Subject: girl is trying to scam me
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Post at 4-10-2011 23:57  Profile P.M. 
Font size: S M L girl is trying to scam me

Some background info. I met this PRC WG in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia about say 18 months ago. I'd say she's about a 7/10 overall in terms of looks/body and we got along quite well despite my limited Mandarin. Visited her say about once every couple of weeks and sometime in Dec 2010, she went back to her home in some random city in Guangdong. Anyway, I kept in touch with her via email (thanks to Google Translate). In February, I spent a couple of days in HK and asked her to join me and she came. I wired her RMB 1,000 cos I figured that she'll need the money to get to HK.

We had a good time together, visited the Peak and did other coupley stuff for 4 days. Through it all, she didnt' ask for any money, just an LV purse. Even when I asked her if she wanted the LV handbag (which was more expensive), she declined and said she was happy with the purse. Anyway, at the end, I still gave her another RMB 5,000 cos I know she'll need the money anyway.

Fast forward to last month and we met up again in Beijing for more coupley stuff. Same thing, I wired her RMB 2,000 so that she could fly into Beijing instead of taking the train. Went around and did some shopping which I paid for. I think the shopping for her came up to about RMB 2,000 total, mostly clothes and cosmetics. No big ticket item. Again, she didn't ask for any money but I gave her RMB 5,000 anyway. Thought that it's a pretty fair price for her company over the 3-4 days in Beijing.

So overall, I had good vibes about this girl. Of course, I'm not dreaming of marrying her or anything, but I thought that she'd be someone nice to have with me when exploring China. Having her aroudn was also handy given my limited Mandarin (man, these girls are quite feisty at times when protecting their man against scheming taxi drivers, shopkeepers, etc). We exchanged emails regularly and she never asked about money. Until today.

I opened my inbox and found this "宝贝!我爸爸盲肠炎犯了,现在必须做手术,手术费和住院费还有药费一共要15000元!男人,你可以帮我吗?现在急需要!" email. After running it through Google translate, my heart sank. Looks like she's running the good ol' sick family member ruse. So disappointing.

Anyway, I'm not giving her any money whatsoever. I just don't know how to reply to her. I think my best move would be to just ignore her email and forget it. Or do you think I should confront her (via email) about it? Thoughts?

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skebe   6-10-2011 15:14  Karma  +1   Show us a pic then we can comment :)
cp141   5-10-2011 12:48  Karma  +1   I think I could of fed a regular civie girl for a few months with that much cash
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Post at 5-10-2011 00:20  Profile P.M. 
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i don't mean to be harsh, but i think you had it coming.

from the WG's point of view.. if you can afford to buy her a LV bag as a gift...
then RMB 15,000 probably means nothing to you.
so she's just trying her luck.

she's being dumb though.
should have asked for a few LVs bag from you, then sell them away.
easy way to raise 15k.

now that she's brought up the lousy excuse of "my family is sick, send me money pls", she has chased away her golden goose.

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wolfy187   6-10-2011 19:13  Acceptance  +1   yeah..totaly opened yourself up
Petay_1283   5-10-2011 14:41  Acceptance  +2   Totally agree!!!

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Post at 5-10-2011 00:30  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 kaka's post

Nah,'re not being harsh. I can see your point. I'm always super sensitive to WGs who think I'm a cash cow. I mean I've had my share of girls who pester me for gifts, etc and those I drop like a bad habit.

But yeah, she's totally chased me away. She really enjoyed her time in Beijing cos it was her first time there. Had sorta made rough plans to go to other places like Shanghai and Huangshan later this year/next year. Places which I'm sure she'll enjoy going to since she's never been there herself.

So you think I should respond and confront her? or just ignore?
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Post at 5-10-2011 00:31  Profile P.M. 
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maybe she really mean it? or maybe she is just trying to ask more money from you?!
if I were you, it is also difficult especially if you both already have some chemical connection....
anyway good luck with whatever your decision

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Post at 5-10-2011 00:33  Profile P.M. 
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Seems like you already spent enough on this girl. It does seem a little dissapointing that she is trying to scam you. If you think it is worth it maybe you should tell her you know what she is up to and how you are a bit disappointed. If she is not worth it just ignore the email and ignore any contact from her in the future. Plenty of other girls better than 7/10 with the amount of money you spent on this girl. I reckon you spent 20000 RMB for a few nights of fun.
Honestly if it was me I would just ignore the email and not talk to her and get hotter chicks ^_^.
Just my 2cents.
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Post at 5-10-2011 00:34  Profile P.M. 
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    This one is a classic question...should I or should not....

