Subject: How much money do you spend on a punting vacation?!?!
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Post at 1-9-2011 00:43  Profile P.M. 
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How much money do you spend on a punting vacation?!?!

Greetings everyone

Been a while since my last post.
But I've been around, just with nothing to share, since I haven't gone back to the lovely motherland for a while now.
Which brings me to asking this question, as me and my bro are contemplating either going or not going on a 10day trip.

We calculated our expenses, and honestly, I feel like we are using too much money when we go.
So I wanted to ask other fellow members who go there, especially on a longer trip. 1week to 2week stay preferably.

This is how we broke it down....

Daily expenses:

HOTEL 450rmb (Hui Hua)
KTV room 900rmb (chipped in by a total of 7-8pax)
WG 1000rmb (overnight)
FOOD/MASSAGE 300rmb (daytime activities)

Totalling 2650rmb/day.

For a 10 day trip, that would be 26K rmb. This is already excluding airfares. When I think about it sometimes, it is a lot of money.

I can always, cut down expenses. eg. not having a girl overnight everynight/ not going to KTV everynight.
And YES, I know KTV room 900rmb is a lot, but those "special KTV" we go, requires that amount.

Any thoughts on this
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Post at 1-9-2011 00:49  Profile P.M. 
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Go to a smaller hotel which is just as nice. I usually get the Clipper hotel for under 300rmb and the breakfast buffet is pretty decent (esp. by western standards)

Also someone told me if you go to sauna after 11pm or something like that they will let you sleep overnight for a very small fee. i never done it before, but yea it probably sort of sucks because you wouldn't have a "homebase" hotel room to chill in. Also, aren't there some longer-term stay apartments? everything is negotiable.

but there's not much else to cut down if you don't wanna change ktv's
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Post at 1-9-2011 01:25  Profile P.M. 
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the way i calculate it is first with the minimum bare costs. the essentials include airfare and hotel. then i find the difference between that and my budget. so basically i budget up and say i have this much money so what can i get for that.i may have to cut corners on daytime massages and overnight wgs but better then not cuming at all (pun intended).
SEAJ (***Call me Sean Sweet Swede***)

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Post at 1-9-2011 01:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 MKK's post

Whoa Bro - if I may give you some very strong advise:

The word in Chang Ping is that they are now VERY SERIOUS about cracking down on "special KTV's" and all matters relating to this. Supposedly they've made the decision to still allow some of the more "regular gentlemanly pursuits" in Chang Ping as such are now quite curtailed in its surrounds; but to be allowed this concession, the powers that be knows that they've got to give up at least something - and thus the seriousness of the present "efforts' against such special KTV's.

Yes, of course I know that it still goes on - BUT, and this is a big but, does it not make sense for the operators of such to also make concessions? i.e. they got to give up some patsies to allow them a bit of concession to take care of their true good clients. And what better patsies is there but a group of young foreigners only out there for a week or so and NOT long term clients.  Think about it and think about it carefully coz you really get sent away hard core in China for this.

I'd suggest you do your special activities back home where it'd be way easier for you to"blend in" and you guys KNOW what you're doing back home. Go to Chang Ping PRECISELY and STRICTLY for what others and you should be going there for i.e. Gals and regular partying.  Come on - are you guys so hard core that you don't know how to/cannot party the same way as 99% of the guys here? You guys all really that much of a fuddy-duddy?! LOL!!

And then you'd cut down big time on the cost of your KTV sessions and more importantly, you'd have access to the WHOLE SLEW of regular KTV gals i/o just being limited to gals who dares to be part of your "special KTV" parties.

Come to CP for girls and nothing else - not worth the very real risk - especially these days. And do NOT believe whatever reassurances your "connections" in CP may be telling you - for let me warn you again - these are the same guys who's gonna be the one to turn you guys in as their sacrificial lamb.

If you will cutout the special KTV parties, then and only then would it be worth it to talk about other ways you can cut some more of your expenses -  otherwise, the whole discussion becomes Penny-wise-Pound-foolish/ridiculous.

Just my very strong suggestion.


[ Last edited by  SEAJ at 1-9-2011 01:58 ]

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cp141   5-9-2011 18:31  Karma  +1   I think alcohol is "special" enough. Say no to chemicals! We're not 18 anymo ...


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Post at 1-9-2011 01:46  Profile P.M. 
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Just to add on to SEAJ's advise.

If you want to cut costs, suggest strongly that u guys try bangkok or jakarta or even manila. Definitely cheaper including those "specials" that u guys cant seem to party without...

... in fact, anywhere but CP is good...

But do note that the consequences if caught are the same: rot in the locker for 25 years, a rope round the neck or a bullet in the brain... take your pick

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Petay_1283   2-9-2011 12:04  Acceptance  +2   I was just gonna say that!
SEAJ   1-9-2011 01:52  Acceptance  +1   Great advise and as usual, short and to the point! LOL!
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Post at 1-9-2011 02:17  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 SEAJ's post

r u saying CP is too danggerous now?
how would CP sustain their hotel base without the ktvs ?
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Post at 1-9-2011 02:47  Profile P.M. 
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Maybe there should be some clarification on what's a "special ktv"?

