Am I alone in thinking this? Is anyone else in a relationship but also going with the occasional 141 girl for some light relief (say, when you're away from your partner)?
Is it cheating? Obviously it is, but is it proper cheating or just the sexual equivalent of a sneaky McDonalds? At least with a 141 girl there's nothing emotional, no worries that the girl will try to call you up the next day and you'll have to cover it up from your girlfriend. I guess there's the small worry of STDs...
Yeh, so basically.. how badly is it considered cheating? Do any of you do it? Is it any worse than having a Big Mac before going out to a nice restaurant for dinner?
So far I'm thinking as long as it's just sexual, it's better to satisfy myself with a 141 girl than another girl. Not all the time, just when I'm by myself and it's that or wanking/celibacy. As long as it's all hush hush. I'm always a little worried about getting an STD, but no itching or strange growths so far, fingers crossed.
Giving your gf the clap through a 141 would suck though