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Post at 8-12-2011 11:57  Profile P.M. 
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Sorry for being off-track.

Just in case any of you guys with information missed this thread: ... &extra=page%3D1

Would be glad to receive some feedback on this.

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SEAJ   8-12-2011 15:31  Karma  +1   SRY- never even heard of place! Y U going? Good luck+report back! LOL!
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Post at 8-12-2011 11:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2913 SEAJ's post


thanks for the link up!
wow such coicidence indeed! haha. glad to know this is something that is constantly at the back of a lot of our minds!

a few more points of the issue of bunging the bunghole :
i have asked WG, Girlfriends whom i've bunged and the general reply was
from girlfriends : 'it's kinky hence its nice" / "its something different" / " i wanna feel dirty"
from WG : "it's ok" / " yes i like it becos it reminds me of my husband who used to fuck my ass all the time ( this came from a thai WG) "

i have yet to actually meet someone who genuinely likes it nor have orgasm from it. i only ever made my gf cum during anal sex was when i was fingering her clit at the same time.

why the thought of anal sex is intriguing? haha i guess its the taboo-ish bit that excites, to test the limits of the girl. and i guess it is also some form of domination which just excites.

a trick of the trade when attempting anal sex and not allowing it to put you off : when you are done. look up or away. dont even bother to find out if there is anything on it. let her handle it. the WG will normally quickly wrap the tissue over it anyway. part of the service.
and of cos while looking ahead...hold your breath too for the split second.
dont see dont smell wont know. hahaha.

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jm322   9-12-2011 09:54  Karma  +1   Good post, Good tips. As for me, no urge to get brown belt after attaining it.
SEAJ   8-12-2011 15:34  Karma  +1   Don't Ask, Tell, See, Touch or even Smell! How abt. Tasting N Hearing? LMAO!!
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Post at 8-12-2011 18:36  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2918 mkpgsl's post

Gotta share this with you guys!!

Received a PM congratulating me in regards to this thread and that we have made an important milestone reaching the HIGHEST number of posts in our forum's HISTORY!

Well.... it got me to thinking....We've reached a HISTORICAL MILESTONE.....but each and every one of you here will repeatedly reach such historical milestone............ each and every time you post up something here!!  LMAO!!

So ... all you guys.... you wanna make history??

All you gotta do is post something here!!


[ Last edited by  SEAJ at 8-12-2011 18:39 ]


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Post at 8-12-2011 18:58  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2923 SEAJ's post

glad i could be a part of history   LOL

just curious what was the old longest thread?

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SEAJ   8-12-2011 21:50  Karma  +1   "Introduce yourselves here" which had been open close to 5 yrs! LOL
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Post at 8-12-2011 19:07  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2917 SEAJ's post

Congrats SEAJ!!!

Let's keep it going man!!! Feels good to be part of this historic achievement, even though I am very new here. But I must say that I really enjoy the friendly, brotherly and close-knit community feel here.

All you guys who have been here a long time must have done something right to keep this going and going and going and....

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SEAJ   8-12-2011 21:51  Karma  +1   Yup- a bunch of GREAT contributing guys on here. THANKS to Y'all!
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Post at 8-12-2011 21:06  Profile P.M. 
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Wilson's Guide to Mongering/Punting/Sexing/!@#$ing in the Bay Area ... &extra=page%3D1

Check out my new guide for punting in the bay area! Hope you guys like it.

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SEAJ   8-12-2011 21:48  Karma  +1   V useful quick but detailed guide for us going to the Bay area! Must read!

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Post at 9-12-2011 07:29  Profile P.M. 
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How to continue a historic thread ... The next post need to be well thought out, constructive, insightful, witty, informative ...,

Oh well I seem to have failed and posted bollocks!!

Seriously I'm not sure how to follow anal sex!

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SEAJ   9-12-2011 21:31  Karma  +1   Err...talkin' abt rimming?? LOL!
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Post at 9-12-2011 08:30  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2923 SEAJ's post


Well, this thread sure do accommodate lots of things. From Q-A, to pics, rants, and even ETC!
In any case, this calls for some celebration.  Care to cover the tabs, SEAJ?

