Subject: Have You Ever Fallen For A WG?
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Post at 21-12-2017 00:35  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Originally posted by sam_smith at 21-12-2017 00:06
Soundwave don't get your hopes up. There are hundreds of cases the dude fall for a girl or the other way round and nothing good turned up. Marcade got lucky he's one in the hundred cases. Though I hav ...

Yeah... Lots of 'em don't amount to nuthin...But it can... Reminds me of a story..... There used to be a guy, went by the name of "wander" 'round these parts.... Ran off with some wprkin' gal a while back.... He ain't been seen since. Perv like him, if he be prowlin agin, methinks he'd rear his ugly mug back in'ere, so I reckon he still be with the lass. Hope they found their happily ever after.

Most relationships don't work out. Between drunken misadventures, one night stands, short / long term relationships.... I still ain't married. Mind you, how many classy gals wanna live in a trailer park? But still... Look at divorce rates. Because everyone dates around to find "the one".... Or "the one - redux"..... Chance of failure is high regardless.

All imma tryin to say is, if it's something buddy wants to explore, he should be aware of patterns of problems that seem common. You might wanna see what's at the end of that rabbit hole.... But go in with both eyes open.


[ Last edited by  UncleDad at 21-12-2017 00:45 ]

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aurufc   21-12-2017 15:42  Acceptance  +5   lol Jez, someones had too much Gator Jerky - are you speaking English UD? lol
soundwave   21-12-2017 14:25  Acceptance  +1   I was pondering the idea. I didn't know that this actually happened.
jeffzeke   21-12-2017 08:14  Acceptance  +5   very true.
Marcade   21-12-2017 07:11  Acceptance  +1   
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Post at 21-12-2017 07:10  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by soundwave at 20-12-2017 22:07

WOW!  You actually had a WG who really cared for you!?!?!?  Guess there is a chance for ...

Hey now .. to be clear we're not in a relationship or married or anything; you make it sound like a miracle   ..  buttt ... Life isn't black or white. :-) ...

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soundwave   21-12-2017 14:23  Acceptance  +1   I know. But it makes you wonder if you can ever have a real relationship with a wg.
sam_smith   21-12-2017 09:59  Acceptance  +3   Huehuehue, butt, huehue
jeffzeke   21-12-2017 08:15  Acceptance  +5   agree, life is not black or white, at least 50 shades of gray!
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Post at 21-12-2017 20:26  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 soundwave's post

It’s human to love someone. If the WG has the same feelings to you, sex sessions will not have money changing hands. I have fallen for this before, waking up to reality is the challenge. We may only see one WG, but they are seeing many Clients.

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soundwave   23-12-2017 00:02  Acceptance  +1   Really....
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Post at 4-7-2018 21:47  Profile P.M. 
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Great thread and great responses from the bros.

Like Marcade said, there's a fine distinction between having feelings for a WG vs. entering a committed GF/BF relationship with them. I'm a sensitive fucker so I have feelings for my WGs all the time (at least the ones who deliver the GFE).   But I know the boundaries and have not pursued any committed relationships with them.

After some introspection I realized that the reason I am so obsessed with sex is not because I'm a horny fucker, but mainly because I desperately seek emotional intimacy with a girl, and sadly, that's something I've never really experienced in my life, ever (even after a few relationships, all of which didn't end well), hence why GFE is so important.  

But at best, it's a show, and the girl is still seeing other clients, and you have to ask yourself does she love you or your money?  It's easier to let go of a girl in your mind when you see it that way...

Even in civvie couples, girls want their men to be tall, rich, and handsome, have a house and car... etc. Hard to find girls who aren't materialistic these days.

Because most WGs make the decision to enter the profession for economic reasons, it's logical that if you are rich enough, and are seeking a relationship with her, it's likely she will accept as it make sense economically and both parties get what they seek. This is how most marriages work. I remember reading something in a MGTOW forum about how the only people who are unconditionally loved are women and children...

Funny how sex is cheap and easy to get, but finding a girl who loves you (instead of your wallet) is much harder to obtain.