My understanding is that it was just nude dancing, but I don't think so now.....
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Post at 1-9-2011 03:19  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 bonkers89's post

i was wondering too...well just take an educated guess....if not the girls, and the booze,...then...the third element.........FOOD!!  yes fantastic award winning chinese KTV cuisine!

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JckJr   1-9-2011 03:36  Acceptance  +1   LOL!
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Post at 1-9-2011 15:04  Profile P.M. 
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[quote]Originally posted by JckJr at 1-9-2011 01:46
But do note that the consequences if caught are the same: rot in the locker for 25 years, a rope round the neck or a bullet in the brain... take your pick[F/quote]

I get the jist of the crackdown in CP but was surprised by the possible consequences detailed, an exaggeration or there some serious bad stuff happening if caught? I understood from a recent thread that getting caught mongering is a 15 day trip to the cells which is a disaster for any of us but the above is somewhat more serious. Have I missed something between 15 days and a death sentence somewhere here?
SEAJ (***Call me Sean Sweet Swede***)

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Post at 1-9-2011 17:21  Profile P.M. 
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COME ON! Guys!!

Wake up!!  

Please read between the lines!!

We are talking about a subject that we are NOT allowed to speak about on this forum; we can talk about booze, sex, perversions, scams and whatever else - but what is one practice that can get you behind bars for extended periods? Or even executed in places like Singapore, Malaysia etc?

What goes with psychedelic music?

Come on guys!!
Or are you guys so "SPACED-OUT?
Or perhaps I need "something stronger" than Aspirin trying to get rid of this headache from trying to get the point across!
I'm really "SHAKING MY HEAD!"
What a DOWNER!!  I really need an "UPPER"

Wake up!!


[ Last edited by  SEAJ at 1-9-2011 17:33 ]

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MKK   1-9-2011 22:04  Karma  +1   LOL.... nice
wander   1-9-2011 17:52  Karma  +1   Haha. Like, wow man.., such a trippy post! Scooby snacks anyone?
marcopo   1-9-2011 17:51  Acceptance  +1   "What goes with psychedelic music?" LOL
hunter   1-9-2011 17:23  Acceptance  +1   Thx for the clarification and direct answer...hehehe!! MKK, D party boy


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Post at 1-9-2011 17:57  Profile P.M. 
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Okayyyy, back to topic....

For a budget ktv trip, this is how it could work for me:

Hotel: 200 (Lucky, Sheng Ping or Swan Lake, wkdy low season)
KTV: 300 (can go as low as 200 if you really try)
sit 1 girl only: 800 ON (take lowest grade, no tips)
food, transport & amenities: 100 (mostly for buying red bull and condoms)
sauna/massage: 0, keep ktv gal for as long as possible & try for a late nooner

Or I could cut out the ktv entirely, just sauna or bbs...
Sauna: 500 (incl room, pick lowest grade, can even stay overnite & save on hotel)
BBS: 150 x2 (have to do at least 2, go all the way to CP for just one BBS is simply tragic)

But where's the fun in that?? might as well stay at home & wank to seaj's FRs...

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hunter   1-9-2011 18:03  Acceptance  +1   yea, the latter is more fun...
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Post at 1-9-2011 18:01  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by JckJr at 1-9-2011 17:57
But where's the fun in that?? might as well stay at home & wank to seaj's FRs...

This is fun, no???

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Post at 1-9-2011 18:07  Profile P.M. 
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How much to spend????

Man... please Bros..., stop talking about the money we spend!  Total buzz kill!  

Haha.., I'm kidding MKK, this is an important part of the hobby.  

Still, on a weekend (or week) away, with my ATM and Visa cards warmed up....  Well, when the carnage is over I gotta sort thru receipts and ATM slips to figure out the damage I've done.  Frankly, I rarely do it!  Dont wanna know....

Restraint, when my party-mode-switch fllicks on, is not my strong suit.  But showing myself, and a few select gals, the time of our lives????  Priceless....

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JckJr   1-9-2011 18:15  Acceptance  +1   i'd hire a yacht if i were a ceo too
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Post at 1-9-2011 18:40  Profile P.M. 
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OK...Now that we've got the Special K...TV question

OK...Now that we've got the Special K...TV question out of the way.... let me take a stab at suggesting you and your buddy's itinerary on your 10 - 14 days mongering holiday here.

1. Since now the most expensive component of your stay would be the cost of girls, I suggest that you first and foremost consider CP's best and most wonderful attraction;  BBS GALS!!  Seriously!! They're way cheaper at 150-250/pop or 400/600 O/N, they are FRESHER (most KTV gals start life here at a BBS), are more prone to innocence and thus easier to mold to your specifications - sexually, mentally and even the way they dress/make-up etc - and are just more fun as they haven't yet got sick with the "Princess Syndrome" that afflicts a lot of KTV gals.

