Poll Subject: What are you wearing when writing reports?  multiple choice : choose no more than 5 options
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rimsky   doghead   stinkyfeet   Thai-delight   Mister   a_dot_c   qwaszxerdfcv   masteryama   zaptz   jake.houston   monkeypie   CFSDubois   Kortaro   Jeff03   timrow   smirk1986  
I am naked with a hardon - writing report is making me horny
I am in my briefs - I feel cold when naked at computer but still horny
I am wearing some clothes - SO is nearby
I am fully clothed with tie and suit - I am at work
I am in my pajamas/shorts and T-shirt - I am home alone treating this like homew
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Subject: What are you wearing when writing reports?
doghead (dog)
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Post at 12-10-2011 13:17  Profile P.M. 
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What are you wearing when writing reports?

I was inspired by Twiceaweek's Post #7
about what Rory may have been wearing while writing his report.

So I put together a poll of possible options you can choose to give us an idea what you are wearing as you prepare your report for the forum.

Writing a report is like putting together a business report so I tend to do them at work (during lunch - no one else is around) or at home alone treating it like homework.

[ Last edited by  doghead at 12-10-2011 13:18 ]

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