Subject: And then there is…Thya, absolutely a slutty good time!
Kinky King
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Post at 24-6-2022 17:51  Profile P.M. 
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And then there is…Thya, absolutely a slutty good time!

I'm combining the subjects and some details from 2 previous reports. ... &highlight=thya ... &highlight=thya

Thya was written about here with rave reviews maybe 6 months ago.
She only met a couple/few guys then had a bad experience when she got roughed up a bit after refusing a customer so quit and vowed not to trade again.

This isn't strictly a report, but she has asked me to let the community know that she is trading again!
Evidently her mother is sick and needs to do this to pay the hospital bills.

I had a chance to meet up with her a couple months ago.
I won't go into the details of my encounter as I have nothing new to add, but she is fun, sexy, and a great fuck.
Please treat her well, as she is a sweetheart and has already had a bad experience

Name: Thya
Link: Telegram, DM for details
Sex Appeal: (4)/5
Face: (4)/5
Body: (4)/5
Estimated age of the girl: 31?
Skill: (5)/5
Service: (5)/5  (anything goes)

(copied this too as it is pretty accurate)

I'll attach a couple photos.
If you add her on Telegram, she has tons of photos and videos there.

[ Last edited by  nitesky6888 at 26-6-2022 00:51 ]

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Recent Ratings
Hebihebihebi   7-8-2023 04:35  Acceptance  +1   Would love to get the TG thanks
Tendrils   1-11-2022 15:26  Acceptance  +1   Great intel, visiting HK and keen for contact details if she's still working.
Nomadd63   18-10-2022 07:32  Acceptance  +1   Good post, can you send her contacts pls thanks
ruylopez5645   6-10-2022 15:40  Acceptance  +1   Excellent Very late but any chance I can get the TG?
cloudy7   19-9-2022 04:27  Acceptance  +1   hope that its not too late to ask for contact... appreciate for your unselfishness
rufus7000   18-8-2022 16:10  Acceptance  +1   
cw683   8-8-2022 18:49  Acceptance  +2   Bro, can you send her contact? Many thanks!
hepburn   30-7-2022 14:18  Acceptance  +1   Thank you
finsbury   23-7-2022 01:14  Karma  +2   very interested in contacting her. would love her telegram if you have a chance, thanks
trust_00   18-7-2022 23:24  Karma  +5   She sounds fun! Can you pm me her contact please? Thanks
adamanderson82   16-7-2022 09:21  Acceptance  +1   Thanks, could you PM her contact info please?
witty   16-7-2022 02:33  Karma  +4   thanks!
bohica   16-7-2022 01:23  Karma  +8   Holy Split!!!
thbpower   15-7-2022 02:16  Acceptance  +1   do you mind DM thya detail ?
horndog666   12-7-2022 12:20  Acceptance  +1   Hi Brother! Would you please share details. Thanks
falalalala   12-7-2022 01:50  Karma  +2   Hi thanks for doing this. Would love to have her telegram thanks
TheBlackZeros   11-7-2022 03:05  Acceptance  +1   would love to get TG
Jay.852   9-7-2022 13:39  Acceptance  +1   Excellent! Pls send TG details, thanks!
Hageshiku   9-7-2022 11:23  Karma  +3   Nice, please share contact details.
exx07   8-7-2022 11:52  Acceptance  +1   May you please PM for contact?
modnar   7-7-2022 14:15  Karma  +5   Please PM her TG , thanks , will treat her well
aikawa   6-7-2022 13:09  Acceptance  +1   Can you PM contact please?
The-enzo   4-7-2022 07:38  Karma  +3   Excellent - Can you DM de TG details? Thanks
Mistaman   3-7-2022 14:00  Karma  +4   Thanks for the update. Pm contact please. Wechat if have. Thanks
Joefender   3-7-2022 12:27  Acceptance  +1   Excellent!! Would love to have her contact.
FirstTime   3-7-2022 10:54  Karma  +3   Contact pls. Thx.
Newer10   3-7-2022 06:50  Acceptance  +1   TG contact please
lemmy69   2-7-2022 21:13  Karma  +1   share tg please
traestos   1-7-2022 07:34  Acceptance  +1   Can PM contact? Thanks
fashionly   30-6-2022 22:14  Acceptance  +1   Can you please PM contact? Thx in advance
Kinky King
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Post at 24-6-2022 18:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 touristinhk's post

Oh, not sure on price.
I got a freebie
According to previous report, $1,000
Well worth it!

[ Last edited by  touristinhk at 24-6-2022 19:03 ]

Recent Ratings
HK_Legend   25-6-2022 15:09  Karma  +5   Absolutely worth it. But help her protect herself considering her past experience.
Kinky King
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Post at 24-6-2022 19:38  Profile P.M. 
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Note to newbies-

If you are going to ask for someone’s contact details, either in PM or comments,  leave a comment in the ratings and give some Karma or acceptance points. If you’re not sure how to do it, look it up.
I don’t really care about ‘points’, but at least contribute by giving a comment and points so you are participating and not seen as  a freeloader.
Kinky King
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Post at 24-6-2022 20:55  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 touristinhk's post

Photos are great addition. I’m not able to see any RA on them. For her sake and safety I would put an RA prevent them from showing to unwelcomed forum guests that might be lurking around.

Also I believe I saw in comments on another post you linked here that some punter has actually beaten her in the past too. So care should be taken.  Cheers

[ Last edited by  Hoverbee at 24-6-2022 21:01 ]

Recent Ratings
Rickymonkey626   25-6-2022 08:33  Acceptance  +4   Absolutely! definitely put RA and would love contact thanks
HK_Legend   25-6-2022 08:27  Karma  +5   100% Agreed!!

Hover BOO-Bees!  Over & Out :)
Kinky King
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Post at 25-6-2022 11:18  Profile P.M. 
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I sent Thya's contact to those who asked.
I believe my inbox was full so couldn't receive any more messages, if you couldn't send me a message before, should work now.
Since some asked, she is Indonesian, and available only Sundays
Not sure how to add an RA to photos after the original post. Anyone can help?

Recent Ratings
xsamusx69   14-7-2022 14:01  Karma  +5   is it too late to get contact?
HK_Legend   25-6-2022 15:05  Karma  +5   You have 24 hours to EDIT (or delete) your post ...including adding RA. Still time now.
Kinky King
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Post at 25-6-2022 14:30  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 touristinhk's post

Most probably now only mods can add RA. However when attaching your photos next time there is a small box to fill up with a number. By default it’s zero. It’s next to the field where you can name the photo itself.

Recent Ratings
HK_Legend   25-6-2022 15:07  Karma  +5   Still ~still 2H to EDIT. PM full: I know :( (Guilty too as Serial Spammer). Tidying regularly.

Hover BOO-Bees!  Over & Out :)
Kinky King
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Post at 25-6-2022 15:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 touristinhk's post

I tried to edit it but got this:
Sorry, you are not able to edit post after 360 minutes, please return.

So apparently there is only 6 hours to edit a post.

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HK_Legend   25-6-2022 15:54  Acceptance  +5   Oh ...RAT! :(
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Post at 26-6-2022 00:52  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Photos increased to RA30

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HK_Legend   2-7-2022 19:11  Karma  +5   
JackTheBat   26-6-2022 11:14  Karma  +10   Thank you.
burgundy25   26-6-2022 11:08  Karma  +1   
Hoverbee   26-6-2022 08:12  Acceptance  +5   
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Post at 2-7-2022 17:34  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 Hoverbee's post

ive met her on a few occasions nice girl and quite hard core.
just a little concerned abt the hygiene thats all but otherwise a good fuck indeed

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