If a girl genuinely loves you for yourself, refer to what everyone before me said... if you want to enter a committed relationship with her, can you be okay with her having sex with 10+ guys a day as it's her job? If she decides to quit the profession for your relationship, can you accept her past?

Something I wanted to add to the bit about her having trust issues is that she may fear you will fall for another WG... since you fell for her in the first place.  You have to be honest with yourself too, will you keep having sex with WGs after entering a committed relationship with this girl? What happens if you fall for another WG?

Whatever happens in your situation, I wish you the best.

[ Last edited by  zebrazebra at 4-7-2018 22:54 ]

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Marcade   5-7-2018 21:02  Acceptance  +3   
koroquet   5-7-2018 08:42  Acceptance  +3   Well said and all too true.
Pinkpuffy69   5-7-2018 08:41  Acceptance  +3   I have same problem.
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Post at 4-7-2018 22:57  Profile P.M.  Yahoo!
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1) If the "relationship" starts as a business transaction initially, it is less likely to become non-business.
2) For either side, why would you/the WG want a committed relationship when you have so many choices without commitment that come easily?
3) Simple test - does the WG fuck you without any compensation? Does the WG go on dates (emphasized on dates, not date) with you without any compensation?

zebrazebra said it all. We are human being and want to feel special and being loved. On this case, IMO, subconsciously we want the WG fall for us because that would make us feel special. Since they have so many guys to choose from, picking us from the crowd would stroke our ego.

Offering BFE to the chosen ones
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Post at 5-7-2018 09:06  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by soundwave at 17-12-2017 21:34
Recently I've been finding myself thinking of a particular WG, whom I have frequented quite allot recently.  I think that I may have fallen in love with her, which I know is strange.  As I have had qu ...

In Macau I met a WG, I wasn't in love with her but I became attached to her because she gave me some attention and in the end I got her wechat. She told me she wanted out and how she was sick of the biz. I actually asked a lot of the veteran Bros here on the forum for their advice and they told me it wasn't worth it for many and all of the reasons already mentioned. I already knew the bros were right but I felt I had to walk the path.

She wanted 4k USD which I ended up giving her and she did leave the biz and go home and she wanted to get training for some hair salon crap ( yeah right)

I know I lied to myself thinking I would have a chance with her, so I sent her flowers and Valentine's gifts etc. She sent me pics back with her gifts etc. I was amused and kind of felt o maybe I do have a gf.

Finally I was like let's meet in person and see if we really have something. She agreed and I flew to Vietnam and brought her gifts like perfume, an I phone x and Huda eyeliner.  I told her where and when I would be and told her to meet me.

Then I'm there in my 5 star hotel room and tell her to meet me and she says she sick and cant make it. Finally I get it out of her that she is still in her hometown and not in HCM like she told me she would be.

I was furious. I flew God knows how many miles to meet her and she had no intention of meeting me. She only wanted to meet so I would give her the gifts.

I was definitely pissed at her but on the last day , I realized I saw so many red flags and chose to ignore them. In the end I was pissed that I wasn't honest with myself about what I wanted with her.

In the end I just wanted exclusive rights to bang her but kept the fantasy going in my head that we had something.

It wasn't all a loss, I did some research banging some Viet chicks (have to post those reports still) and spent a lot of time with an old friend of mine who turns out fell for me and wanted to make out with me. Kind of cray how that ended up.

I think in closing be honest with yourself and separate reality from fatasy. Also I thank Uncle dad and obe and all the other bros who warned me. In the end they were the ones that I could count on the most for their sound advice.

Now what to do about my friend who still wants to do me.

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sam_smith   6-7-2018 09:51  Acceptance  +4   I know that feeling dude
zebrazebra   5-7-2018 21:09  Acceptance  +3   
Marcade   5-7-2018 21:03  Acceptance  +3   Rarely, red flags can be red herrings. It takes courage to stay positive and keep trying .. respect to you.
fortune2020   5-7-2018 09:41  Acceptance  +3   Deception aside, IMHO you helped out a girl from a dirt poor area. And in my book, that's all cool in the end. Draw str ...
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Post at 5-7-2018 10:27  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 soundwave's post

So soundwave, dare I ask, six months down the line (since this thread opened again), how'd it go?

