Subject: Fuji - 9/F - slim fit Russian
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Post at 12-2-2017 23:51  Profile P.M. 
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Fuji - 9/F - slim fit Russian

Face: 7/10 - pleasing gnd. Long hair. Looks like a students.
Body: 8/10 - fit, pale skin, nice boobs, 5'6
Attitude: 8/10 - friendly and responds to flirting. On initial meet she asked flatly you come in.
Service: 7/10 no fk, no owo, great grind multiple positions, mirror helps. Fit young bird.
Recommend: yes
Return: yes - I left with a hard on
Towel: fresh
Shower: 6/10
Tenure: 5 days left

Today was a long crazy day. First went to kh in hunt of a Russian. Spotted one on 7/f (Natalia's room) she looked fit, but decided to see others. Spotted 4 hot Thais and local girls. Went for a local one first. She looked like a sexy teen, but then in the room she looked like a 20 something. She yapped on about something. I did not understand, and eventually decided I did not want to stay so got dressed and left at no cost. Went to another hit local teen looker...again in room she looked 20 something. I wanted to be sure she did sex and not just massage. Eventually she expressed she did. Sex was great until I smelt a poo like smell. I managed to cum and the showered quickly and left.
Went back down to screw the Russian but on second looks she was not so appealing - looked like a thin 40 year old...the russian section was only opened at 5, and so decided to leave it and ran off to JSL. No Russians. But went for a fit looking Thai on 6/ shower I had doubts about her being pure girl so I change my mind and left. No pay. Went to another room with a darker skinned info looking girl on 6/f. Said she was Thai, but she looked good. During sex she was too tight and I decided to give up and paid 550 and showered and left.
Headed to Fuji. Walked up to 3/f where some for mainlanders tend to hang out, but none were appealing. Went to 2nd floor and saw most Russians looking a bit depressing. There was a for milf like one, but thought let me check 11/f and 9/f. 9/f was the winner!

[ Last edited by  FlyingBreadMan at 12-2-2017 23:53 ]

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jkny11b   16-2-2017 22:40  Acceptance  +1   
roy2921   14-2-2017 00:27  Karma  +1   
frogtaru   13-2-2017 21:37  Acceptance  +1   Excellent
UncleDad   13-2-2017 10:58  Karma  +4   Thanks for report
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Post at 13-2-2017 09:19  Profile P.M. 
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Which one on the 9th floor? There's one on the right who looks cute in black hair but looks like an Asian indeed
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Post at 13-2-2017 18:55  Profile P.M. 
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I've read reports of gents mentioning JSL, is this a building? where can i find this place, ?  Going to hk next week, also planning to hunt some white meat.. Tnx
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Post at 13-2-2017 22:48  Profile P.M. 
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James S. Lee Mansion just East of Tsim Sha Tsui MTR station.

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