Subject: do u tell WG ur married
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Post at 23-10-2009 16:43  Profile P.M. 
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do u tell WG ur married

hi guys,

I plan to give east spa another go tonight. but this time i will try the honeymoon package (i plan to stay at waldo tonight). do u ever tell WG that you are married or single?

last time i told them i was married. service was anything different than when i tell them i am single but that is for 1 shot. plan to do multiple so wonder if service would be different?

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Post at 23-10-2009 17:07  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 darnit222's post


What was the difference in the treatment you got? Be interesting to know...
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Post at 23-10-2009 17:13  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 darnit222's post

There is a difference? I am single (a true happy fact ) and i always tell the WG that
if she asks (not all do). I get my fair share of excellent - really lousy service as an unmarried

Don't think there is much of a difference really. Unless that particular girl has an issue with
married men then perhaps maybe. But you got to really notice it to see the difference i

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Post at 23-10-2009 17:31  Profile P.M. 
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I'm not married.. but I seem to always have a gf... I never ever tell them that I do have a gf tho.

I doubt that you'll receive different services if you tell them you are married or not. However, I just feel better if I told them I was single. Never know when a girl has some kinda hidden agenda with a guy who's married or has a gf but going punting...  

Also, I find that if you tell them you're single, they're more than happy to give you their phone numbers so you can call them up and meet them outside of work.
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Post at 23-10-2009 17:35  Profile P.M. 
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Depends if I go for a veggie massage and I'm pressured into going all the way and dont fancy it for some reason (there are some good massueuses out there who are seriously ugly or old), you say you are married and your wife will kill you , and they usually let it go.

Life is short very...
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Post at 23-10-2009 17:45  Profile P.M. 
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If she asks ... I tell ... why would I lie I am not married if I am?! NevEr sEEm any diffErEnce... Bt of course that some flirting like "I am married but you are gorgeous, wish you were my wife... blablabla"always work into your favor!
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Post at 23-10-2009 17:47  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Kennichi at 23-10-2009 17:35
you say you are married and your wife will kill you , and they usually let it go.

That may not always work. Some of the not so good looking ones (precisely because they
are lacking in looks) are unable to get much business and so they are more aggressive...usually
less prone to a simple 'no no' rejection. Some will even counter you and say something like:
"Your wife is not here", "As a man, you still need it" etc etc. They can be quite the pest to
secure your custom.

But saying that you are married and that your wife will kill you is a really tactful way of telling them
to bugger off i guess.

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Post at 23-10-2009 18:42  Profile P.M. 
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like all the other answers... does it matter?????
do you care if she has a bf/husband? I think not...
if she asks i will answer but im not like hey i have a gf! cheers!
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Post at 23-10-2009 19:29  Profile P.M. 
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If ask i do tell. The other when i did 3 WG in one night. All 3 ask and here is there reactions. The first one said you are married and still out fucking WG. The second wanted to be my mistress and the third was like kool, I have been hanging out lots with the third one and is all kool about it and ask if i have a pic of the wife to show her.
sirtiger (the banana)
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Post at 23-10-2009 21:48  Profile P.M. 
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This is a interesting topic.

Bottom line is it depends on who & what the situation is.  

In most situations they don't care really.  I think they seen it all, so its just matter of curiousity.  Its a job, you pay them, they do they deed.

If they get to sort of know you, as in a ktv situation, then its more of a toss up.  They key is if you are a nice person & treat them pretty well, I personally think they will be drawn to you if you are married or not.  If you are married & treat them well, I have experiences where girls even get turned on by it.  I've been in situations where girls even get MORE agressive.  I surmise they start to imagine they can be like in a wife position.  They see punters day in & day out, so if you sort of stand out & its what they like personally, its just a big plus to them as they are human beings as well.
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Post at 23-10-2009 22:12  Profile P.M. 
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I don't understand why you would ever tell a WG that you're married or have a girlfriend.