Come on bro..Just use your head (and be a D**k head) and think it thru....if u have a big house in central and loads of stinky money to stash away now and most certainly in near future...go ahead and blow it (i still wouldn't do it)

or just treat this mail as u do for each of the spam u get...thrash it...there are plenty other fish in the sea....and for 15k u will get handful of them...(Unless this is THE ONE for u) matter how hard u teach people..they always learn from their own mistakes...So its upto you!
kaka (YaYa PaPaYa)
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Post at 5-10-2011 00:41  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Wachovia68 at 5-10-2011 00:30
So you think I should respond and confront her? or just ignore?

i would respond and say "No money. market crash, lost all savings"
i'm not kidding.
tell that to her, and you will see if she has the potential to be a long-term FB or not.

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Post at 5-10-2011 00:46  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 robotto's post

Yep, the total I spent on her is about RMB 20K which I think is quite ok since I banged her about 15-20 times during that time in Beijing and HK and had good GFE time with her throughout our vacations.

Ok, seems like the best decision is for me to ignore her and search for other girls.

Also, to all the replies, appreciate all the harsh replies. I'm sure there are others reading this forum who have been scammed or will be exposed to a scam attempt. This will be a good lesson to all.

Cheers all!

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SilverBird   8-10-2011 01:27  Karma  +2   u said that u ever willingly offered to buy her an LV bag. but she refused. If ...
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Post at 5-10-2011 00:48  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by kaka at 5-10-2011 00:41

i would respond and say "No money. market crash, lost all savings"
i'm not kidding.
tell that to her, and you will see if she has the potential to be a long-term FB or not.

Hmm....thanks for the suggestion bro but I think I'll avoid that. Say I meet her again and we go on another holiday. I'm not so sure what she might do to try to get money from me. I mean, my Mandarin sucks and I'm in her home country, so I better play it safe.
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Post at 5-10-2011 00:50  Profile P.M. 
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Well if there's genuine connection between you two then what's the harm in confronting her and finding out the truth?
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Post at 5-10-2011 00:58  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 satisfaction's post

"Well if there's genuine connection between you two then what's the harm in confronting her and finding out the truth?"

I suppose there's no harm, but I'm super pissed off that she's trying to scam me. During our time in Beijing, I actually entrusted her with about RMB 6,000 in cash and told her to use that money to pay for our daily stuff like meals, cab fare, shopping, etc. I figured it's better for her to be handling the cash rather than a foreigner having to take out his wallet so often in public places. Anyway, throughout the thing, i kept a mental calculation of how much should be left and on our last day, without me asking, she gave me the balance money. And the balance was correct to the nearest RMB 100. So she won my trust there. Now with this scam attempt, I'm just really pissed. I'm just waiting to see what her response will be after not receiving a reply for a few days.
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Post at 5-10-2011 01:01  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 Wachovia68's post

OK - how about this suggestion?
"Sorry to hear about your father but its really not my place to help you out on this.
When will you be available to travel to Shanghai/Huangshan?"

And just leave it at that to see her reaction.

The way I look at it, she is a WG and you are a John - and its only natural that a WG will try to make as much from her John as possible; that's just the way it is and as a John, it's also your right to say - nope, this is too much, but if you still want me as your John AT MY TERMS then all's still good.

Manage her expectations - and you also manage your own expectations of the relationship.  Realize it for what it is - and up to you to still enjoy her or not - but still ON YOUR TERMS.

Go all lovey dovey when you're with her, but both of you must strictly know that such relationship is based upon $$ changing hands - and enjoy it for what its worth for as long as you want and on your terms.

