Subject: Married guys and the liar's band
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Post at 7-7-2012 15:04  Profile P.M. 
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Married guys and the liar's band


A mate of mine is a full time monger. He's also married and lives with his wife and kids in HK. He needs to wear a ring, so when he's working the ladies, pros or civies, he takes off the ring. However, its' easy to see the tan line left by the ring (liars band). He makes efforts to hide it, but its pretty obvious. Some girls don't seem to mind. Others do. Especially the civies. Usually someone asks a question that turns him off.

I have the similar problem, but I haven't hidden the band/ring, but it always leads to the ladies asking a lot of questions about my personal life. Something I prefer not to discuss with them when I'm about to ram them.

In the last week, I've opted just to remove the ring when mongering and trying to minimize the band.

Any suggestions on how to hide the band? Get rid of it?

1) I've taken to switching hands, which seems to make the band less noticeable. I
2) Leave it  at home from time to time. Especially when I'm out playing cricket or going to the gym to let the skin recover.
3) Lotion it
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Post at 7-7-2012 15:18  Profile P.M. 
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Since you're lying, why not lie all the way? Tell them you're divorced.
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Post at 7-7-2012 15:22  Profile P.M. 
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But that pesky liars band on the wedding ring finger gives the lie away. Civies have no interest in a married man either.

Honestly just rather avoid the discussion if I could and not have it so visible!
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Post at 7-7-2012 15:53  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Rj1972's post

Use some fake tan on it, dab it on with a cotton bud.

Sigh...the things we married mongers have to do.

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Post at 7-7-2012 16:07  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 Rj1972's post

Want to hear my take on all this?

Save all your lying for your SO - coz that....imho... is the only time well worth it to lie.

You lie to a gal - Civvie, WG, in-between, whatever - you're only asking for grief.  And totally unnecessarily too!

If you cain't get into a gal's pants THE WAY YOU REALLY ARE, then you got no business even trying to do so.



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halfclover   12-7-2012 07:20  Karma  +2   Wisdom
Tuffbod   11-7-2012 15:34  Karma  +2   Absolutely right on!
wander   9-7-2012 12:43  Acceptance  +4   Totally agree!!
HKPooner   9-7-2012 10:18  Karma  +1   Absolutely! You should only need to lie to your SO!
AsnDragon   7-7-2012 16:09  Karma  +1   save your strength for lying to your SO huh? cleaver!


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Post at 7-7-2012 16:13  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Rj1972's post

I asked an african american mutual friend once about this, since he claims to be the "pimp" with all the girls. He told me that he'smarried with 4 kids. I asked him how he still is able to monger and pick up chicks all the time being married and having a gold wedding band on his finger. He told me "simple, I use my PIMP ring"

I asked, what is a pump ring?

he takes out this two finger ring that goes over the ring finger and middle finger at the same time. the ring is made of sparkling diamonds and white gold. He told me he takes off his wedding band and wears his pimp ring, so girls don't see his band tan line.

I carefully examined what his diamond crusted ring said, it has the word "pimp" on the ring.

That's one solution, get a pimp ring!


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Jimstevens   23-7-2012 04:22  Karma  +2   I'm going pimp ring shopping this afternoon
SEAJ   7-7-2012 16:35  Karma  +1   Brilliant! LOL!
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Post at 7-7-2012 20:47  Profile P.M. 
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How about this:

Keep the ring on you. Say that you wear it to keep the ladies away cos you're too damn popular.
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Post at 8-7-2012 01:05  Profile P.M. 
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How about tell them you are a widow.  Make up a sad story about how your wife died.  Add some fake tears and you're golden.
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Post at 8-7-2012 01:59  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by AsnDragon at 7-7-2012 16:13
I asked an african american mutual friend once about this, since he claims to be the "pimp" with all the girls. He told me that he'smarried with 4 kids. I asked him how he still is able to m ...

Exactly.  Don't get a diamond encrusted pimp ring though, get something like a college ring.  It's kind of retro I know, but some still wear them.  Wear it on your right hand and then just swap it over when time comes to go partying.

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
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Post at 8-7-2012 02:07  Profile P.M. 
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I find a ring is a chick magnet.  It is so much easier with than without.  I guess the girls are often looking for less drama also, and the ring guarantees that you won't get too clingy.

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halfclover   17-7-2012 17:53  Karma  +3   So true
Tuffbod   11-7-2012 15:35  Karma  +2   Couldn't agree more...
JackTheBat   8-7-2012 15:09  Karma  +3   def agree. WGs see a lot of married men, needless to add.
simpleneeds   8-7-2012 02:21  Karma  +3   Agreed.
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Post at 8-7-2012 12:15  Profile P.M. 
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I always take my ring off when working with a technician. I don't have a liars band but nevertheless the girls always ask me about my "lao po". So I suppose I should just leave it on and avoid the risk of losing it as I will get the inevitable question anyway.  

