Subject: Bros showing reports to get girls to do things
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Post at 28-1-2012 17:57  Profile P.M. 
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Bros showing reports to get girls to do things

Ok it's one thing to try and do whAt one reports but it's not fucking on when a bro goes to a girl,then tells her about a report and shows it to her for her to read. At least my reports are true butdue to the way dickheads are behaving, I will put my reports on ra30 which I even can't read once I post it!

How do I know, coz one of the girls told me!

Super pissed off with this...
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Post at 28-1-2012 18:16  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 davidlong's post

Ahhh, here we go again!

Sorry it happened to you, Bro.  I would be seriously pissed off too, and indeed, this practice of some shitheads has STOPPED some bros from even reporting at all.  Hope it didn't ruin your "thing" with the gal, but I totally agree - this is NOT ON!!  

Anyway, can you try to find out which member it was?  Your gal obviously met him, so maybe something he said to her could identify his username?  We can Neg the fucker till he's unable to read anything on her but the ads!
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Post at 28-1-2012 18:55  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 davidlong's post

You mean she pin point that you made some reports on her? How did the WG know about your 141 username?
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Post at 28-1-2012 20:21  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 davidlong's post

I see no point why bros need to exert such effort and show these reports.  I don't know if doing so will get them favors from gals. If anything, that could change gals behaviors for the worse IMHO.
So seriously, let's just cut the crap.
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Post at 28-1-2012 22:39  Profile P.M. 
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I think it happens if the wg gave u some type of special service but denied it to another coz they wereprob a dickhead or had bad hygiene. Then they start complaining that "oh, I know u provided it to somebody else before, here's the proof!"  And if u r the only one whom the wg privided it to or she asks that bro to read her the whole report, bam, she knows who it is. It is hard to prevent this and  even harder to id the guy afterwards. Unfortunate, but some will abuse th e system like that and they dont feel they r doing anything wrong coz they feel that it is their god given right.
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Post at 29-1-2012 02:17  Profile P.M. 
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Why do dick heads not understand this is a bothers forum for bros who share the same hobby of punting????? The reports are to guide us and not them. I feel for you bro and would happily- ve karma guys who are caught in this act.

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priapus   29-1-2012 05:39  Acceptance  +1   Yes! Bro's before ho's!
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Post at 29-1-2012 03:20  Profile P.M. 
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Guess I'll play devil's advocate and ask: why is it bad to bargain for a service by mentioning that it's been provided to others? A strong factor in my decision for who to go to is knowing what she'll provide, and if she won't provide what I'm looking for, then that makes for an unsatisfying trip at best and a waste of money at worst. I agree with the fact that the reports are there to guide us, and I suppose physically showing the girl past reports on her may be going too far, but I have no qualms at all about mentioning reports to convince her to do a service, because that service is why I'm going to her at all.
ICIM (The Green Hatted Pussy)
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Post at 29-1-2012 04:43  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 poonhits4jesus's post

bro poonhits4jesus

Because if that girl has only provided that service to 1 bro, then she will know who it is. That 1 bro will then have some explaining to do if he re-visits. This is especially bad when its one of that bro's regulars.

On the subject of services that the girls provide. Its not mandatory that she provide you with the same level of service as one of her regulars. What service she provides is up to her.

What I have found is that if you treat the girl nice with respect and dignity, you will be rewarded. But even this may not get you the service you want if you don't got the chemistry.

You can always negotiate with her at the door before you go in, and if she wont do what you want then you walk away and you wont have wasted your money.

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ramont   30-1-2012 11:37  Acceptance  +1   agree
daik35   29-1-2012 06:54  Karma  +1   Well said icim
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Post at 29-1-2012 09:27  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by poonhits4jesus at 1/28/12 02:20 PM
Guess I'll play devil's advocate and ask: why is it bad to bargain for a service by mentioning that it's been provided to others? A strong factor in my decision for who to go to is knowing what she'll ...

Because everything is your mileage will vary..

If a WG happens to like me and freely provides me with an unadvertised service as a perk then that's her prerogative.  My reports always remind readers that everything is YMMV.  If some guy reads, prints out and shows my report to that WG and demands the same service, then she's going to be pissed and not offer it.  Why would she?  Again, it's all YMMV in this business.

This business isn't McDonald's or Starbucks where you can expect a certain level of service.  Working girls are real people and you have to show them the respect that any person deserves and not treat them like a piece of meat that you can buy whatever services you want by throwing money at her.
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Post at 29-1-2012 09:44  Profile P.M. 
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U read the reports knowing that this is the potential service, rather than minimum. Some of these reports are from regular customers of the wg. So goodwill and chemistry has built up over time. First timers should not expectthe same level.

Besides the stigma attached to being a WG, I think it must be so tough for WG with every punt potentially being recorded like quality assurance or an audit. I can't imaginet that level of scrutiny and expectation working in most professions
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Post at 29-1-2012 10:33  Profile P.M. 
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I totally get why the OP is pissed.

Back in August when i first joined the forum I reported on a Russian from 18.

The punt was a disappointment but I salvaged the night by having an overnighter with one of my regulars.
I made the mistake of adding in my report that we made a video together.
And wouldn't you know it, she gets inundated with requests to make low budget porn
She refused of course, but then these guys would whip out their smartphones and quote my report.
One even offered her an extra 3000 if she relented.