Just a suggestion


Ps edit - I realize that you're probably disappointed with the way this "affair" is turning out - but this is actually not correct and quite unrealistic for you to have expected anything more from it than what it is now. Remember, she IS a WG and you ARE a John - Yes, when you 2 are together, enjoy it as if its the real thing but beyond that - DON'T MAKE IT ANY MORE THAN THAT.

[ Last edited by  SEAJ at 5-10-2011 01:19 ]


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Post at 5-10-2011 01:02  Profile P.M. 
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original post removed...anyways it was irrelevant...dont feel disappointed

[ Last edited by  sasa123 at 6-10-2011 01:31 ]
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Post at 5-10-2011 01:11  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Wachovia68's post

I think it was wrong just showering her with K's of RMB here and there.
In the future, if the WG doesnt ask for it then dont give her the money apart from gifts/acommodation etc, just IMHO.
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Post at 5-10-2011 01:39  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Sorry to hear about your plight mate. It does bite the big one that she's trying to scam you. And it DOES sound like a scam.
I don't think there's a need to burn any've had some fun...and could potentially be having more fun later....Just say you're sorry for what she's going through, but unfortunately, your money's tied up right now and you don't have that kind of cash lying around but that you hope that her father feels better soon and that she's not too mad at you. And then tell her you miss spending time with her, and will call her the next time you're in the area and that she'll still come out to see you.
And just see how she responds.

Good luck mate.


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bedlam   5-10-2011 10:27  Karma  +1   Agree
TonyToro   5-10-2011 05:23  Karma  +1   sounds like a plan.
sirtiger   5-10-2011 02:07  Acceptance  +1   give that a try!
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Post at 5-10-2011 02:29  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 kaka's post

haha, thats really good
definately on par with the my family is sick routine
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Post at 5-10-2011 03:47  Profile P.M. 
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20k for 20 good gfe sessions and companionship is an ok deal IMO.  I totally agree with Uncledads suggestion and telling her Your money's tied up and see what she eitherway if she really does have sick parents or not she knows there is no money coming.  Keep us updated on what you decide,  goodluck!
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Post at 5-10-2011 07:32  Profile P.M. 
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I tend to agree with the less-harsh judgement a few Bros have stated.

I've had the "money-call" many times (from regulars who I've seen a ton, had a great connection, and hoped to see again).  As SEAj pointed out - they are WGs:  their source of income is us.  That's it.  In your case, it sounds to me as though this gal has been quite straight with you.

Anyway:  I've handled it this way with positive results:  I just told them straight up: "Baby, I love being with you, and when I am with you I'll be as generous as usual...., but dont ask me to send money.".

That said, I HAVE sent money on occassion to a regular when the "stars aligned" and my gut said "do it":  once to help a gal remove a breast-cancer tumor (She showed me the scars when we met next a few months later, so proved my instinct was right and she was NOT lying).  That cost me about HK$7000 I believe, and since then she's screwed me (for free) about 20 times.  Says I "saved her life"!  

Karma anyone?


The fact is, you are NOT responsible to support her and you made no promises to do so, so try not to feel overly bad about it.  It is hard though - a sweet gal who you've spent a lot of intimate fun time with is asking for a favour - and you say "no".  Can make you feel like shit--- and they KNOW it!  It's why it often works.

So, my take.  Tell her "no" and that you hope to see her soon and you'll be generous then.

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sirtiger   5-10-2011 20:32  Acceptance  +1   Excellent
SEAJ   5-10-2011 14:16  Karma  +1   Well put and mirrors my thoughts.
Sexinc   5-10-2011 12:50  Karma  +1   THIS! he pretty much sums it up for me :)
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Post at 5-10-2011 08:30  Profile P.M. 
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I'm new to this forum, so don't have a world of knowledge to call upon, but this seems quite simple to me: "If there is doubt, there is no doubt".

Walk away, bro.  You had a great time, but think of the many other WGs there are out there that you can with.  There'd more than one.

There is so much good stuff out there, why limit yourself to just one?  
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Post at 5-10-2011 08:34  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Wachovia68's post

Bro, ask if you can speak to her father's doctor. If its not true, she'll back off.

Boing Boing

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