Subject: Threesome ladyboys
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Post at 14-12-2009 05:57  Profile P.M. 
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Threesome ladyboys

Is there any information on threesomes?
Any reviews of ladyboys in Hong Kong?

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Post at 14-12-2009 06:38  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 ozlo49's post

I think discussion of ladyboys is not allowed on thus forum.  No judgement from mypart but I think thus forum is for guys looking for women.
Also if you are looking for ladyboys, head to Thailand instead of HK.
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Post at 14-12-2009 08:02  Profile P.M. 
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How about threesomes? Most of the discussion is on 1 on 1.
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Post at 14-12-2009 09:19  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by jayleesf at 14-12-2009 06:38
... I think discussion of ladyboys is not allowed on thus forum.  No judgement from my part ...

You think wrong bro, FYI there's a thread specifically for gays in one of the corners, if that's what floats your boat.  

This forum is pretty much completely open except for
  - breaches of the law
  - trying to advertise or procure services (e.g. freelancers)

Of course, some posts trigger some people's prejudices (like yours ) but that usually leads to a stimulating debate!

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Post at 14-12-2009 09:20  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 ozlo49's post

Do a search for 3P

you'll find plenty.

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Post at 14-12-2009 10:47  Profile P.M. 
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With the correct amount of money you can probably find what you are looking for.
Just ask around when you get to HK.
The gals are the most beautiful in the world and one at at time is pretty damn nice in HK.
Yeah I have read a few 3p reports so find those and you will probably get a hint at what ya need to do.
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Post at 14-12-2009 10:59  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by DArtagnan at 13-12-2009 17:19

You think wrong bro, FYI there's a thread specifically for gays in one of the corners, if that's what floats your boat.  

This forum is pretty much completely open except for
  - breaches of the law
  - trying to advertise or procure services (e.g. freelancers)

Of course, some posts trigger some people's prejudices (like yours ) but that usually leads to a stimulating debate!


Tell me where in my post I offered any sort of judgment or negative opinion on ladyboys?  I just told him that I did not think discussion on ladyboys was not allowed on this forum.  I guess I am wrong on that, so be it.  Don't be so quick to accuse others of prejudice.
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Post at 14-12-2009 11:37  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by jayleesf at 14-12-2009 10:59
No judgement from mypart but I think thus forum is for guys looking for women ...

A prejudice is an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge.  You made the assumption that a discussion about ladyboys would be unwelcome on this forum, and you were quick to share that opinion.  

No offense bro - I'm glad you're not prejudiced against ladyboys!

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Post at 14-12-2009 14:42  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks offense taken...didn't expect a little debate.
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 14-12-2009 14:44  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by DArtagnan at 14-12-2009 11:37
No offense bro - I'm glad you're not prejudiced against ladyboys!

Tell me who, I fuck him up.........I analfuck him!!!

I love pretty ladyboys, my 2nd favourite after woman.

Retired from pussy arena….Uncle 9

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Post at 14-12-2009 22:09  Profile P.M. 
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Some of the ladyboys in Thailand are amazingly beautiful. Shame they have a penis really........ aparently they give really good blow jobs lol
doghead (dog)
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Post at 14-12-2009 23:48  Profile P.M. 
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On the weekends I see ladyboys SW hanging out at that corner 7-11 across from Joe Bananas in Wanchai.  They are not as beautiful as the ones in Thailand, they are obviously ladyboys.  I am sure they can sort you out with your requests.
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Post at 15-12-2009 00:05  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #12 doghead's post

Really? I love seeing ladyboys.I have never tried one.
I will have to go check them out next time I am in HK.
Probably wont try them then either but for some reason
I like looking at them.
I actually think one tried to hit me up on Nathan Road but she looked pretty bad,so I didnt know for sure.I just kept walking fast.
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Post at 15-12-2009 05:50  Profile P.M. 
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Isn't it strange that there's so much more of sex change surgery in these 3rd world countries?  It's damn sophisticated surgery and then there's all the hormones and stuff to take.  I would have thought there'd be more ladyboys in San Francisco, but Asia really takes the prize.  What is it about the culture that makes it more acceptable than in a "developed" country?