Thank god i didn't take up CunningLinguist's offer to help upload the video or we'd both be finding the video popping on amateur vid threads on Pornbb, Planetsuzy or the like...

wander also brought up a valid point.
This experience has indeed soured the once excellent rapport i had with her and has resulted in her increasing her "asking price" for her subsequent visits. (Not that I'm complaining because she's worth every cent. Just trying to illustrate the fallout from this debacle)
But most importantly, it has made me hesitant to share information on my other regulars. Most of whom provide awesome service. Which of course, defeats the purpose of joining a forum. After all, sharing is caring.

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CunningLinguist   29-1-2012 15:38  Acceptance  +1   Wise!
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Post at 29-1-2012 11:06  Profile P.M. 
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Ok the thing with YMMV is that if I don't get the service from her the first time I visit, I'm far less inclined to repeat. If you have a good rapport going with a regular, good for you, but it also sounds like the opposition to report-sharing with the girl also stems from having/wanting a relationship with the girl that goes beyond merely professional, and I think that's where I fundamentally differ from everyone else. Yeah the girl's a human being too, but I see her as a means of getting off and she sees me as a bag of money. For me, that's all the relationship is.
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Post at 29-1-2012 15:30  Profile P.M. 
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This happens a lot in the States where guys will request a specific service because they read a review on a girl.  Just because one guy gets a certain service does not automatically mean you will.  Man you still gotta show up with good hygiene, in descent shape and treat the ladies with some respect if you expect things to go well.

Most girls don't mind reviews, and I have even had some ladies ask me to post a review of them so they could get some attention.  Damn even WG's have some minumum standards they would like to see in a client that walks through the door.  The last girl I met with when she opened the door said, "Damn you work out!"  We had a good time.
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Post at 29-1-2012 20:14  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #12 poonhits4jesus's post

Okay.., and that's fair enough.   But ruining another guy's thing with a gal so you can get your rocks off AINT FUCKIN COOL!  

I am not saying you do this, bro, I can assume easily that you dont, but some fuckers do.  They take a report where another Bro kindly reported the good AND the bad about a gal (stretch marks, or a bit of flab, or a less-than-perfect blowjob, or whatever) and actually shows it to the gal.  That Bro who wrote the report goes back for a repeat and finds a pissed off gal instead of the honey he expected.  "Ohh, so my tits are too small??? Hmmph!!!"

It makes Bros NOT talk (honestly) about their favorites.  If you believed your regular was gonna read what you write here, you would be careful to ONLY speak of the good things, right?  And the value of reports fall quickly....   

It is just NOT ON!!  This forum is by Bros for Bros.  Never let this shit out to the gals....
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Post at 29-1-2012 22:37  Profile P.M. 
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I realise you guys are talking about punting in hk, but ive read on other forum for bkk/pat.
Of member posting pictures of their chicks. And another punter showing her the photos. Similar concept fucks it up for everyone!
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Post at 29-1-2012 22:54  Profile P.M. 
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yep it is not cool at all. makes you wonder if even posting about your sessions would be harmful to the service you receive. this has happened to me twice with 2 different gals so i would really
appreciate it if this were to stop asap.

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Post at 30-1-2012 10:49  Profile P.M. 
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Bros, I think just because we are paying for it does not mean we dont have to perform at all. If you go there face shaven, dressed up, with perfume, slick hair et cetera, then no doubt the girl will be naturally attracted to you and provide you better service than if you turn up like a monkey. Most of all, your attitude has to be good treat her like a girl and she will melt for your desires.

When I look at punting cost, I tend to look at it as $price plus acting. The acting cost includes the things I mentioned.

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Intenseslacker   30-1-2012 18:30  Karma  -1   Irrelevant
SEAJ   30-1-2012 11:18  Karma  -3   Totally irrelevant to topic. Y R U still on here?
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Post at 30-1-2012 11:32  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by poonhits4jesus at 29-1-2012 11:06 AM
Ok the thing with YMMV is that if I don't get the service from her the first time I visit, I'm far less inclined to repeat. If you have a good rapport going with a regular, good for you, but it also s ...

Okay, so you see it as a pure financial transaction. If I have invested $500 x3 to see a girl that then offers me CIM on the 3rd visit, but you go to see her the first time and demand CIM because you read that I got it. Why should you only pay $500 when I put in more money?

If you want to barter with the girl for services, that is totally up to you, but you don't have to drag other bros into it.

When bros rat on bros it discourages good, detail reporting.
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Post at 30-1-2012 11:50  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #16 davidlong's post

I dont think it will stop to be honest, it part of punting
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Post at 30-1-2012 12:40  Profile P.M. 
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Ramont that's a fair point, but I would argue that unless the girl expressly tells you she's only offering you CIM now because you're a reg, it's also possible that she'll offer it if you simply request it. Unless I'm reading your post wrong, it sounds like you're waiting for her to offer it to you rather than initiating the request yourself, in which case I don't think me getting CIM on the first go is unfair.

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ramont   30-1-2012 18:41  Acceptance  +1   Not always, most times I initiate if I feel like she would do it

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