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Post at 20-3-2024 09:04  Profile P.M. 
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[Japan][Tokyo] Lovely Hand - Fumi

Lovely Hand - Fumi
Date: March 2024
Location: Shinjuku, Tokyo Japan
Name: Fumi
Nationality & Language: Japanese, surprisingly good English
Age: 20-22
Face:  6/10 girls next door college vibe
Body: 3/10
Skill: 4/10 HJ only
Service: C-course only
GFE: 6/10 felt very genuine
Price & Session Length: 20 minutes C course 6.980 JPY
Total - 6.980 JPY
Repeat: Most definitely NO

I was bored one afternoon between lunch and dinner shenanigans so I decided to take the train over to Shinjuku to check out LH for the first time. This establishment is actually in the same building as Tokyo Hentai Club so it was very easy to find. Once I got into the door and walked towards the booth tencho (who was a woman), another man right next door starts to try to court me into the private room booth right next to hers. I took this as him trying to fight for business and to get me to try a different service but the woman tencho at LH seemed nonchalant about him doing that. I heard you should never get touted by the randoms on the street let alone in the building so I ignored him despite his animated and loud persistence to get me over. I talked to the woman tencho who spoke decent english and went with the roll of the dice and a C course just to try it out because I wasn't sure what to expect. I made a payment and ironically, the animated tencho man next door was the one who walked me to the love hotel. It was a very very very awkward walk over and he didn't say a word to me. Once inside, he paid the person and I was direct to a tiny room that barely fit a twin bed and a shower.

A few minutes later, someone knocked on the door and it was Fumi. I would describe Fumi as very young, okay ish face, super super skinny, weirdly long toenails, and very very rough skin. I speculate she has a skin issue or some addiction of some sort. Fumi was very very nice and spoke good english, you can tell she was just trying to make a living for herself because she was very client focused and tried to make you feel as comfortable as possible. She stripped naked and laid on the bed with me and started the HJ. throughout the whole experience, I felt really awkward and very very dirty because of the run down love hotel, because Fumi seemed nice but very very off to me, and I overall just did not enjoy the experience. I tried my hardest to nut asap and eventually took a shower to rinse off myself and we left on our way.

This was my first experience at LH and I think also the last. Fumi is rated as Platinum which is the top tier. While shes nice and call it service oriented, I felt very dirty about the entire experience and couldn't find myself to enjoy it. I did not find her attractive overall

Recent Ratings
shampoo   20-3-2024 14:23  Karma  +3   
TheManBun   20-3-2024 14:16  Karma  +2   I think the room was fine, considering that it is such high traffic room
HKGPeter   20-3-2024 13:03  Karma  +3   Thank you.
Manticore   20-3-2024 11:38  Karma  +1   
bubeybo   20-3-2024 10:14  Karma  +4   I have read about those toenails… oddly I’m curious (゚ω゚)
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Post at 20-3-2024 11:37  Profile P.M. 
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On the toenails topic, one of her options is "Licking girl's feet"

she has a twitter page

Her HJ skill was 4/10 or getting a 4/10 because it was just a HJ?  --- Curious as anything excpect a HJ is a paid option that not the girls there will do.

[ Last edited by  Manticore at 20-3-2024 11:48 ]
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 20-3-2024 11:43  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 Manticore's post

I'm rating based on what I paid for, the HJ was 4/10 because it wasn't enjoyable and mechanical. i'd also say that she used a lot of lubricant and that made it unnaturally slippery and lack friction to feel anything. for specializing in mostly HJ (did not ask about anything else) it was very underwhelming.

on the toenails... its really not my thing and i can't imagine it being a non-japanese thing. more power to those who like it

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