One time, as my trousers are hanging on the back of the door with my telephone inside, my telephone beat to indicate that the battery was getting low. The technician heard the beep and asked me "is that your wife calling?".

Seems you can't win with this, ring or no ring. I don't have any experience with civies and whether or not the ring helps or hurts.

Keep on mongering
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Post at 8-7-2012 12:23  Profile P.M. 
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if you watched the Adam Sandler movie, he used the wedding ring to attract chicks

but then again does a WG really care to know if you're married or not?

this is not where you're out in a singles bar looking to look-up with a gal with or without a ring depending on your strategy, especially when you're already about to get down with one. all the details won't matter imho.
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Post at 8-7-2012 23:39  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Rj1972 at 7/7/12 02:04 AM
I have the similar problem, but I haven't hidden the band/ring, but it always leads to the ladies asking a lot of questions about my personal life. Something I prefer not to discuss with them when I'm about to ram them.

What do you mean that "the ladies asking a lot of questions about my personal life"?

I've had some WGs that ask if I have a girlfriend. I find that most of the time they're just making conversion because really, you're a client to them and this is just a job to them. There's no emotion there.  WGs I've talked to have said that any judgment they make is more about how often a guy sees WGs because the WGs have no idea whether or not a client has any STIs so their own safety is a concern (as the same would be vice versa).
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Post at 9-7-2012 06:10  Profile P.M. 
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about switching hands....i do this this too, but for a practical purpose.   Still the girls in china still assume i'm married.  (i don't think they care as they state it as a matter of fact without bias)   She said in china, something about "girl right, guys left" regarding rings.  I have not verified this...maybe it was some ignorant country bumpkin BS'ing a equally ignorant american bumpkin.
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Post at 9-7-2012 08:34  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Rj1972's post

Totally agree with Yazoo - the ring is an asset, use it to attract the right sort of attention and deflect the clingy sort.

BTW, it's not been suggested yet: if you have a liar's band, it could well be because your finger has grown bigger than it was in the past

which means - how can I put it gently? - some other parts of your body may also be bigger than they were in the past ...

Lose some weight, guys!  If it comes off your waist it'll come off your finger too
and that'll DEFINITELY improve your sex life
in every way

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Post at 9-7-2012 09:30  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Don't know if this will work for you, but a friend of mine did this. He has 2 rings. One is his marriage ring on the left ring finger, and the other is his college graduation ring on his right ring finger. He flips them when he goes out to play and makes up a story for the marriage ring. One he used to use was that it's his deceased grandfather's wedding ring that he (a) keeps to remember his grandfather.... or (b).... keeping until he finds the right woman.

B. works like a freaking CHARM. hehehe.

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Post at 9-7-2012 10:52  Profile P.M. 
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singletons loosers?

OK - you single guys are gonna cream me on this!! But......

But IMHO and from what I've heard from many a WG, they do prefer married guys over single ones.  They opine that in most cases, single guys are single for a good reason - that they are loosers IRL! Married guys are already well trained by their SO's to be kinder, gentler and generous to ladies, so....!

As far as civvies are concerned - well, I always take it as a time/complication saver if one straight out acknowledge being married (whether one is really married or not). Dong so, I'd avoid those who's after marriage and zero in on those up to short trysts and sex adventures.

SEAN - just sayin'!!


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Post at 9-7-2012 12:12  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #17 SEAJ's post

not going to cream you at all.  You're basically saying what Yazoo said rather more briefly.  

Wearing a ring is not at all the disadvantage that it's made out to be!

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Post at 9-7-2012 12:51  Profile P.M. 
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Lying to WGs?? Why?

You are making this MUCH harder than it needs to be.  

You dont want clingy gals, right?  You dont want spiteful gals you lied too, either.  Trust me.., these are much worse than anything you can imagine.  Be honest:  You are married.  You are naughty.  You are a good fuck.  'nuff said.

I never take my ring off.  And when asked, I tell them yes: married, have kids, plus several girlfriends, and yet somehow lonely tonite!  (hehe).

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Tuffbod   11-7-2012 15:37  Karma  +1   Makes life much easier definitely!
szabob   9-7-2012 13:02  Acceptance  +1   Love this
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Post at 9-7-2012 13:05  Profile P.M. 
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Local HK girls, who you pick up in LKF do hate married guys. I told my wife that i am getting a bit too fat from Chinese food so the ring became quite tight and uncomfortable so I don't wear it any more.
Before that I used to simply change the ring to my other hand when I went out to the sun to avoid marks..

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SEAJ   9-7-2012 13:40  Karma  +1   Gals who hates married guys s/b AVOIDED ANYWAY! Waste of time/effort!

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