Subject: What's your occupation?
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Post at 2-2-2008 19:53  Profile P.M. 
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What's your occupation?

Hey people. I know most of you would like to keep your superhero identities secret, but I was just wondering what all of you do. Of course you don't have to be specific, but I'm just trying to get a general idea. When I was in HK, I went as an exchange student and also to see family as it was my first time going. Now that I'm fresh out of college (well almost) and hunting around for jobs, I'm curious about how the job market is in HK and China.

My area of study was in the media/entertainment field, which I can make a decent living with here in the US but my impression was that it'd be very difficult to do in HK or China. Any of you happen to be working in that field too?

If not, that's ok. Please feel free to discuss your occupations and about any job topics or issues on your mind.
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Post at 2-2-2008 22:44  Profile P.M. 
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Buck do what Buck do.
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Post at 2-2-2008 22:50  Profile P.M. 
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and shooting at girls is your profession I suppose?
swan (big titty hg CONNOISSEUR!)
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Post at 3-2-2008 01:57  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 HornyABC's post

...conquering lion of 141s...
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Post at 3-2-2008 05:41  Profile P.M. 
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No jobs in HK

HK is a great place to start your own business as there is no tax on foreign-earned income and no captial gains tax. Since it is an island, almost everybody is in international trade making foreign-earned income.

There are also lots of retirees in HK, too. Retirees who live off their investments are happy that there is no capital gains tax. Also, the HK currency is undervalued. This means that your foreign dollars go a long way here. The only downside is the high price of land ownership. However, rents are relatively low because the rent to real estate price ratio is low. Also, lots of retirees cannot drive anymore due to decreased vision. HK has good public transportation so they don't have to drive. The bad thing is that there is little to no wheelchair access ramps in HK compared to the US. If you have more than 1 million dollars to invest in HK, they'll give you an HK passport and you'll be eligible for free government health care. Out of all major cities (Tokyo, London, Paris, NY, etc) HK is the city that has the lowest crime and highest life expectancy in the world.

However, HK is horrible for jobs as pay is bad and the hours are much longer due to the workaholic Chinese mindset. If you're looking for a job, better stay in the US. Unless you want to start your own business or retire, stay away.
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Post at 3-2-2008 07:04  Profile P.M. 
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Agree with drjoker. I would consider moving back to HK if I could get a good expat contract somewhere, but otherwise it's just not worth the stress and pay. HK is a great playground, but it gets a bit too much living and working there fulltime. Of course if you have your own business it's great.. low tax, plenty of cheap labour to exploit, etc..
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Post at 3-2-2008 22:53  Profile P.M. 
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What's great type of business in HK? I mean, International or Local?
Sell product to local? or use HK to be the base of your inter business?

Now,I'm living in Thailand and I have my own website business.
My target markets are US and Europe becuase my country's very bad for internet biz.
(Asshole ICT department and low amount of internet user).

How about HK for Internet,Software or gaming Biz?

[ Last edited by  PPMan at 3-2-2008 22:55 ]
Jake (The Snake: King of 141)
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Post at 4-2-2008 01:35  Profile P.M. 
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Lots of interesting stuff here.

Originally posted by drjoker at 3/2/08 05:41
Since it is an island ...  

Well, that's news to the millions of us living in Kowlloon and the New Territories.

almost everybody is in international trade making foreign-earned income. ...  

I don't actually know what the percentages are but I am certain this description doesn't fit the vast majority of people living in HK.

There are also lots of retirees in HK, too. Retirees who live off their investments  ...  

Nobody in their right mind would come to HK to retire - it's way too expensive - people leave when they retire, unless they have family here.

the HK currency is undervalued. This means that your foreign dollars go a long way here. . ...  

I've no idea what that means. Financial gobbledegook by the sound of it. I assume your talking about Australian dollars or Canadian dollars - anything but USdollars.

However, rents are relatively low  ...  

Are you out of your mind? Rents are horrendous and going up.

If you have more than 1 million dollars to invest in HK, they'll give you an HK passport and you'll be eligible for free government health care....  

Who the hell wants a HK passport? All the locals want a foreign passport. And you don't need a HK passport to be eligible for the [almost] free health care - you just need to be a permanent resident. I tried the government health care with my bad knee - they made an appointment with a specialist - dated one year later. Since I can't work without 2 good knees I went private and had the operation within 1-week. Excellent treatment, but very, very expensive. Next time, I'll go to India for the operation. Don't come unless you have great health insurance.

Unless you want to start your own business or retire, stay away....  

Retire - forget it. Own business - depends what it is. Competition is fierce.

drjoker - I hope your business is not advising people about HK because I don't think you know what you're talking about. Do you even live here?

clitty is correct - the best way to come to HK is on an expat contract. Except for the ... "plenty of cheap labour to exploit". That's China bro - not Hong Kong.
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Post at 4-2-2008 12:10  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 Jake's post

I have to agree 100% with Jake here ...

I was living in HK with a contract from my company and life was pretty good. At the same time, I looked for a temporary job (say 2-3 years). What I can say is that except you get an offer from a western company doing business in HK, forget it. Local chinese companies are And as for starting your own business, I don't think HK is the place ... You are trying to minimize your costs and HK is far from cheap, except if you like to live in a shit hole costing 1000 US$.
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Post at 4-2-2008 13:26  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by drjoker at 3/2/2008 05:41
Out of all major cities (Tokyo, London, Paris, NY, etc) HK is the city that has the lowest crime and highest life expectancy in the world.

