Poll Subject: How big is your cock when hard?  single choice
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twfun   hkfooey   shyrocket   booby_lover   clampbottom   Looper@321   hclarkson1999   Vuka   sonorance   Axolo2356   Venom3x   Unknown321   johnwicked0413  
Under 3cm, I am a cuckold and I like it!
  0 (0.00%)
4-6cm, I am a wanna be cuckold in training, woo hoo for me!
  0 (0.00%)
  1 (7.69%)
  3 (23.08%)
  2 (15.38%)
  1 (7.69%)
  3 (23.08%)
  2 (15.38%)
  1 (7.69%)
  0 (0.00%)
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Over 30cm!! WGs don't want me so I decided to go into porn! God bless you!
  0 (0.00%)

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Post at 8-6-2024 12:46  Profile P.M. 
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How big is your cock when hard?

I'm just curious.   There is no judgement.

And for those who are bigger, do the survey but also post and let me know if WGs or other women ever rejected you.
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Post at 8-6-2024 12:48  Profile P.M. 
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For some odd reason I cannot edit my post.   I should clarify, the question is about the length of your little brother.
Kinky King
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Post at 8-6-2024 14:18  Profile P.M. 
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I’m not the longest but it has real girth and most Chinese girls have a problem with it. I rarely punt with mainland girls. Local girls are 50:50. Thai, Indos, Malays and fillipinas always make a comment but never have an issue with it

I banged suzie/lala (Indo) in the ass and she loved it.  During the first round with her she told me that she would be sad I I couldn’t complete round 2 in her ass. Round 1 was soon over after that! I asked her the next day if she was ok. She said her ass hurt for an hour after then it was fine. What a trooper!  She was tiny too.

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twfun   8-6-2024 18:16  Acceptance  +1   
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Post at 8-6-2024 18:15  Profile P.M. 
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hkfooey I guess I need to do a survey about circumference too eh...   I have had more and more issues as the years go on.    My last review in the world reports, you will see what happened.  Thus the reason for this survey.   I am tried of being rejected, and the last one really took the cake because she already started service.

I guess most WGs just want an easy life.  They want smaller cocks and for us to cum quick and pay up so they don't really have to sex long and can move to the next customer.   I got one comment about 6 years ago from a local provider, she said, she likes small.  Probably because she cannot feel anything, or it is more comfortable for her and no need to be BANGED like that, and she can leave quickly.    That's my guess.

Hmmm tiny girl and taking it up the ass without complaint.   Interesting...  

I have not had any issues with mainlanders except in Singapore, they wanted more money to do it and I walked away.      In Taiwan no issues with them.  It is the Thai girls who are rejecting more and more, not really in Thailand, never happened, but here in Taiwan, when the come, they are picky as hell.
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Post at 9-6-2024 06:26  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 twfun's post

I come across getting rejected or the kgirl gets turned off most of the time because of. My length and girth here in the Bay Area. It really is frustrating but I understand your point of you with it to.. Ai, flower and Michelle from tkg were always a good match for me but Michelle is not been around for quite some time. Pretty sure she’s retired She had an amazing set of tits.
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Post at 26-7-2024 20:56  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 twfun's post

I have a good size LB when errct, and although I’ve never been rejected, I’ve had some women say “it’s too big or slow down” or have even stopped certain positions (legs up over shoulder in mish). Or they move/curve their body in ways where it doesn’t go in all the way. Other than that, no other issues. I’ll just know not to book w that person or org for future references.

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