Subject: How much does she get?
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Post at 10-6-2009 16:58  Profile P.M. 
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How much does she get?

After I tried few girls in TST, I am in doubt that how much does she get from each deal?
The first girl, I paid her 800 and the second (name "Lema") 700. I asked Lema that do you sleep here?(in the hotel)
(I cannot speak mandarin nor cantonese so I used sign language) and she said yes.
How does my 700 distribute to? How much for the hotel? how much for the agent? and how much does she get?

PS. She's from shenzhen so this may be illegal about her work here?

[ Last edited by  date_hunting at 10-6-2009 16:59 ]
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Post at 10-6-2009 17:20  Profile P.M. 
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All hotel girls work illegally ... they don't hold a HKID card !
About you questions of money distribution ... best not to ask !
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Post at 10-6-2009 17:54  Profile P.M. 
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comon bro.
at least how much does she get? up to 50% ?
Marsupial (Saint Marsupial)
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Post at 10-6-2009 23:02  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 date_hunting's post

I understand why you want to know.

I've asked half a dozen Hotel girls that very question, and the answer is always the same:
the girl gets 1/2 of the fee plus all tips.

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Post at 10-6-2009 23:35  Profile P.M. 
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The WG does the hard work and only get half the fee, that is sad.
On the other hand, their "Managers" are running a very profitable racket.

Assuming one papa has 10 WGs, each get 8 clients a day, charging HK$ 800 each time,
for a month (30 days), that papa would made close to HK$ 1,000,000.
Sometime, I wonder why we spent so much time and $$$ trying to get a college degree,
then try to secure a good job to pay for the mortage.

I believe most grads would never make HK$1,000,000 a month even with a Ivy League degree.

[ Last edited by  Myworld at 10-6-2009 23:36 ]
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Post at 10-6-2009 23:40  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 Myworld's post

So you're saying you wouldn't send your daughter to college and she'll make a bundle by being a WG ?    
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Post at 10-6-2009 23:52  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 Myworld's post

Hey, it's a free world out there...  Become a papa and get rich!  Why not?  It doesn't require a four-year investment of your time and money.  Surely, it must be easy and lucrative...  ;-)

Have fun, CGP
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Post at 11-6-2009 00:01  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 Marsupial's post

Could be.  

Walk up or  WG with rooms in Kwun Tong only pay like 3000 per room per month.
Then they pay 141/161  for advertising. Or not.

So HG is different. They have a pimp, mamasan or papasan and hotel cost.

20 years ago I go every night club in HK and you have to pay for girls to go out.
Like in Wanchai bars today.
And then pay the girl.  But that time China girl not easy to come TST or TSTE.

Now totaly different.

But in Kwun Tong you can find some local girls that is very friendly. Also in Wanchai.
I did not try other area, But I think must be the same.

Keep trying !
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Post at 11-6-2009 00:31  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 Myworld's post

Actually 50% is a lot to them.
400 income per shot. that;s like 1/2 mth salary in china working as waitress or some small office.

And what about RMB130 per shot from a gal equivalent to Hotel gal look in china's BBS?
To them, it is a lot and can last them a week of meals.......

As long as u think the gal is worth 800 or 130 or 1000, that;s all matter....
There;s always ppl trying to make fast money and suck blood out of the poor gal.
After all, sex businees is still illegal in many countries including HK? That;s where the unfairness and exploitation comes along.
So I say hell yeah to Legalise sex trade and WG become taxpayer...screw those pimp bloodsucking parasite!!

[ Last edited by  hunter at 11-6-2009 14:22 ]

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Post at 11-6-2009 09:58  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 twiceAweek's post

I am saying the papa made too much money (est. HK$500,000 to HK$1,000,000 per month - I supposed TAX FREE too),
without having to slough through years of college.
I am saying that the WGs lives are very pathetic, and life is not fair.

The papas/mamas are milking too much $$$ out of these WGs.
I am saying the HK Inland Revenue should claim tax on the huge profit that the papa are making.
And I agree with Hunter that someday soon the govt should legalise the sex trade.
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Post at 11-6-2009 10:16  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Myworld at 11-6-2009 09:58
I am saying the papa made too much money (est. HK$500,000 to HK$1,000,000 per month - I supposed TAX FREE too),

You should also think of this in another way ...

if these pimps didn't make enough, they'll be doing something else and we wouldn't
have the pleasure of meeting these WGs !

what does going to college have to do with making big money ?
LKS never went to college !