FWIW, I fall for girls I meet all the time,but it's clearly infatuation. But I fall hard.

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soundwave   6-7-2018 10:40  Acceptance  +1   Nope
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Post at 5-7-2018 15:19  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Pinkpuffy69 at 5-7-2018 09:06

In Macau I met a WG, I wasn't in love with her but I became attached to her because she gave me some attention and in the end I got her wechat. She told me she wanted out and how she was sick of the ...

Even after all the advice from experienced bro's, the best way to learn something is still to experience it firsthand. It's a costly lesson, but one we will remember forever. We have heard all the stories, but there is that one light of hope that we desperately cling on to inside, that your story will be different, that the girl is an exception.

Although costly, at least there are no "what ifs". If you had only listened to the bros' advice, you would have probably had lot of self doubt and regret inside, wondering what could've happened if you pursued her... at least now you definitely know because you've gone down that route and know what kind of girl she is.

In hindsight, we realize many things that were red flags to begin with... in fact this girl probably told her sad story to all of her clients... remember how many clients she sees on a regular basis... now multiply that by $4000!

[ Last edited by  zebrazebra at 5-7-2018 15:22 ]

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Post at 5-7-2018 22:04  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 soundwave's post

Oh boy. You should not do that or even think about it. An you must see the difference between real feeling (love, friendship) or simply hormone driven mood like pure and simple „lust“.
Its really not real feeling to tell a WG after a nice shag that you love her. Even if it is a repeat encounter. Never forget: You are paying her for the show. And this is just what she is giving you back. Nobody, as sad this sounds, should ever believe that a WG would fall in love with you! Even if you are George Clooney or some rich famous gut. It only the service they are selling.
So be careful, do not offer feelings. You will end up being ripped of and wireing money to fake accounts for medical treatment of her family or else. Think and be very very careful.
Many out there love to book a girl, to reduce hormonal pressure or simply to kill some time. But NEVER forget: You are paying for a service. You must not expect real feelings. Or else, just take a very cold shower or a lot of booze.

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rajuk   6-7-2018 02:13  Acceptance  +1   Well said.
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Post at 6-7-2018 10:04  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Pinkpuffy69 at 5-7-2018 09:06

In Macau I met a WG, I wasn't in love with her but I became attached to her because she gave me some attention and in the end I got her wechat. She told me she wanted out and how she was sick of the ...

4k USD?! You fell HARD! I lent someone 4k HKD in SSP promising all sorts of shit, she avoided me right after I lent that bitch money, half year passed I only got 1k back. I visited her for over a year before that and that's how she repaid me.

Never get attached, only have fun fellas, only for fun
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Post at 6-7-2018 10:39  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by fortune2020 at 5-7-2018 02:27
So soundwave, dare I ask, six months down the line (since this thread opened again), how'd it go?

FWIW, I fall for girls I meet all the time,but it's clearly infatuation. But I fall hard.

I didn't go though with it.  Despite the fact that I do have feelings for her.  I am not sure that she feels the same thing for me.  She has dropped some hints at times that she likes me.  She has told me quite allot about herself, her actual name(not sure if she was honest about that), why she go into the business, somethings about her family and her life childhood.

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twfun   7-7-2018 21:34  Acceptance  +2   Good
rajuk   6-7-2018 21:11  Acceptance  +1   she likes your wallet, nothing else
Pinkpuffy69   6-7-2018 14:04  Acceptance  +3   Do your best.
jeffzeke   6-7-2018 13:47  Acceptance  +10   you did the right thing.
UncleDad   6-7-2018 12:18  Acceptance  +10   Glad you listened to big head over little head. Lol
fortune2020   6-7-2018 10:59  Acceptance  +2   Thanks. Stay strong.
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Post at 7-7-2018 21:33  Profile P.M. 
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Ha! You know I just posted a review about a situation I am/was in..  See my review, ... &extra=page%3D1

Until now, I still talk with her and she hints now and again about me visiting Thailand again, but nothing is ever set up, but I know I come and want to meet her, it will happen. And I am not so sure it is a good idea.  Also, I am not sure if she is a true WG or not.  I think she could possibly be a Pro, but...  A lot of things would indicate otherwise.