I was wondering if I am reading about the correct city. I doubt even the Hong Kong government would endorse it as strongly as you did.

Everything is expensive in Hong Kong as compared with other major Asian cities (except the Japanese cities). Air pollution is a serious problem almost all year round. It is seriously cramped and stifling. English is not a major language with the general populace. Few would understand you if you speak anything other than basic words and especially if you have a strong accent.

Again, with regard to low crime rate, the Japanese cities and Singapore offers the same, if not better. The latter is mainly English based where even street hawkers understand and speaks basic English. The only thing holding it together for Hong Kong is the low taxes but this is easily cancelled out by the high costs of accomodation and living which is basically driven by the crazy property prices.

Hong Kong has also just implemented more measures for hygiene in recent times due to the outbreak of SARS and bird flu.

I'm not deriding Hong Kong, but the picture that you painted might as well have included sunny beaches and free flow of pina colada all year round.

Which begs the question: Have you even been to Hong Kong?

P/S: If you have US$1million, you can basically go to most places and live an idyllic life for a long time
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Post at 4-2-2008 16:57  Profile P.M. 
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Personally my preferences are;

Live in Singapore
Food from Hongkong
and monger in Bangkok


we are not talking about work are we.......................
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Post at 4-2-2008 18:21  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 HornyABC's post

I think there are plenty of opportunities here, but I basically agree with Jake about costs etc.  That said, it is a great place to accumulate wealth and experience

Many chinese from HK go to Guangdong province to retire; but because they are perm. residents they can return anytime they like for the free and relatively good health care etc.  But in GD Province their dollar goes a lot further (and the mongering is cheaper if they are so inclined)

I would rejig Sulasno's list:

I would live eat and monger in Hong Kong
Eat and monger in BKK
Nothing really special in Singapore - living there is too boring
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Post at 5-2-2008 14:56  Profile P.M. 
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Singapore is safe but boring
BKK (or Thailand) is exciting but unstable
Hong Kong is vibrant but stifling

That said, I would choose:
- based in Singapore (finances, children, etc)
- live in Phuket/K.Samui
- dine and monger anywhere!

All these are a poor man's talk. I guess that when you are really rich anywhere can be exciting and fun to live, eat and monger.

After all, it is very popularly heard that the royalties in certain muslim countries throwing wild parties with girls specially flown in for the event.  
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Post at 5-2-2008 22:50  Profile P.M. 
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Moderaotr's comments

Appreciate no discussion on Muslim countries please

Not Moderator's comments

Singapore's night life is better than Bangkok's (for the time being)
and besides Singapore's air and streets are much cleaner (for living that is)
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Post at 6-2-2008 05:57  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #14 sulasno's post

Muslim countries ... I understand it is a touchy subject, but what does it have to do with forum moderation ? Not pointing fingers here, I am genuinely curious ..
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Post at 6-2-2008 08:29  Profile P.M. 
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for me...

HK is the, pay, entertainment, shopping etc.....almost perfect except university is very scarce..

Singapore is OK but very boring...!!

I like mongering in Manila..and spend my dollars in ..which is 41X
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Post at 6-2-2008 11:34  Profile P.M. 
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best not to discuss on Muslim countries because of the religion and culture;

but it is alright to discuss about Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia and the Middle East, etc

Am I confusing?


I got frens visiting Malaysia and would like to know the local hotspots.....................

Got fren from Iran who makes home-made beer despite the policy of no liquor............
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Post at 6-2-2008 21:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #17 sulasno's post

You personally want to avoid discussion on religiion (and I guess other touchy topics). I can understand why even if nothing prevents one to do so, even against your wish.

Moderation != censorship.

That said, what has been said was not even close to flame material....

After all, it is very popularly heard that the royalties in certain muslim countries throwing wild parties with girls specially flown in for the event.

Merely stating that with money, you can live the life you want to live, even in countries where it would not usually be possible to do so. Nothing controversial here. In other words, you think too much
Jake (The Snake: King of 141)
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Post at 7-2-2008 00:36  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by dionysusex at 5/2/08 14:56
it is very popularly heard that the royalties in certain muslim countries throwing wild parties with girls specially flown in for the event....

Many Arab men are total hypocrites. I used to fly from an Arab country to Bangkok every 3 months. The guys would get on the plane in their
dishdashes and before landing they'd chamge to jeans and t-shirts. For the next couple of weeks they'd be boozing and whoring before going
back home to be good Muslims again.
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Post at 7-2-2008 09:57  Profile P.M. 
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there are 3 things that shouldn't be discuss;
one is religion, two is politics and I forgot about the third one

censorship? hahahaha

censorship in moderation ensures the survival of forums

see post #19

I share Jake's views;
and btw he's talking about the Arab men, not Muslims..................................

maybe high time for many people to start respecting the cultures of different races;

reminds me of the time I spent 2 nights in KL, Malaysia

got a fren who brought me to meet the rest of the gang;
(btw I am a beer man)
ordered food but no beer (since some are Muslims)
saw a 7-11 and told fren that I am going to buy me a large can of beer;
he advised better not to since some were Muslims
(they may be offended)
and I am struck with a kopi susu

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