Subject: Shanghai Panyu Road Fun
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 29-7-2020 21:22  Profile P.M. 
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Shanghai Panyu Road Fun

Date & Time of Session:  23rd July Afternoon
Location:  Massage place near Kaixuan road and Panyu Road intersection just after the line 4 bridge
Name:  #8
Link: N/A
Agent: N/A
Nationality & Language: Chinese
Age: 30's
Face: 3/5 
Body: 2/5
Height: 160 
Skill: 2/5
Service: 3/5
GFE: meh
PSE: too short to know but promising
Price & Session Length:  200rmb all in
Repeat: Planning to soon.

This one is as short as the session was. I went in asking for a massage, she took me to a chair in a room away from the windows which wasn't a surprise. I think she smelled an opportunity. Massage was instantly in my lap while sitting which was sort of surprising, some 'pretend' massage and then she showed me that universal hand gesture, I asked how much, 200rmb total, I didn't negotiate... just wanted some quick fun.

Then it was on. Covered windows, shorts down, moisturiser and she was leaning over me playing with LB. At this stage I'd barely had time to get myself in the mood so I started touching her leg and she quickly invited more attention, pushing aside her bra and 'hiking' up her loose skirt.

I didn't last long but she was all smiles and happy and asked me to ask for her again next time. It was fun, very efficient haha and I think there is more potential there as well.

Recent Ratings
Cspoker50   22-9-2020 22:52  Acceptance  +1   Excellent
theworm   22-9-2020 22:36  Karma  +5   excellent value, good find
Mike747   22-9-2020 19:27  Karma  +5   Excellent
baconphone   19-9-2020 17:01  Acceptance  +1   Thanks! I couldn't find it last time I was there!
aznsensation22   26-8-2020 23:31  Acceptance  +1   Nice. What's address?
flyz70   6-8-2020 22:47  Karma  +2   
Petay_1283   31-7-2020 15:01  Karma  +4   
Randal   29-7-2020 22:46  Karma  +1   There's something to be said for a quicky. De-trousered snd molested to fsst splooge is strangely satisfying.
Carnal Conqueror
Rank: 3Rank: 3

UID 261696
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Registered 10-8-2019
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Post at 22-9-2020 19:10  Profile P.M. 
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Current view of the place

So, here is what the place looks like. It's not tricky to find and is between zhongshan park road and kaixuan road in the row of shops.

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Recent Ratings
baconphone   26-9-2020 14:05  Acceptance  +1   Thanks man! Will check it out!

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