I would advise to be careful with falling in love with a WG, as stated above, be prepared for her to still be seeing other guys, fucking other guys, fucking for money, etc.   I suspect, just like us, once it gets into their blood, they want to continue doing it.  Just like us, once we start getting a taste for paid pussy, it never stops.

I also think if you just get laid more often, pay for more sex, you will get over her.  It has helped me so many times.  You go to Thailand for girls, not A girl.  And if not in Thailand, doesn't matter, same rule applies!   I have to keep telling myself this.   Although I plan to meet a girl in Thailand I have never met before and plan to spend some time with her, she is not a WG, that I know of, but I worry because I want to fuck many, not just one.  It is a big dilemma.  If you can try to separate love and sex, you can still have fun, but don't break your heart or hers.

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jeffzeke   8-7-2018 14:40  Acceptance  +10   mongering is suppose to be NSA (no strings attached). Once feelings get involved (by either party) you have to stop see ...
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Post at 8-7-2018 14:01  Profile P.M. 
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I'm pretty familiar with some girls at one of the local bars. One male customer has really fallen for one of these girls. He's an older guy, maybe 45-50, and she's 23. No doubt he thinks she is special. He takes her shopping for expensive gifts, and gives her cash. Spends money at her bar to make her happy. On the days he's not with her, she's fucking 2-3 other guys and laughing about it. Not speculation, I've seen it. She just worries about how much she can get out of  him before he gives up. These girls are sick monsters. You cannot believe a word they say. Once they've lost enough self respect to fuck for money, then there is no longer any limits to what they will do.

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gooner69   11-7-2018 15:47  Acceptance  +2   Word
Pinkpuffy69   8-7-2018 15:02  Acceptance  +3   Wow she is messed up.
jeffzeke   8-7-2018 14:40  Acceptance  +10   unfortunate, but true.
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Post at 8-7-2018 15:10  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #31 soundwave's post

I feel like if you really want a girl that might want you just for love and you want a Thai gal, you need to go on one of those Thai dating sites and just do it the old fashioned way of being charming and witty and doing a whole ton of conversing and trial and error until you actually meet a hottie That's really Into you.

I've managed to meet at least two nice laddies and they are quite attractive. I just happen to be a horn dog And don't want to commit. 2 others I have met are super hot but just like it when I give them attention, so I show them pics of my baking skills lol
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Post at 9-7-2018 17:08  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #34 Pinkpuffy69's post

I am not actually the romantic type and have no intentions of ever getting married.  But for some strange reason I find myself strangely attractive to this girl.  Everytime I go to see her I have a good time and we have a very nice chat.  She has a habit of opening herself up to me and confiding in me.  I guess I am just over thinking things as she is probably trying to play me.
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Post at 10-7-2018 02:15  Profile P.M. 
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Good sights about Thai ex / current wg's ... omen-the-bad-stuff/

I have fucked married Thai women in the UK. They don't care for anything apart from money.

In all honesty, the same goes for Japanese married women.  But they want a sex life, the usual thing with them is that their husbands are too small for them. It is quite common for them to sell themselves as wg's and then when I was about to enter them,
they use lube.

[ Last edited by  rajuk at 10-7-2018 02:19 ]

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jeffzeke   11-7-2018 06:55  Acceptance  +10   thanks for sharing bro! Seems like you have cornered the market on married WG!
UncleDad   10-7-2018 21:42  Acceptance  +1   Now now.... No need to paint broad strokes with a big brush.
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Post at 10-7-2018 04:43  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #33 JasonTrump's post

This is one of the reasons why I was petitioning for a bar girl rating system in the Shekou bar crawl thread in The Mainland China section.  Find out which girls are monsters and which ones were chill.  Sort of a protection plan for mongerers. I too have dumped some coin on girls in Dongguan before the LE wiped everything out.  Not much to show for my efforts.  I improved their lives a bit, but mine, not as much.

