around the streets like some lost punter and then my phone buzzed with a message. This chick who was my first choice because she was very good looking in the photos had replied and said she was free. Fuck yeah!

So she sent me a MMS with the name of her address and room written in Chinese. I find it no problem to find but because I was a little nervous I made the mistake of asking the doorman if this was the address as down on my phone. He looked at me and just had a wry smile and nodded.

The pace is J Lee mansion. So I hopped into the lift and went up and knocked on the door.

Holy sh*t. This girl was very very hot, answers the door in a bikini and had the most beautiful face us seen in ages. Her name was Yuri, obviously not her real name which I found out later and she was Thai not Japanese which her add showed.

She destroyed my nerves and then proceeded to destroy my balls and LB.

I went to China mainland for a week and saw her on my way back to head home via hk. Some other punter waited 1.5 hours for us to finish. She asked 700 and I gave her 1000 because I'm generous and my Johnson was doing my thinking and thanking.

that was my first experience. I suggest to all to get a hk Sim to avoid disappointment and get some fast replies.
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Post at 21-6-2014 22:57  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #325 marufai's post

Mostly from China. They switch in and out on their tourist visa. The long term ones who you see year round are the ones from Hong Kong.
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Post at 23-6-2014 08:19  Profile P.M. 
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Are there usually a lot of traffic outside the WG buildings?  And are the buildings known simply for the mongers?  I want to try but I am kind of scare of the attention going in!
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Post at 23-6-2014 10:53  Profile P.M. 
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Yes, they are in busy areas.  Usually there are some private residences in the buildings also.

Why are you scared?  Are you well known in HK?  Do you think you will ever see any of those random people again?
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Post at 27-6-2014 17:24  Profile P.M. 
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what if you don't have a phone in HK to make an appointment?

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kalidude22   28-7-2014 15:13  Acceptance  +1   Thanks for asking this question as I wanted to know about it.
kaleu   27-6-2014 17:59  Acceptance  +1   You can do a walk-up without a phone
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Post at 12-7-2014 03:37  Profile P.M. 
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very interesting thread! thanks
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Post at 29-7-2014 02:59  Profile P.M. 
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Thank you for the guide. I'm in hk for holidays will use these tips
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Post at 7-8-2014 11:19  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks for this awesome guide! Total newbie here, but feel like I know all i need now. Except one thing - price and payment - that is so obvious, I'm surprised it is not in the FAQ.
The problem is, there is conflicting information on the forums. Some say the prices on the DB pages are reliable, some say there is a gweilo tax ($100?), and then there is tipping...

So, say I'm a gweilo, no Chinese spoken: If her DB page lists $500 full package, would I be correct in expecting to pay an extra $100 gweilo tax, plus another $100 tip at the end? ($700?)

And should I agree on the price beforehand? Seems rude to me, but I don't want her to pull some number out of her arse at the end, starting an argument I can't win as I have no number to go on (other than the 141 DB).
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Post at 7-8-2014 12:50  Profile Site P.M.  Yahoo!
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This is excellent for any Newbie like me.
I will be in Hong Kong soon and will definitely try your suggested and insightful threads without compromising oneself

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Post at 8-8-2014 01:02  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by MyCsPiTTa at 7-8-2014 11:19
Thanks for this awesome guide! Total newbie here, but feel like I know all i need now. Except one thing - price and payment - that is so obvious, I'm surprised it is not in the FAQ.
The problem is, t ...

Prices change all the time and there are too many variables to make a helpful guide.

You should definitely negotiate the price ahead of time.  I am white and don't speak Mandarin, and I have never paid a gweilo tax in HK.  Tips are up to you.  There is no mandatory tipping.

Pay cash.
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Post at 17-8-2014 01:44  Profile P.M. 
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thanks for such an amazing guide. it's still pretty intimidating with people walking by knowing what goes on in those specific buildings
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Post at 17-8-2014 16:04  Profile P.M. 
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Believe me brother I felt a bit apprehensive too, at the beginning, but soon realised nobody here gives a damn about people walking in and out of working girl buildings.
And the girls have general acceptance about their right to earn their living in the way they do.
It is more a question of getting over your own ingrained restraints.
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Post at 17-8-2014 16:15  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #337 kaleu's post

I have always felt I need to tip. It is really not necessary. Most of their customers are local and mainland chinese, and most of them don't tip. The girls will not mind if you don't tip. They are not expecting you to tip and will not be disappointed too much if you do not. Having said that, I don't know why I always tip. Maybe it is some sort of a guilt trip. Anyway, they probably will havea  better use for the money that you give in tip, than you. So please do go ahead and tip withoutfeeling any obligation to do so. It will make you feel good.

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