If you say "yes":
- No pros really.  Why would service be any better?  At most it'll be the same as if you said "no"
- The WG may look at you negatively for having sex with other women. WGs are people too, and if that WG had a husband/boyfriend, do you think she would want him to be secretly seeing WGs?
- She may think that you're loaded with cash to be able to afford spending on your wife/girlfriend and WGs at the same time.  She'll say all the nice things you want to hear, milk you for as much money as she can, then when you start to develop feelings for her she can go in for the kill where you'll make her your mistress.  She'll have an easy life but still secretly see her old regulars because all she cares about is the money.  You've been played like a fool.

If you say "no":
- No pros or cons.  Service will be the same regardless.

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Post at 23-10-2009 22:56  Profile P.M. 
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Nö Chinese WG has ever asked me probably because Communication in english is a Problem. In Europe while punting I have been asked but this did Not redult in à different Service.
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Post at 23-10-2009 23:56  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 darnit222's post

I think it is a natural reaction to say "No i am not married" because you just want to get in their pants. For example if a gorgeous looking girl starts talking to you at a bar and asks if you if you are married...How would you reply bros..
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Post at 23-10-2009 23:59  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Rico at 23-10-2009 23:56
I think it is a natural reaction to say "No i am not married" because you just want to get in their pants. For example if a gorgeous looking girl starts talking to you at a bar and asks if y ...

Is 2 efferent thing. One you pay for the other you hope to get it for free ( some what free )
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Post at 24-10-2009 00:09  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #14 Raptorfan's post

I think the situation is near enough the same between hiring a wg or girls you run into at bars. If you get asked that question then the probability of saying that you are not married is pretty high. I know where you are going with this question bro.. The wg is a sure thing but i think it is just natural for us men to say "I am not married." For example ..i am married but my wife is in HK and no one in the UK knows i am married apart from my closest friends....
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Post at 24-10-2009 00:14  Profile P.M. 
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reply #15 Rico post

When a wg ask me i always tell them yes but at a bar is no..... I guess that just me.
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Post at 24-10-2009 00:23  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Freelancer at 23-10-2009 22:12
I don't understand why you would ever tell a WG that you're married or have a girlfriend.

If you say "yes":
- No pros really.  Why would service be any better?  At most it'll be the same as if you said "no"
- The WG may look at you negatively for having sex with other women. WGs are people too, and if that WG had a husband/boyfriend, do you think she would want him to be secretly seeing WGs?

I suppose it depends on the WG.  I knew a lot of WGs well in the US.  Most of them -- particularly the ones who offered a true great GFE service -- preferred the married guys...  All the married guys wanted was to fuck and have a good time, and they were willing to spend good money to do it, because they weren't getting it at home.  As you can imagine, the WGs loved this!  And it was a rare WG who held a grudge against married men for cheating.  After all, cheating is their bread and butter...  

By contrast, they were always a little leary of the single guys.  While they felt many were nice, some of the single guys could not maintain the clear line between fantasy and reality.  They would forget that the GFE was simply the "illusion" of romance...  They would become attached and want to date the WG -- which she would almost invariably not find interesting.  Having been rejected, they would then become infatuated.  Most of the great GFEs I knew had been stalked by at least one former client...

When I was married, I said I was married.  Now that I'm divorced, I say I'm divorced.  Except here in Asia, very few WGs know what the f*ck I'm saying anyway, because I speak no Chinese...  

Have fun, CGP
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Post at 24-10-2009 04:07  Profile P.M. 
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well since I'm constantly pissed at the SO and vice versa, I tell them no when asked.  But I always tell the truth when they ask if I have any kids or not.
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Post at 24-10-2009 04:17  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Caligynephiliac at 24-10-2009 00:23

When I was married, I said I was married.  Now that I'm divorced, I say I'm divorced.  Except here in Asia, very few WGs know what the f*ck I'm saying anyway, because I speak no Chinese...

LOL!  For me it's not a problem to tell the truth: I'm single.  I've never been married and I guess I usually don't hobby when I've got a GF.

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Post at 24-10-2009 08:11  Profile P.M. 
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and then there is a problem for us guys that wear a wedding ring specially if its left its mark on your finger!! Do any guys on here have the same problem?

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