EDIT: Oh, and regarding my question on Lianyungang, yes I will be going there in less than 2 weeks from now. Hopefully there's something fun there

[ Last edited by  mrpekz at 9-12-2011 08:32 ]

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SEAJ   9-12-2011 21:32  Karma  +1   N I still don't know where place is!! Wot R U doing there of all places?
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Post at 9-12-2011 09:47  Profile P.M. 
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Hen Duo Mao

I don't consider myself to be overly hairy by western standards, but I almost always get a comment about it from the WG's.  So far I have not been turned down (of course not), but I can tell some are a bit uncomfortable with it.  Others are mildy intrigued and others seem to find it really attractive. Same as anything else I imagine.

On the other side, I find hairy ampits and hairy legs on a WG to be too masculine for me and a turn off.  But one WG I was with had a little bit of hair growing up from her pubes to her navel.  For some unexplainable reason that really turned me on.

Also, I have yet to come across a shaven pussy.  Guess I need to increase my sample size.

What other hairy experiences have bros come across (literally or not )?

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SEAJ   9-12-2011 21:34  Karma  +1   Personally I prefer all natural pussies-hairy or non hairy. But armpits..Hmmm..! ...
jm322   9-12-2011 09:58  Acceptance  +1   I encountered a WG with hair pits and hair nipples. Whole session i had to look ...
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Post at 9-12-2011 16:08  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2929 DB141's post

"I encountered a WG with hair pits and hair nipples. Whole session i had to look ..."

i have NEVER heard of a female with hairy nips before. i was not aware that was even possible.

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SEAJ   9-12-2011 21:35  Karma  +1   I've seen gals w/a couple or so stray strands-but never an actual hairy nipple!
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Post at 9-12-2011 16:15  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2929 DB141's post

Same here, I've never come across a fully shaven pussy. If trimmed, yes maybe (I don't ask if she trimmed it, but I assumed). The worst I've had was armpit hair. But even that, it wasn't like a rainforest or anything close to it. It was just "rough".

...... Hairy nipples? Even mine isn't hairy. LOL!

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SEAJ   9-12-2011 21:36  Karma  +1   I HATE shaved pussy! Like doing a plucked chicken. YUCK!
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Post at 9-12-2011 18:36  Profile P.M. 
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Hair issues...

Reply #2929 DB141

DB, I came across many hairy pits as well as damn hair pussies! Even encountered hairy legs as well, which is a complete turn off. And I also find girls with little bit of hair that connects from pubes area to navel sexy...

Shaven pussies? None so far... but I have seen....(continue below)

Reply #2930 mkpgsi

Nips with hair...really hairy, never seen. But I have had experience with a few that has a few strands of hair on their nips. So it is very possible. And from investigative work by asking questions to some of the female species I have come across, they do require some work on this area, some of my friends tell me they pluck the hair out as soon as they see one! But not sure due to whatever reason, the Chinese tend to be scared of pulling their hair off even when it is unsightly.

And about nips, I had an experience with....(continue below)

Reply #2931 mrpekz

I do have some hair on my nips   And I have seen a pit that is so bushy that even without lifting her arm you can see the hair Of course with that, I don't even want to be near her! God knows what may be growing there or living there!!!

Have any of you guys seen nips with....(continue below)

Continued from above...

Anyway with more samples samples there will definitely be more to discover. I have seen hairy pits - bushy to unbelievable scale. I have seen hairy pussies - but thank goodness not to the extend that it actually scares me. Never come across shaven ones yet, but I have seen one that has so little hair that it almost look like it's shaven! There was very little hair and the hair are really fine..undoubtedly one of the best looking and most edible pussies I have encounter (she has really smooth skin to boot!). And I have seen nip with hair...not too bad, not hairy, just a few strands and fine ones...

But the most intriguing about nips is the girl with 3 nips that I have seen once. No joke THREE NIPPLES! This WG that I met about 5 years ago had a mutant nip growing out of her right boobs...if not mistaken, but who cares left or right...the fact that she had 3 nipples is a discovery! The extra nip is just next to the regular nip and is really small, but big enough to be seen and can be considered a third nipple. And no, it was not a mole, it looked exactly like a nipple but only smaller and the WG also admitted that it is a nipple...

Anyone else have come across something like this so far?

