Here's how to get the best FX rates ... anywhere ...
Open a trading account with Interactive Brokers
Transfer your money in (takes about 3 days to clear)
Load the software and log in
Watch the exchange rates closely - this is the fun bit - the rates scream up and down, second by second - you can literally see the best possible price that someone paid anywhere in the World, within milliseconds of them agreeing the price, live.
Then ... time your move ... and enter an offer at just the right price to take advantage of the swings
Bingo, you got the best rate. And the commission fees are really low.
If you like that you might even be tempted to go a little further:
with a trading account you get leverage,
which means with just $2,000, you can actually buy $100,000 of currency
which means that a swing in your favour makes a lot of money very quickly!
... so if you want to change, say $1,000 (for those 8 HGs you want), instead you change $50,000, and a few seconds later change back $49,000 at a more favourable rate.
Who knows, you might even make money that way?
Takes balls though ... it's a lot higher octane than betting on horses ... try it and report!