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Pinkpuffy69   10-7-2018 11:57  Acceptance  +3   Hear yah.
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Post at 10-7-2018 12:10  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #35 soundwave's post

Man I can't judge it. I really don't want to go negative, because if you enjoy the intimacy you have with her, it's great and I think you should do what you want to do, but just try to keep money out of it and just be cognizant of your expectations and hers.

My girl was a cold fish and never showed much emotion

She confided in me , but it was probably more friend to friend type of confide and I just choose to believe it was more romantic.

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jeffzeke   11-7-2018 06:56  Acceptance  +10   I have also been there before, thanks for sharing.
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Post at 11-7-2018 09:05  Profile P.M. 
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A few years ago there was a WG who worked in London on and off who was on my bucket list but due to a lack of funds at the time or availability, could never really arrange anything. One day while trying to find info on a different WG, I came across an advert for an agency and clicked on it, and lo and behold, my bucket list WG was touring in HK.

At the time, another of my favourite London girls had retired into the sunset, so I decided to seize the day and book a weekend back to HK to see this busty wonder once and for all in case she were to disappear for good too. We went on a dinner date in a well known hotel on the peninsula and what followed was a standard pump and dump. Truth be told, I didn't think she was all that special compared to some of the truly natural wonders of the world that I've been fortunate to meet but after finally sampling her we exchanged numbers and that was the start of a slippery slope.

We met up for an impromptu booking 2 days later where I got unfettered access to her whole body, all holes included. We parted ways briefly but kept constant contact via whatsapp culminating in me flying to America to have a steamy weekend away with her. Of course money was involved but she gave me a huge discount and we spent almost the whole time fucking in the hotel room. Once again we parted ways and kept messaging each other, but when she finally returned to London she invited me over for effectively a bootie call with no money involved.

We fucked like rabbits, but it was more like we were making love to each other. At one point during the night I was woken up by her pressing her arse into my dick, effectively starting another round of sex but it was far more intimate than all my other bookings. We were very much into each other and I felt so blissful that I wanted more. There in lied the problem though as my craving for more meant the following day I didn't get up and just go, giving her space. We got into an argument that I wanted a serious relationship out of this but she had reservations due to past relationships and I ended up leaving her place feeling quite down and that I had blown it. Little did I realise that to her it was no more than a minor lovers quarrel and she was expecting me to come over again the next night.

I obviously didn't read the signs right as she messages me telling me that she's lonely and was expecting me to provide company for the night (I was living about 2 hours away from her so a late night booty call was not really on the cards). I was kicking myself but at the same time couldn't see what was happening which was confusing love with emotional need. She only wanted me when it suited her, but even so I was determined to get another booty call and intimate session out of this situation so went to great lengths to impress her. This had the opposite effect as she previously thought I was a regular Joe who saved up for escorts, but now thought I was some kind of secret millionaire and proceeded to treat me like a walking wallet, only allowing meet ups if money was involved.

I was pissed off because I realised I ruined what could have been a sweet arrangement had I not let my emotions get too involved but was okay with the professional relationship we had except that she kept overstepping the boundaries by letting things get too personal.

We ended up falling out when I caught her lying to me about something trivial but she wasn't aware I knew the truth so tried to be manipulative and gain the upper hand on me.

Long story short, yes you can very easily fall for a WG, especially if she crosses professional boundaries which she very often did and strung me along whenever it suited her.

Before anyone offers contrary opinions, I'm not advocating that clients and WG can never have a successful relationship beyond escorting, but that you can very easily fall into a trap with the wrong type of woman.

[ Last edited by  lovespike at 11-7-2018 09:07 ]

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Pinkpuffy69   11-7-2018 13:01  Acceptance  +3   Good share. I feel like u did it right,but little room for error.
soundwave   11-7-2018 11:24  Acceptance  +1   Thanks for the advice. This is exactly what I am worried about.
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Post at 11-7-2018 21:52  Profile Blog P.M. 
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You don't need for a gal to be a WG in order to string guys along and manipulate them into doing whatever it is they want according to their fickle whims. Plenty of regular girls do that also. Lol


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soundwave   23-7-2018 17:11  Acceptance  +1   That is true. But sometimes we don't know if the girl is playing with us.

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