2. First 2 days of your trip here, you and your buddies MUST try to do as many BBS gals as is possible during those first 2 days. Good, bad, OK, not OK - do 'em...and keep all details and contacts and POOL such information (Photos if possible of course) into some sort of shared data base between you guys.  So if there's 5 of you guys, and each one of you did 6 gals during those 2 days, you'd now have a DB of 30 gals!! OK, that takes care of the expected horniness y'all would have after being locked up in sex prison at home for so long.

3. Now you can start to plan your KTV nights. Get an agent who will control costs or even charge you a FIXED price for @party goer. If you don't want to use an agent and want to control costs yourself, please refer to "How to control costs at a KTV" ... 5017&highlight=

4. For SOME of you, arrange for one or 2 BBS gals (from your DB) for an overnight for the reduced price vs a KTV gal, whilst some of you chose ONE KTV gal from the line-up/flower street. Party away and ONLY agree to take your KTV gal if she shows LOTS of promise and is not gonna be a dud. Otherwise, discard her/them AFTER you've finished your KTV party and either call up another BBS gal from your DB or else go straight to the night market for a RMB 150 pop.

5. And if you DO decide to do a KTV gal - Do NOT keep her overnight; you need your good night's sleep and energy, save the additional fee required ON vs ST and IF NEED BE, you'd still be saving $$ if you jsut get a BBS gal or night market gal.

OK - enough tips on the Gal part - NOW the most expensive part of your mongering trip.  Let you ponder thru this and if you want, I can offer you more of my "tips" for CP.


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bohica   5-9-2011 20:22  Karma  +3   Great advice!
wander   1-9-2011 19:59  Karma  +1   Damn! No question SEAJ knows CP! Gotta take me sometime...


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Post at 1-9-2011 22:13  Profile P.M. 
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Reply to all

Special K...TV indeed!!!

Anyways, just decided yesterday with my brother, that we are gonna quit that scene... until further notice.

After reading on SEAJ:s post about VERY SERIOUS crackdowns, I actually came a bit to my senses. I don't wanna spend time in jail, allI wanna do is have fun

The main difference, is just that I have never drank one glass of beer IN TOTAL for my entire life. I don't know how get that tipsy
feeling, at least not with alcohol. I really am seriously considering "learning" to drink alcohol in the next few months.
Especially when SEAJ mentioned how much I am missing out on the normal scene of CP KTV's - I remember, couple of years back, when we went to mayflower to pick up girls and to bring them to another venue: special KTV, I had to ask about 8-10 girls, if they were willing to go with us.

Someone please teach me how to intake alcohol!!!

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SEAJ   1-9-2011 23:23  Karma  +1   U guys R REALLY gonna be partying cheap then! 2 Beers@ N u guys R HI!
wander   1-9-2011 22:26  Acceptance  +1   You buying? Hehe. I always get home somehow, but no promises...
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Post at 2-9-2011 01:00  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #14 SEAJ's post

SEAJ is the walking guru of CP. This is the model I have been using more or less, and find that it is most economical balance between fun and the wallet.
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Post at 2-9-2011 02:15  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by SEAJ at 1-9-2011 17:21
Wake up!!  

Please read between the lines!!

We are talking about a subject that we are NOT allowed to speak about on this forum; we can talk about booze, sex, perversions, scams and whate ...

Oh, i see.... I'm not big into THAT scene esp in china where I do business. going to jail and/or getting blacklisted from the country would really put a dent in anyone's life. Not worth it.

SEAJ is so wise. no wonder he's got RA of like 1 million.
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Post at 2-9-2011 02:17  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by halfclover at 1-9-2011 15:04
Originally posted by JckJr at 1-9-2011 01:46
But do note that the consequences if caught are the same: rot in the locker for 25 years, a rope round the neck or a bullet in the brain... take your pick ...
Have I missed something between 15 days and a death sentence somewhere here?

Yes you did miss something between the lines.... its the secret of those "special" ktv's that SEAJ has wisely reminded us of.
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Post at 2-9-2011 08:56  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 MKK's post

Back to your original question, dude, thats a fucking lot of money every day.  I like to fuck whores and everything but I doubt I will ever make that the sole purpose of a vacation.  I have a couple of hobbies that I can partake in whilst I travel and try to work in whores as often as possible but when I talk to my mom I have this other thing to talk about, not how many whores I've banged.  For example I have a trip to SEA planed and the budget is $42.00 US per day.  Most days will be less which will give me the funds to bang whores on the days when the opportunity arises.

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wander   2-9-2011 09:19  Acceptance  +1   Any pics of your Mum? Hehe. KIDDING Bro!
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Post at 2-9-2011 09:12  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #19 nedword's post

$42.00/ day?? What do u do, stay at a motel 6 and not eat all day?

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