Do you also believe if 1 pimp controling 10 girls ... making 500K or more per month gets to keep it himself ?

You need to look at the bigger picture !  
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Post at 11-6-2009 10:17  Profile P.M. 
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Bear with me on this mathematical scenario.

Assuming that there is 1000 WGs in this forum, and the mean price each charge per session is HK$600.
And each WG had 6 clients a day, and work 24 days a month.
In one year, this business has a turnover of over one billion HKD (HK$1,000,000,000) or about USD $135,000,000.
Imagine that is from only 1000 gals, how many more are out there?

[ Last edited by  Myworld at 11-6-2009 10:57 ]
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Post at 11-6-2009 10:29  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 Myworld's post

The sex trade in HK is legal.

HK's prostitution laws were inherited from the Brits; and, in fact, the prostitution laws in the UK are still the same as those here in HK. A girl is allowed to work by herself for her own profit, which is why the walkups are legal. However, no third party is allowed to profit from a sex workers efforts; hence agents, pimps, and brothels are illegal.

Then there is the fact that these Hotel Girls are here on tourist visas and not allowed to work in any capacity.

So, all things considered, I would say the laws here make a great deal of sense. The HK government is intelligent enough to realize that prostitution will always exist, yet compassionate in trying to prevent the girls from being exploited and coerced by scumbag parasites.

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Post at 11-6-2009 10:38  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Myworld at 11-6-2009 10:17
Bear with me on this mathematical scenario.
In one year, this business has a turnover of over one trillion HKD (HK$1,000,000,000) or about USD $135,000,000.

eh ... your 'mathematical scenero' doesn't work ... one thousand million is not 1 trillion !  

but I think I know why you're so interested in these figures ... you want to be the first pimp with a college degree !!!  
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Post at 11-6-2009 14:01  Profile P.M. 
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Wow What a compassionated!!
Tip her. Tip her.  
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 11-6-2009 14:26  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #13 Marsupial's post

If it is legal, why are they not paying tax?

I would have thought this is some sort a grey area, where the gal can open their tax file with the IRD voluntarily and submit their annual income as a sole proprietor status.


The IRD do not bother to tax audit them, scared if they visit the gals at their home/walkup, the IRD bloke get fcuked as well....

I still think sex trade is not legal in HK.

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Post at 11-6-2009 14:37  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #16 hunter's post

I'm very surprised to hear you say that Hunter! Normally, I wouldn't dream of questioning your expertise in this area; but in this case, you're mistaken.

"Prostitution in Hong Kong is itself legal, but organized prostitution is illegal, as there are laws against keeping a vice establishment (brothel), causing or procuring another to be a prostitute, living on the prostitution of others, or public solicitation."

孔子曰: 君子不羞于舔屄也
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Post at 11-6-2009 16:03  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #17 Marsupial's post

In fact this is one aspect I am actually not quite sure. That is why I am still asking.
I believe this is still a grey area in HK.
(assume gal not underage and holding proper documentation)
Solicitation is of course illegal but sex acts involving money paid to one party are legal.

I was looking from the tax point of view, whether the authority consider prostitution as a real legal profession in HK and thus subject to Tax.

U notice that the advertisement (141 ad) do not mention straightforward words such as intercourse, oral sex, anal sex, etc.
Usually, it only state HJ, massage, and description of the gal. Again, HJ is not written in full.
This is sort like dating site (indirectly), come and meet me and let see how it goes .......

It is just like a guy picking up a gal and going to her place/hotel to have sex.
Then we pay her in cash as compensation or gift. Then, she use the money to buy goods and stuff, foods or whatever.

So no one can say it illegal to meet a gal on the street and have sex, she is just another gal or friend on the street.

Legal means like in UK, NZ and most countries in Europe where WG can have direct advertisement and conducting activities of a prostitute and organised in such a way as to constitute a trade or profession that derive income, the profits are then liable to tax.

In HK, it is not illegal to have sex with a gal u meet on the street/ at her place and then u compensate tham in kind or cash but then the profession is not 100% legal from tax point of view.

Prostiution itself is not illegal. Soliciting is, running a brothel is, pimping is but being a prostitute is not illegal.

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Post at 11-6-2009 16:38  Profile P.M. 
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its more scary to think about where is all the money going. I wonder if it gets funneled back to china or to some casino in macau.
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Post at 11-6-2009 22:57  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 Myworld's post

i wonder if out of their 50% share, do the WGs have to pay their own way to HK? Or that comes out of the manager's pocket?

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