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Post at 19-4-2023 14:32  Profile P.M. 
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PCR Testing

I'm flying into HK on Sat and will go to China on Monday.

I need to get a PCR test before entering China. Q: Are there plenty of place to get tested or best get it done on arrival at HK airport ?

I'm staying in TST.



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porkchops   19-4-2023 17:37  Acceptance  +10   Don't bother... see below
HK_Legend   19-4-2023 15:51  Acceptance  +8   Entering into the Twilight Zone :) See below.
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Post at 19-4-2023 16:04  Profile P.M. 
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What leads you to believe that you will be going to China on Monday?  
Maybe you will be staying in Wanchai?  

PCR tests here were just ~anywhere / anytime ...especially in Community Centers for locals....
yada yada yada...

Those days are gone and
even for 5th shot in Dec (some people/psychos enjoy that) I (SO too) went to private practices...that prepared for welcoming Mainland tourists interested in BioNTech, so:

A) Better ask at airport for intel upon landing. Generally they were quite good.

B) 2 places in Central that were equipped to "vaccinate" masses and therefore should be equipped too for testing (on staurdays):
- Virtus Care, 5F, Virtus Mdecial Tower, 122 Queen's Road Central
- Humanity & Health, room 1401-1402, 9 Queen's Road Central
so relying on Virtus of Humanity for testing should be ok.
No clue about TST.

  I don't think that any bar or short time hotel in Wanchai provide such service...but that does not prevents you from EXPLORING IN DEPTH the area.

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forceholy   19-4-2023 19:05  Acceptance  +2   Sounds a lot like what the mainland and other countries are doing with their COVID responses.
austin821   19-4-2023 16:55  Acceptance  +6   Cheers mate, and I wish I could stay in WC for a week :lol
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Post at 19-4-2023 17:32  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Reply #2 HK_Legend's post

Don't waste your time and money on PCR testing, austin821!

Over a week ago I crossed from China to HK and then back from HK to China. All they care about is that you have filled the declaration of health here: ... eclare/declare.html
At the end you get a QR code which they scan at the border crossing. Just fill it out within 24 hours prior to entry. The code is scanned both when entering China and when leaving.
In fact, if you're entering from HK or Macao, though in principle if you've been overseas in the last 7 days you should do a PCR test, in practice on that health form they don't even ask you if you've tested (once you indicate you're crossing from HK or Macao, the form gets simplified and does not include that question). You just declare no symptoms, and get the QR code.

[ Last edited by  porkchops at 19-4-2023 17:34 ]

Recent Ratings
HK_Legend   19-4-2023 18:20  Acceptance  +8   Great, no time to waste in HK on PCR, more time punting! +++

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