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
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Post at 15-12-2009 09:10  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by TheButler at 15-12-2009 05:50
What is it about the culture that makes it more acceptable than in a "developed" country?...

I think it's a business equation: cost/benefit x risk

Given that the overheads of living in a low-cost country make marginal income much more impactful, the benefit of earning a few more $ by changing your gender outweighs the cost.  E.g. in SFO, if you add (say) $50k per year to your income there's not that much it'll buy you, not even another house unless you can borrow against it - but an additional (say) $25k in a developing country can buy you a lot ... probably even buy you a house outright ...  

... including protection from police / vice laws / indignant neighbours / etc. whose enforcement is less well-funded and therefore less rigorous ... Hence the risk is also lower ...

... all that plus the cost of the op is much higher in SFO, taking into account all the medical insurance, cost of office space, income expectations of the doc, cost of a medical education, etc. etc.  

The market for sexually available girls is much higher than that for sexually available boys, especially taking supply / demand into account, making a "redevelopment project" a viable proposition.

[ Last edited by  DArtagnan at 15-12-2009 09:11 ]

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Post at 15-12-2009 13:23  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #15 DArtagnan's post

I think there is much more than economics at work here. Certainly in the case of Thailand, for instance, there exist cultural factors that make being a transsexual much less emotionally difficult than in societies characterized by the mindset prevalent in most advanced economies.

In fact, I wonder if it might not be the case that societies that take a more relaxed attitude towards gender ambiguity are less likely to be economically developed.

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Post at 15-12-2009 21:45  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #16 Marsupial's post

That is an interesting point. In some south east Pacific island communities like Tonga it is common for a family with all boys to have one develop a "lady boy" persona. They take on a lot of the responsibilities that a daughter would do (if the family had one). The locals don't make a big deal of this, it is just accepted.

Mind you, I would be much more inclined to a 110lb slim Thai ladyboy, than a 200lb Tonga ladyboy that could play 2nd row.

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Post at 16-12-2009 15:18  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #17 Froddo's post

Just a quick history tid-bit.

It was not uncommon in pre-Meiji eral Japan (before around 1860) for physical relationships to develop between Men and younger boys. It wasn't till the populous and government were exposed to westernised religion and moral thinking that things changed. Western religion, combined with an effort to appear more "civilised" and in line with western thinking changed the way that homosexuality was viewed by the nation. They even went so far as to create a law banning sodomy, which was quickly repealed a few years later.
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Post at 16-12-2009 20:57  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by DArtagnan at 15-12-2009 09:10

I think it's a business equation: cost/benefit x risk....

I'm sure that this may account for some of the ladyboys in Thailand.  But as I learn more about this place, I have come to realise that -- while the ladyboys in the sex trade are most clearly noticeable -- there are ladyboys in all walks of life.  I have see them women I am 99 percent sure are LBs working in Starbucks, Robinsons, Subway, a movie theatre.  I have one friend whose nanny for her three-year-old daughter was a katoey.  Another female friend has couple of katoey friends that work in quite ordinary jobs.  

For some it's probably business, but I would venture that for many, it's not...  I think in Thailand the Buddhist heritage and general sexual openness probably supports personal freedom and makes choices like this easier to make there than elsewhere.  But that's just my guess...l

Have fun, CGP
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Post at 16-12-2009 21:27  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by 56kicks at 16-12-2009 15:18
It was not uncommon in pre-Meiji eral Japan (before around 1860) for physical relationships to develop between Men and younger boys. It wasn't till the populous and government were exposed to westernised religion and moral thinking that things changed...

"westernised religion ..." do you mean like the Catholic Church?

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