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JackTheBat   9-12-2011 23:16  Acceptance  +1   yes, a WG in Zhuhai i saw this yr had what seemed like an extra small nipple
SEAJ   9-12-2011 21:38  Karma  +2   OMG N LMAO! Hilarious! I personally LOVE natural White Tigers!
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Post at 9-12-2011 19:18  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2923 SEAJ's post

Congratulations on the milestone your the thread has achieved.
Happy to be part of it

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SEAJ   9-12-2011 21:40  Karma  +1   Keep participating AND do really contribute! Thanks
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Post at 10-12-2011 05:09  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2388 devilgodspeed's post

Got a Question for you in regards to your above post #2388 which I will re-quote, as readers will probably need to know what this is all about/since that particular post goes back to 7-10-2011

i hope my reading access reach 40 by end of Nov so i can check out those pics as i need them on my venture come first week of Dec.
i'm sure to reach 30 but 40 may be too much, not enough time as i only have less than 60 days before my trip to HK/Macau.
any other way? kindly share my some secrets, thanks!

and my reply #2389

Actually.... NOT a good idea to ONLY have a high RA as a target/reason for being on our boards.
I've personally seen time and again guys who comes on here with ONLY THAT AIM - and they usually just give up in frustration or they actually would come a-cropper with other members raining negative karmas on them.

Most of us are here coz we actually enjoy the sense of camaraderie that we do have here - sharing whatever information, report, intel we have on whatever with each other, reporting on our little adventures/foibles/frustrations/achievement etc - and when you subscribe to this reason, then posting credits .... and karma awards from others - just naturally happen....

Now that you have been to Macau/Hong Kong and I see your report
"My 2nd Macau Trip Dec 2011" ... 5517&highlight=
(*** Check it out guys - its a GREAT report!!)

Has your "journey" on our board been ejoyable/do you now feel the sense of camaraderie I mentioned?

And more importantly, I hope that you now do not disappoint and just stop posting on our board...since you've now accomplished what you had set out to do.
I certainly hope that you HAD enjoyed your time here and that it HAS been enoyable... so much so that you will continue sharing and caring with us here.


[ Last edited by  SEAJ at 10-12-2011 05:12 ]


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Post at 10-12-2011 05:39  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2932 Tuffbod's post

3 nipples? I have to imagine that'd be a pretty huge turnoff if it was noticeable! The "weirdest" thing I saw was a girl who had an inverted nipple, nothing as crazy as a third nipple. Apparently the inverted nipple isn't that weird after all, if my friends are to be believed, but I've still only seen it once out of hundreds of naked women, lol.

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JackTheBat   10-12-2011 16:39  Acceptance  +1   inverted nipples not uncommon.
SEAJ   10-12-2011 15:34  Karma  +1   3rd nipple?! 1 for the mouth + 2 for the hands! LOL
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Post at 10-12-2011 09:37  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2934 SEAJ's post

I'm there for business purposes, bro. I'm going to be there for a week. Hopefully it finishes early, and I can stay in SH for oneor two days

@Tuffbod: Speaking about 3 nipples, I have a pretty personal confession to make. I might have it LOL! It's not really a nipple, but it's just like a small lump of meat bulging out of my chest (left side).

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SEAJ   10-12-2011 15:39  Karma  +1   Explore around and report back!! Good luck!
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Post at 10-12-2011 11:21  Profile P.M. 
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Inverted nips

How about inverted nipples?  Ever sample any?  I've seen girls with one or both.  At first it is a weird, but then it is kind of a challenge.

Firstly the girl is usually shy about it, so you need to calm her down and relax about it, then comes the fun part.  When the girl starts to get excited her nipples get hard they tend pop out and revert from the invert (huh?).  Little tongue swirling and suction, bada bing, bada boom & out they pop.

Now she is at least a little excited and more comfortable with her rack and nips in a more traditional pose.

Just a random thought..............


PS inverted with hair, nope never seen it

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SEAJ   10-12-2011 15:40  Karma  +1   Not that uncommon- I think it runs via genes in families.
mrpekz   10-12-2011 12:30  Acceptance  +2   ROFL! Inverted nips? What does that look like?
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Post at 10-12-2011 12:43  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2934 SEAJ's post

At first, being a newbie its knida hey i'm in unfamiliar territory. i dont know what kinda people i'm interacting with.
I've committed lots of mistakes i guess being a newbies when i first started posting last Sept 13 2011 with my Sanado Report.
Time and again some of the respectable members and the MODS would warn me but of course i should live with that so i can slowly fit into the Family.
My first trip to Macau wasnt as fruitful as this one, i just read the Macau thread in our very own and there's just not too much infos there.
After i learned about this forum and started participating and  i really learned a lot from it. Remember i've been asking too many questions? well, i've been transparent from the very start and my intentions are pure. I had a trip ahead so i really have to learned much. The increase in RA was also a BIG HELP as i can view pics and expect whats to be expected during my trip.
Of course i will continue to patronize this thread and contribute even with the little knowledge and experience i gained from my trip.
I will certainly entertain questions specially to help out and guide the newbies in their quest.
I live in another country and have to work hard to earn money for my next trip ahead.

Again i thank you for your understanding and support MASTER SEAJ.

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SEAJ   10-12-2011 15:40  Karma  +2   Thank you!
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Post at 10-12-2011 16:01  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2938 devilgodspeed's post

Its great to hear about your positive experience in Macau/Hong Kong AND your sojourn on this forum!!

And like I always say - just because you're not in Hong Kong/China, doesn't mean that you should not still continue to enjoy our forum. Share and care about your experiences in the PI and let those of us who travel down there to benefit from your local knowledge; and of course still just chat with us on this thread.

Reply to amphibean, mrpekz and chelu on inverted nipples.

I think you'll find out that inverted nipples is not that uncommon and I THINK it runs in families; I think so coz one time I was "serial dating" two sisters and both of them has inverted nipples. The biggest problem with such for the gal is when they have a baby and want to breast feed her kid as most times the baby cannot manage to suckle the teats. Gals with such nipples need to first extract their breast milk using a breast pump and put it into a feeding bottle for the baby to drink.

Actually, I also like inverted nipples and I remember one afternoon I had in Manila when I was actually on the hunt for them!!  I had a pretty good session at the casino in the morning and then my cousin came and picked me up for lunch.  After lunch, my cuz had to go back to work for a while and left me with his driver to - in his mind - take me shopping etc.  Well, I ain't no shopper so I ask Eddie the driver to instead take me to P. Burgos and we just about hit every bar on that street.  Soon as I entered a bar, I'd practically shout - "I look for dimples - not nipples" and go straight to the bar or whatever and start buying the gals there drinks, with the proviso that I get to look and touch their boobs to look for "dimples." Good thing it was only in the afternoon and not that many gals, or else, even my nice casino winnings wouldn't have covered my stupid flight of fancy.

I must have examined at least a few dozen sets of boobs and found 3 or so with inverted nipples, but never did take any of them then. You see as the afternoon progressed, I was getting more and more drunk (and so was Eddie!) and was having more and more fun just doing that.  PLUS I had to meet my cousin AND his wife for afternoon tea at the Peninsula!

After tea and dinner I was back at the hotel and just "ordered" out the best looking dimple gal and really had a fab time suckling those li'l peas out...and the gal was also really appreciative/excited that somebody actually loves her inverted nipples...and of course I had a GREAT evening!! The only bad thing that happened was that she was BBBJ'ing me so enthusiastically that in the morning my LB was actually quite sore. Oh well....what counts is that I DID have fun!!


[ Last edited by  SEAJ at 10-12-2011 16:11 ]

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JackTheBat   10-12-2011 16:44  Karma  +1   u NAUGHTY boy, dating sisters just cuz they have inverted nipples...LOL!


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Post at 10-12-2011 16:05  Profile P.M. 
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Nipple tales...

Reply #2935 amphibean

With the third nips, I find it intriguing and was kinda turned on. The nip was really small n very near to the normal one. It was also equally sensitive like the normal one so there was more to "eat"

Inverted nips....(continue below in reply to che'lu)

Reply #2936 mrpekz

Good for you bro, you're a special man and that would be a nice conversation piece with the fairer sex...

Reply #2937 che'lu

Guess I am not the only one with experience in the case of inverted nips. I have seen and tasted boobs with both nips inverted as well as only one side. In fact, one of my ex-GF had one inverted nips which I find sexy and fun to play with. Somehow this nip is more sensitive than the outtie and like how u described, it pops out after a bit of sucking. For both innies, I had one WG like that and one civvies (we had an affair) having that. The civvies one doesn't pops out though and she was always worried that she'll not be able to feed her baby in the future...but haven't she heard of baby milk formulas?

Inverted nips with hair? Now that will be new for me...

So now...what other weird story on tits that all the bros out there had encountered? What about saggy boobs? I had one WG with so terribly saggy boobs that it almost completely turned me off, it was quite big and round but sagging, like a boob job went wrong, which i think maybe it was...but she compensated with a great BBBJ and CIM. When I do her mish, she had to keep both her arms crossed cradling her tits to keep them from falling to the sides...

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SEAJ   10-12-2011 16:14  Karma  +1   Welcome/Congrats to our newest Muskie Member Tuffbod! Good going!

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